1. My version of "treadmill" is "hamster wheel of debt".  More accurate visual image, in my opinion. As WTI slows down overproducing, the rest of the...

  2. In case anyone forgets, I believe @Jan van Eck warned of a continuing crisis unfolding in parts of Canada: Revenues For Canada’s Oil Towns Dwindle As...

  3. Is anybody outside of oilprice.com writers paying attention to what's going on in Iraq, and specifically in Basra. Honestly, I'm surprised it's taken this...

  4. What is BlackRock? Where did this financial behemoth come from? How did it gain such incredible power over the world's wealth? And how is...

  5. T. Boone Pickens Dies At Age 91   Oilman T. Boone Pickens died Sept 11. He was 91. Pickens' spokesman Jay Rosser confirmed the death to The...

  6. Oil prices dived as much as 3.5 percent on Tuesday as a media report fed doubts about whether U.S. President Donald Trump would withdraw...

  7. Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil producer, made $33.8bn in net income in the first six months of 2017, according to a media report...

  8. So why does California apparently hate the oil & gas industry so much?  NIMBY ... ?   From Oil Consumption Statistics and from The Slow Death Of Californian Oil...

  9. Putin: ‘We’ll Never Frack’ https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2019/11/20/putin-well-never-frack/#6ee29583f014 Putin has opposed American fracking and influenced all of Europe over the last eight years. Propaganda from Russia and OPEC. Our...

  10. Once a distant dream .  .  . now Nuclear Fusion in our lifetime ? Maybe ? The last six months have seen announcements as to...

  11. Oil Price's Paraskova wrote a good article on JP Morgan bailing out of ME.  Just 6 months ago every bank was beating a path to...

  12. I'm not endorsing or promoting Knoema, but I do find their oil price trends / data analysis interesting. Crude Oil Price Forecast: 2018, 2019 and Long...

  13. SABIC, ExxonMobil break ground on US Gulf Coast petrochemical project     A joint venture of Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Corp. and ExxonMobil Corp. has started construction...

  14. Well written article comparing the effects of Oil & Gas policies in California and Texas.  Worth reading. California Vs. Texas: Oil And Natural Gas --...

  15. https://www.rigzone.com/news/wire/saudis_say_opec_cuts_provided_us_shale_lifeline-14-jan-2019-157906-article/?utm_source=GLOBAL_ENG&utm_medium=SM_FB&utm_campaigns=FANS (Bloomberg) -- Saudi Arabia’s energy minister has no quarrels with U.S. shale and even sees output cuts by OPEC and its allies as directly...

  16. Lots of oil-related news coming out of India today (and this week), folks. India is feeling the weight of the higher oil prices and...

  17. Can we now all agree that the man, who is on the verge of creating the second US-born global recession in 15 years, is mentally ill:https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-49416740 When it all...

  18. Wyoming Water, climate change, and a refinery. https://wyofile.com/how-does-water-law-handle-climate-change-watch-the-encampment-river/?utm_source=WyoFile&utm_campaign=a17a12e12a-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2023_08_14_11_25_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-3585420edc-[LIST_EMAIL_ID]

  19. Banks raised their forecasts for oil prices for the 10th successive month in July amid anticipation of less Iranian crude and declining global inventories,...

  20. This report could disrupt the relative calm in the Mideast.  Saudi Arabia has had to deal with descent on several fronts as human rights,...

  21. Yup.  Title says it all.  

  22. IN an article posted today on Oilprice.com, analyst TSVETANA PARASKOVA  quoted some oil industry executives that stated pipeline costs would escalate with the steel tariffs...

  23. Occidental's jet just made another trip, setting off fresh speculation about its deal for Anadarko You know, sometimes I suspect most traders are in this...

  24. The top five countries with the most miles of paved roads (per Gemini AI). China: 5,350,000 miles of paved roads (all paved) United States: 5,124,000 miles...

  25. Venezuela's oil industry could be directly targeted by the U.S. immediately after the crisis-hit nation's upcoming presidential election, oil experts warned,  as global energy...

  26. Recommended reading, as it covers both pros and cons without the usual hyperbolic hysterics from either camp.  2 thumbs up to the author. 👍 👍 Is the...

  27. British PM Eyes Banning Gasoline and Diesel Car Sales     U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to unveil a green 10-point plan on Wednesday, as...

  28. The presidential candidate debate tonight had one very clear outcome. Biden pretended he never said he'd ban fracking. We'll soon have multiple links to...

  29. Trump told Saudis: Cut oil supply or lose U.S. military support   https://www.yahoo.com/news/special-report-trump-told-saudis-110522123.html        

  30.                   .