1. On the eve of the latest OPEC+ meeting, the National Statistics Bureau of China released its economic figures for August with the main focus...

  2. Nice white flag you have there, China.  Waving a white flag isn't so hard after all, is it ... China announces new tariff exemptions for...

  3. *  China wants U.S. to meet them half way.  Does that mean (1) China only steals half US technology ? (2)  China forces only...

  4. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-building-mega-refineries-just-210000546.html China’s Building Mega Refineries Just as Fuel Demand Stalls   Bloomberg News Wed, October 7, 2020, 12:00 AM CDT     (Bloomberg) -- China is investing tens of billions of...

  5. On January 24th the Brent contract price for March delivery settled at $58.29. The virus concern was just starting to build.  The spot price continued...

  6.   Reuters : Sinopec, CNPC skip Iran oil purchases for May to avoid U.S. sanctions China Petrochemical Corp (Sinopec Group) and China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC), the...

  7. China’s Commerce Ministry announced how they will limit exports of crude oil, refined oil products, steel and other metals to North Korea. The experience...

  8. China imported Iranian crude oil in July for the second month since a U.S. sanctions waiver ended, according to research from three data firms,...

  9. Recently, I come across a topic on crude oil consumption worldwide affected due to Covid-19 since early of 2020. As we understand, China is one...

  10. As China made good on its threat to impose 25% tariffs on $16 billion worth of U.S. imports, one big-ticket item originally on its...

  11. China is the last major buyer and investor in Iranian oil, and this pullout by China is going to bite Iran hard.  Trump's sanctions against...

  12. Hi my name is Riccardo Zingaro and I am writing my thesis in Finance about chinese crude oil future. I have some questions about...

  13. March 26th is the date, supposedly, for China's oil futures contract. Talk about a market disruptor. This has been talked about seemingly forever. If...

  14. Last week, the UN Security Council unanimously voted in favor of the resolution to introduce new sanctions against North Korea for its continuing ballistic...

  15. China has *already* lost the trade war with the U.S. but they just haven't realized it yet. Trump keeps outmaneuvering Xi. For reference, look at what...

  16. So much for those aggressive clean energy targets: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-44738952 And it's not energy related..... but it IS crude oil related: polyurethane foam!  

  17. Apparently. Uncertainty is a complicated pictogram*. *You'll have to have read "Interesting Times" to get the reference fully but I'm sure you know what I...

  18. While most countries moving up the economic ladder show continued growth in oil demand from increased driving, mass-adoption of electric vehicles and high-speed rail...

  19. So, China's struck deals with nine oil companies to explore for oil and gas in China. A demonstrative gesture or actual opening-up? Here.

  20. https://www.rt.com/business/445768-russia-venezuela-investments-oil/ And the game is afoot! "Caracas and Moscow have signed $5 billion US dollars’ worth of contracts related to oil production during President Nicolas Maduro’s...

  21. I'm *not* Oil Price staff. I *don't* get paid to be a moderator here. It's just that I happen to like commenting about oil & gas. ...

  22. globally, almost $335 billion was sunk into renewable energy in 2017, almost half of this went to solar, and about 40% was from China.

  23. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-politics-china/xi-says-china-will-play-constructive-role-on-venezuela-idUSKCN1T606W China is being left out of deal. China supported Maduro.  China wants into Venezuela  . . . .  just as they have made inroads...

  24. To "Boost Competition"?  In China? Bwaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Someone in China is going to get really rich. Boosting Competition in China might be a good title for a follow up...

  25. Chinese buyers of Iranian oil are starting to shift their cargoes to vessels owned by National Iranian Tanker Co (NITC) for nearly all of...

  26. China Swoops in on Canada Oil That's $50 Cheaper Than U.S. Crude About time, too.

  27. heh heh, it's always a pleasant surprise when stumbling across someone else who has similar contrarian views on oil & gas, renewables, climate panic,...

  28. China to Start Buying Oil for State Reserves After Crash   https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-02/china-to-start-buying-oil-for-state-reserves-after-price-crash?fbclid=IwAR04YmL-SfBiYLNbeuqdJcojsNrqDiYM_aPjZagJxuxjpZnP6Jj6ds2Ndj4

  29. China awards 18.36 mil mt oil product export quota for 2019, up 13% on year This should offer some relief to poor battered oil prices....

  30. https://www.theepochtimes.com/chinese-regime-using-climate-policy-as-weapon-against-us-economy-report_4155205.html CLIMATE POLICIES Chinese Regime Using Climate Policy as ‘Weapon’ Against US Economy: Report By Lorenzo Puertas   December 13, 2021 Updated: December 13, 2021 Russia has been doing the same thing,...