1. According to Realtor.com, Midland, TX is the hottest real estate market in the country, with the median list price rising 31% year over year...

  2. Current oil price is $55 - $60 at current level ? Does this cost include cost of transportation OR does it represent cost of production only...

  3. I was surprised to see the Permian referred to as "costly and crowded" by Reuters in this story. Wasn't it the cheapest place to pump oil...

  4. Crude oil-to-chemicals (COTC), a new chemical process technology, could more than double the profitability derived from a barrel of crude oil, according to IHS...

  5. U.S. petrochemical plants along the Gulf Coast have steadily been coming online.  Additional plants are getting the approval.  The demand for ethylene is projected...

  6. Although articles posted in Oilprice.com have referenced, and discussions have focused, on all manner of technological innovation to try to coax some extra barrels...

  7. Citigroup’s commodities chief Ed Morse believes Brent oil prices, which are currently trading near $72.50 per barrel and have tried to breach the $80...

  8. Quote In the report, Verleger noted that weekly EIA data on distillate consumption in the U.S., which is about 90% diesel, has been running anywhere...

  9. As the tension between Russia and Ukraine hots up, the cracks are already appearing in the Western alliance. They can only get widen, if...

  10. The US shale industry could be on the verge of destruction due to the drastic decline in demand and falling energy prices brought on...

  11.  Venezuela's production is heading to 1.000.000 barrels a day, something never happened to venezuelan oil industry, and soon its exporting capacity will be close...

  12. Oil Rigs dropped 2 1/2 % (20 Rigs) from this time last year. Oil Production increased 20% (to 12.2 mbd) from this time last year. I...

  13. Tying in with my theme yesterday that the world is HUGELY dependent economically on oil (despite endless wailings and brickbats to the contrary by...

  14. IEA just dubbed Venezuela, country with largest oil reserves, as the biggest risk to global markets.  

  15. IEA just dubbed Venezuela, country with largest oil reserves, as the biggest risk to global markets. In the same breath, IEA claims Venezuela may...

  16. Court blocks BC anti-Trans Mountain bill The British Columbia Court of Appeal has ruled against provincial legislation that could have blocked expansion of the federally...

  17. New Hunter Biden revelations  Seems Hunter and his business partners set up accounts for Ukraine gas company Burisma at Morgan Stanely.  Reportedly the accounts  opened had deposited over $150 Million. There is...

  18. Your quoting oil trading up 10% because of new positive news about preventative vaccine is a hoax. Be honest.  It's all about oil production in jeopardy...

  19. Covid-19 and low oil prices could cancel over half of 2020’s licensing rounds globally, predicts Rystad Energy       This year was slated to be another remarkable...

  20. There seems to be a respite in Coronavirus infection rates in the US, but the death count remains disturbingly high. Although the new administration of...

  21.  Of all the companies around the world affected by Covid-19, none has disclosed a worse death toll than Pemex, Mexico’s state-owned oil producer. It...

  22. When the models for COVID-19 were unveiled by the Imperial College we were all horrified.  Then, the man who built the models, who was...

  23. I'm back & only for a second.  Just glossing over the negativism on this dam negative Oilprice.com!! Now their saying oil ONLY going down to $20...

  24. WHY IS  OIL PRICE. com ALWAYS NEGATIVE ???? I'm guessing because it originates from England ??? Anybody out there from the US or England can identify...

  25. This dam site is always negative, ESPECIALLY on US OIL!!  I look at this as being a British dominated site, SOCIALIST and really against...

  26. "Russia should start exiting a global deal to cut oil output if crude prices remain at $70 per barrel for more than six months,...

  27. Watch the video. Oil work is dangerous even when not offshore. Saw a similar incident in Invergordon, Scotland in 1989. https://www.energypeople.com/news/story/breaking--offshore-vessel-due-to-start-working-in-north-sea-suffers-catastrophic-crane-collapse---video

  28. Happy API day to all! Ever get frustrated by how far apart API and EIA inventory data is? Many people put more stock into EIA's...

  29. CRC took a big dip last week, just wondering why as most of its production is heavier API grade, a desirable commodity these days....

  30. California Legislative bill AB 345 has been killed, at least for 2019, but just the intent of the bill did a lot of damage...