1. U.S. is pressuring OPEC and its allies to boost oil output to tackle rising gasoline prices that they see as a threat to global...

  2. China comes to rescue of international oil & gas.  Weird. China’s Oil Thirst Draws an Armada of Tankers (Bloomberg) -- As Chinese oil demand rises to...

  3. Hocus Pokus Presto!  A successful Aramco IPO means MBS keeps his head attached to his neck.  Pretty cool trick.  Nail biter for the audience,...

  4. Since the Ukraine war, more than 7 fatal accidents and suicides of very important people in Russia have occurred, with many of them tied...

  5. Albertans are buckling up for a throwdown over pipelines, oilsands and Trans Mountain For once I don't care how biased this story may be. It...

  6. Hi dear members, I am here with a question can you answer? What are some fun facts about oil? Waiting for your reply's.

  7. The U.S. will impose sanctions on Venezuela oil production and the EU is stopping Maduro from acquiring his gold stash.  Will the Majors go back...

  8. Heck why not, let's just crank up the global political pressure cooker to see what explodes first... November looks set to be the exact...

  9. So in just one two days demand for Aramco's maiden bond has swollen from the $30 billion mentioned by Al-Falih to, wait for it,...

  10. Oil price is soon going to be taken care by authorities and may not fall more as linked to USD and US economy directly, situation will...

  11. The British government has stepped in to save a giant oil refinery from insolvency, according to the Daily Telegraph. Essar Oil controls sixth of...

  12. BP puts Mexico's 2017 total petroleum liquids consumption at 1.9 million bpd.  Assuming no change in liquids consumption, Mexico has probably approximately averaged zero...

  13. US to become net oil exporter in November: EIA US to become net oil exporter in November: EIA  Imports projected to meet 8% of US...

  14. Pentagon warned that lifting the existing moratorium on oil and gas operations in the eastern Gulf of Mexico might have a negative effect on...

  15. how to maximise crude oil from heavy oil?

  16. According to Reuters agency, PetroChina Co plans to drop Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) as a partner in a planned $10 billion oil refinery...

  17. Saudi Arabia and Russia are discussing raising OPEC and non-OPEC oil production by some 1 million barrels a day, sources said, while OPEC's chief...

  18. Iran will continue to export oil despite U.S. pressure aimed at reducing the country’s crude shipments to zero, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on...

  19. Mirth.  California is the gift that just keeps giving giggles about Correct Thinkingness absurdity. ‘GREEN’ CALIFORNIA IS MORE RELIANT ON FOREIGN OIL THAN EVER BEFORE California’s...

  20. Intriguing news.  And great to see new Exploration & Production going on. Hurricane Energy produces first oil from new type of field A UK energy...

  21. .

  22. Kinder Morgan may have threatened to pull the plug, but Alberta is considering buying up the whole Trans Mountain bailiwick just to keep it...

  23. Royal Dutch Shell (RDSa.L) said on Tuesday it would write off assets worth up to $22 billion after the coronavirus crisis knocked oil and...

  24. Credit Suisse's Zoltan Pozsar: the de-dollarization of the global oil industry is in full swing–even if we can’t see the final end game from here. Some...

  25. Iran issued a new warning over Mideast oil supplies as the United Arab Emirates said on Tuesday it could increase its own production, the...

  26. In last couple of years thanks to shale there is no longer a discussion about peak oil but yesterday Art Berman on Twitter show...

  27. I have been struggling with this issue wading through SA stories and comments for a few days now, unable to reach any viable theories....

  28. Will there be a rant about losing her childhood due to oil pipelines?  Who exactly is funding Greta's trips overseas to make these publicity...

  29. Do you ask for a do-over? Tesla might be rethinking all that boot licking since it obviously didn't work. The rub of working with a despotic...