1. According to todays montly statistics US oil production from end of 2019 October 2019 12673 November 2019 12860 December 2019 12802 January 12755 February 12746 March 12737 Aprill  11990 May 10001 My comment As...

  2. OPEC+ meeting about extending output cuts...source:Oil production cut Will oil price go up?    

  3. OPEC agreed on Monday to extend oil supply cuts until March 2020, three OPEC sources said, as the group’s members overcame their differences in...

  4. I've been seeing way too many headlines including Saudi Arabia and billions of dollars in them. So, the Saudis are clearly on a spending...

  5. The oil market is exactly the same as any other market. Demand is gone and production will hit the ground. Inventories are 1 month away...

  6. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Regional Development Minister Shane Jones and Climate Change Minister James Shaw are due to make the announcement at 9am. Ms Ardern...

  7. I heard that bank have cut financing to oil companies for drilling, so why not let us the public invest our money $100.00 $1000.00...

  8. Are discovering oil reserves in Pakistan's ocean really 6th largest in the world and how long would it take to maximize it's full potential?

  9. Chevron Corp. reported third-quarter profit doubled from a year earlier as production increases met rising oil prices. The company reported earnings of $4 billion...

  10. From the FT: "Some of the world’s biggest energy companies say a backlash against plastics will not derail the industry’s big bet on petrochemicals, as...

  11. The left wing L.A. Times is complaining because the Port Authority has approved natural gas trucks to relieve local air pollution from diesel trucks...

  12. Chevron is bailing on Noway, to go where the getting is good. Higher margins in the US shale patch, here we come! https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-chevron-norway/chevron-becomes-first-oil-major-to-exit-norway-idUKKCN1MK1K9?il=0  

  13. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1212121026072592384?s=19 Trump has tweeted and give warning to Iran for any damage on US facilities after the Iraq embassy attack.  "This is not a Warning, it...

  14. The economy is defined as a social domain that emphasize the practices, discourses, and material expressions associated with the production, use, and management of...

  15. Kalashnikov's marketing strategy will kill Tesla's.  Buy our EVs, or else!

  16. All these talks about increasing oil output is being interpreted as an intent to lower oil prices. As a distributer, would you be interested...

  17. Nicolas Maduro has had state oil firm PDVSA buy foreign oil worth US$440 million and sell it at below-market prices on friendly credit terms to...

  18. [Radiactive Dirty Bomb scenario also on THREAD. ] Irina's EXCERPT - "According to available information, representatives of this unit of the British Navy took...

  19. With the impending U.S. sanctions against Iranian oil less than a month away, it appears that Iran is already preparing to divert much of...

  20. https://www.newsmax.com/politics/rickperry-resign/2019/10/03/id/935580/   Rick Perry Expected to Resign as Energy Secretary Read Newsmax: Rick Perry Expected to Resign as Energy Secretary | Newsmax.com Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump? Vote Here...

  21.  by Tyler Durden, Mon, 09/16/2019 - 08:30 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/houthis-say-its-not-over-saudi-facilities-still-within-range-iraq-denies-its-territory                 FULL ARTICLE   - Despite US officials repeatedly over the weekend claiming they were...

  22. As he said, from the very fist day Biden Administration will work on climate to achive economy net zero emissions. Its obvious that they are...

  23. The future price of oil could go down significantly due to global warming. Especially if the harbor-front states follow suit in suing oil companies,...

  24. It's odd how the speculators respond more to the Iran nuclear deal withdrawal when it comes to oil prices, than they do to Venezuela,...

  25. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-07/saudi-aramco-slashes-crude-prices-kicking-off-price-war Oil could be headed a lot lower in the short term.

  26. It looks like with all the legal battles by Trump being tossed, Biden will be the next President of the United States.  So, now...

  27. The article headline reads, U.S. Shale Braces For Largest Ever Drop In Fracking Activity. And yet Halliburton stock is up 17% over five days, up...

  28. I don´t have to take oil as been used to make amounts of energy...this is my teory, let´s evoluate it from here...  

  29. Here is a link to a free, online article by an Australian academic. Below is the intro.. According to predictions made nearly a decade ago,...