1. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  2. Some can never pass up an opportunity to dump on shale. 

  3. If you can spare 16-18 minutes of your time and actually are involved in the O&G Industry you may find this piece interesting, covers...

  4. heh heh, it's always a pleasant surprise when stumbling across someone else who has similar contrarian views on oil & gas, renewables, climate panic,...

  5. Good move on the part of the Saskatchewan government, 2 thumbs up. Unfortunately, there are already 18,000 applications for 2,100 jobs. But it's a great move in...

  6. Five oil tanker full of sanctioned fuel are currently making their way across the Atlantic Ocean. On the 2nd of June 2020 ,  Major Failur for...

  7. By re opening some countries  there will be consequences oil might be peaking at the moment but I am short on oil opening gyms...

  8. Can someone please explain to me the disconnect between the fall in oil rigs and the actual amount of oil produced? So accord to...

  9. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  10. From the very much leftist BBC.  Note the total absence of any mention about Venezuela's Socialism creating the collapse of the country.  Iran is portrayed...

  11. A bit of a reality check, amid the perpetual onslaught of fervent panic-mongering dished daily by the doomsday media.   Op-Ed: Oil and natural gas play...

  12. An overview of some of the geopolitical aspects of international oil & gas.  Contains lots of documentation and links. tl;dr takeaway: ever-more oil and gas...

  13. This is a good move.  A coordinated effort by a diverse range of interested parties to clarify the fairly messy legal morass about the...

  14. Some potential good news, amidst the unrelenting barrage of hysteria from the Panic Agenda Energizer Bunny Media.   U.S. Energy Secretary anticipates oil and gas rebound, says...

  15. What Icahn knows that we don't Some interesting speculating going on in this article. Yes the author is long Oxy. I'm curious what others here...

  16. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  17. Have you noticed the surge in the market these few days due to increase in demand. One can say the green leaves are shooting...

  18. Why the Oil Industry can no longer rely on china?

  19. Once the China Flu lockdowns go away, demand for oil & gas will return, at least somewhat in the near term, and pretty much...

  20. Not far fetched.  China has previously attempted this.  Will need to wait and see if China will set up a shell company and try...

  21. "But besides prices, Petrobras also said it expected permanent changes in consumer habits, resulting from the economic shock caused by the pandemic on a...

  22. Not only is Saudi Arabia in economic trouble, the whole world is, but those countries with the most dependence on high oil prices are...

  23. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  24. This dam site is always negative, ESPECIALLY on US OIL!!  I look at this as being a British dominated site, SOCIALIST and really against...

  25. Gabon, Equatorial Guinea,  Indonesia, Azerbijian, Venezuela, Columbia, Brazil, Ecuador, U.S. Gulf Offshore, Canada, Alaska, Mexico. Norway, etc, etc, etc  What planet is this writer from...

  26. Here to share my interview for Eurasia Daily on the current Venezuela's crisis today: https://ednews.net/en/news/analytical-wing/428308-what-is-going-on-in-venezuela

  27. Just looking at the current crude oil prices, one cannot help but notice that U.S. light sweet West Texas Intermediate (WTI) is trading at...

  28. Negative WTI prices burned some Bank of China oil futures investors.  Bank of China offers to absorb all losses by investors, from WTI going into negative...

  29. Here she is in all her glory, Elizabeth May, the Leader of Canada's Green Party, who has publicly declared the entire Canadian oil industry...