1. Saudi Aramco 'Suspends' Noble Corp. Jack-Up Rig Bartolomej Tomic, Editor Bartolomej Tomic is managing editor of Offshore Engineer.... May 7, 2020 Noble Scott...

  2. All the info they give about is proven reserves but I cant find any info about currently uneconomic ones. What is the amount of...

  3.   60 Years on, Is OPEC past its sell-by date?   On October 16, 2013 a Foreign Policy article carried the caption: The End of OPEC. Seven...

  4. Really getting tired of the Mainstream Media's never-ending onslaught of  COVID  DOOM  PANIC  DEATH  DISASTER  PANDEMONIUM  hyperventilating, being inserted into every damn story. Western MSM...

  5. Once oil prices recover a bit to more sustainable levels, I'm guessing that some investors will be hesitant to invest in fracking operations that...

  6. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...

  7. This is an unusual solution to a unique problem for Argentina, with the China Flu panic-o-rama clown circus currently decimating the world.  This idea may...

  8. From Wikipedia: The American Civil War (1861-1865) was followed by a boom in railroad construction. 33,000 miles (53,000 km) of new track were laid...

  9. Presented without my usual comments.  I bolded certain parts to assist in navigating through the legalese wording. Executive Order on Securing the United States Bulk-Power...

  10. Expecting upheaval, uprisings and open warfare soon in Middle East petrostates, where countries that derive 80% or so of their income from oil revenue...

  11. Time to rename the South China Sea to the South *Asia* Sea, and tell China to go play in their own back yard instead of...

  12. https://www.mysanantonio.com/opinion/article/How-Mohammed-bin-Salman-Hit-a-dead-end-in-15244829.php  Trump had, in effect, threatened the complete withdrawal of American troops from the kingdom if the Saudis didn't slash oil production. MBS, as the...

  13. I am thinking we should start this party!! When Sd is done and COVID is gone , that is the restrictions from it I would like...

  14. Despite the trade deal between Washington and Beijing signed on January 15th, with China promising to significantly ramp up purchases of U.S. Energy... "there was...

  15. Why dont OP @CMOP just write the code to ban all Chinese alphabets from the community, its ruining the forum, once I see it I...

  16. North American oil producers slash output faster than OPEC skeptics expected     NEW YORK (Reuters) - North American oil companies have slashed production faster than skeptical...

  17. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  18. Where does this site get its data from?

  19. What are the taxes you have to pay on your gasoline?

  20. Data?? Where does the data come from to populate this app??? 

  21. Oil billionaires .  .  .   https://www.cnbc.com/video/2020/05/06/oil-prices-could-hit-100-in-next-18-months-naguib-sawiris.html Energy Journalist . .. .. ..   https://oilprice.com/Energy/Oil-Prices/This-Could-Be-The-Beginning-Of-A-Tremendous-Oil-Rally.html   Turning Shale production off and on is easy as turning your TV on and off. ...

  22. Just saw this 3 week old article.  It covers several notable points.  The U.S. oil & gas industry is still in for a world of...

  23. Texas Railroad Commission wins a Darwin Award.  Natural Selection will clean out the gene pool a bit.  Congrats on your award, TRRC. OPEC doesn't play...

  24. Any predictions on wti prices for june contracts, are they heading towards $ 30 ?

  25. Parsley said it would only take two weeks to get wells back to pre cutback volume. This speaks to the shale industry resiliency . The $30...

  26. Texas Oil Quotas ‘Dead,’ Says Regulator Who Touted Them Bloomberg) -- A lame-duck Texas regulator who proposed mandatory oil-output cuts said the effort is “dead”...

  27. Saudis dumping 40mm to 50mm bbls oil on U.S. market. Bring the troops home. Bring the Navy home. Close the bases.   Wish MbS good luck . .   have...

  28. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  29. With the name "OilPrice.com" I guess it's inevitable, but the articles very often discuss "price" when the real issue is revenue. For example: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Saudi-Arabia-Braces-For-Painful-Austerity-Measures-As-Low-Oil-Prices-Persist.html Producers have...

  30. Article is behind a paywall.  Excerpt below.  You can bypass this Business Insider paywall by using a Private Tab with Tor, which is built...