1. The oil market is exactly the same as any other market. Demand is gone and production will hit the ground. Inventories are 1 month away...

  2. WHO Majeure ? The ongoing lockdowns seem intent on totally destroying industries and countries. Declaring Force Majeure won't really help. Ending the lockdowns now is the only real...

  3. Turns out Putin is swimming naked, despite the proud bluster.  Not often that Russia exposes itself so clearly. Ignore the obfuscating headline below, and instead...

  4. Hi everyone, I was wondering why oil markets went negative. I found this podcast, can you please provide opinions on what they're saying? https://www.buzzsprout.com/1039846/3520228

  5. Who can roughly estimate the time frame on when the oil industry booms again in the US? I been watching the oil prices fluctuate...

  6. This is my simple question. Now some shale oil companies are already facing probability of bankruptcy.Which company survives even after the crisis? How about Continental...

  7. In my small town, gasoline is $1.63. In the nearby big city, I would guess I could find it for $1.55. This doesn't seem...

  8. The current situation we are going through is without doubt a localised issue, sure we have seen the price of crude for both benchmarks...

  9. China causing trouble again.  What a shock, I know.  The Covid-19 panic-o-rama is providing a perfect cover for all sorts of political shenanigans.  "Never let...

  10. Did this group for Spread the general knowledge as we bigger we are better!  I, for example, bought APA when it was 4.3 and NBL...

  11. Saudis Begin Curbing Oil Output Ahead of OPEC+ Start Date     Bloomberg) -- Saudi Aramco began reducing oil production earlier this week ahead of the May...

  12. Something's spoopy here.  Anyone care to comment further on this? Bank of China Clients Said to Have $1 Billion Losses on Oil Bet (Bloomberg) -- Bank...

  13. Oil, oil everywhere, but not a job to spare. Currently there is a temporary halt to all immigration into the U.S. Perhaps a temporary halt to overseas...

  14. And it's going to get worse, before it gets better. And ... when global economies eventually recover, when the global oil glut eventually dissipates, and...

  15. Presented without my usual long-winded comments. The 20 Minutes That Broke the U.S. Oil Market (Bloomberg) It was evident from the very beginning on April 20...

  16. https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-ccp-method_3319578.html Will you watch this free documentary about the Chinese Communist Party? 

  17. Looks like huge hits in the US oilpatch already; job losses in March are now over 51,000.   https://www.ibtimes.com/us-oil-gas-industry-enduring-devastating-job-losses-supply-glut-low-crude-prices-2963933 And the hits just keep coming.

  18. If oil were to remain low priced long-term, is this a major worry for EV companies? What if it stays at $30? $40? Will...

  19. The EIA recently began providing weekly storage capacity reports: https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/supply/weekly/wcrudeoilstorage.xlsx According to this report the US is only at 60% of capacity not including SPR. Adding...

  20. For info.  Details in the link.  Unlike the OPEC cartel, the U.S. federal government will not mandate country-wide production cuts. Factbox: What U.S. states are...

  21. We have been discussing this on OP for the past two years, and a common phrase was the the LTO sector was "an unhealthy...

  22. Interesting article, being a deepwater advocate I am bias this has been fairly obvious, we should have mixed the two up but we put...

  23. Fire Sale, coming soon to autocratic oil regimes.  Gotta pay those 15,000 or so super important and hugely productive princes to keep them from revolting. Hey MbS,...

  24. iran oil sanctions

    I hope that with the boycott of Iranian oil, it will be able to prevent its access to the nuclear bomb.

  25. I'm looking for information as till when the world's oil storage will be full, every country has different capacity but roughly would given an...

  26. russia oil production

    Quote   Russia and Saudi Arabia have approved a production cut of 2.5 mb/d each from an agreed level of 11mb/d. However, there is some uncertainty...

  27. The article headline reads, U.S. Shale Braces For Largest Ever Drop In Fracking Activity. And yet Halliburton stock is up 17% over five days, up...

  28. Sims – Get America Moving Again: Why Trump Is Right to Re-Open the Economy 2,712

  29. TRRC head Ryan Sitton wanted to take a vote today .  The other two commissioners want to wait till May 5th.  So May 5th...