1. Looming Europe’s energy crisis is causing ripples beyond energy circles, especially, when you see unusually long queues in front of petrol stations. In the...

  2. I have commented ad nauseum about my view that $70.00 Brent seems to be the optimum, sustainable, suitable, long term balance between *most* oil...

  3. Much has been written regarding the impact on the industry of the IMO-mandated bunker fuel regulation change. Many workable solutions have been presented that...

  4. Saudi continues "Scorched Earth" strategy. Doesn't matter now, price drop regardless of Saudi Aramco or Russia actions.  IT'S A RACE TO FILL UP THE SPARE STORAGE...

  5. The Tylers over on Zero Hedge do a great job laying out how much oil is in EVs. Visualizing How Much Oil Is In An...

  6. Can the price of oil be gamed? As the price has bounced up and down over the last four years, perplexed analysts have tried...

  7. Okay, I know, I know it sounds ridiculous but here's a call to do just that. It's more of a political call than anything...

  8. Title says it all, want to know what your thoughts are about recent price movements after EIA reported an 8 million barrel crude build. Yes...

  9. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/calm-storm-oil-markets-190000470.html https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/The-Calm-Before-The-Storm-In-Oil-Markets.html The Calm Before The Storm In Oil Markets By Tom Kool - May 03, 2022, 2:00 PM CDT U.S. Gulf of Mexico sees burst of drilling...

  10. This is not accidental.  This is bad news. Saudi Arabia is apparently seeking an economic battle with the world and specifically against the U.S. The time era of...

  11. Ukraine importing around 60% gas from Russia.Therefore Putin could not take any gas from Ukraine.Always check the data.

  12. I invite all of you to take a good hard look at the live web-cam helpfully posted by the Fort Lee, New Jersey police...

  13. .

  14. First fundamentally here are reasons why it is headed down. This will be the 4th week that oil prices are down, for the trend which...

  15. A deliberately misleading, clickbaity title for this story, which I simply could not resist. Very interesting.

  16. So I went to download OPEC's new Monthly report for November, only to discover I need to "register" by entering my name and email...

  17. Report: Permian Basin oil producers flaring more natural gas than reported If this is true, capturing the gas must be a really expensive affair. I...

  18. A year ago I considered $50 oil really low, approaching unprofitability. And now $50 is a milestone I see as the Canadian oil industry...

  19. The Tylers weigh in with their usual snark and fly-in-the-ointment viewpoint.   US To Remove Patriot Missile Protection From Saudi Arabia Amid Oilpocalypse Petrodollar panic? As tensions between...

  20. Just when I think the Australian state and Federal governments have a lock hold on insanity, the US EPA does something which makes them look...

  21. I've been seeing a lot of chit-chat about how much oil EVs could displace on various forums, but most of it is a collection...

  22. Through this forum, I became aware of the Tony Seba report, Rethinking Transportation 2020-2030. I have a lot of reading to do to, hopefully,...

  23. Hope this doesn't get me into hot water, but I am going to share the beginning excerpt from a current Oil Price Editorial, which is...

  24. Omg!  How much lower can it go!   https://oilprice.com/Energy/Oil-Prices/US-Oil-Prices-Fall-To-11-Per-Barrel-In-Historic-Crash.html

  25. This is addressed to the technical drilling types on the forum: A few days ago there was a post concerning a well drilled in Alaska...

  26. So this is what happens to conventional production.  It eeks along losing money on a regular basis, worse than shale but pretending it does...

  27. Within the last year Sheffield said the U.S. would be producing 14 to15 million barrels a year now if we had the pipelines. (also...

  28. Saudi Aramco 'Suspends' Noble Corp. Jack-Up Rig Bartolomej Tomic, Editor Bartolomej Tomic is managing editor of Offshore Engineer.... May 7, 2020 Noble Scott...

  29. Lots of ground covered in this article.  As I tend to agree more than disagree with this author's views in general (this is one of...