1. OPEC says trade disputes, geopolitics, rising non-OPEC supply make for challenging 2H19   OPEC on Thursday said it faces a challenging second half of 2019, with...

  2. Crude oil prices dropped today after the Energy Information Administration reported what can only be described as a colossal crude oil inventory build of 21.6...

  3. Ukraine Oil Corruption Scandal + U.S. Presidential Election 2020 ... Popcorn time!  This could be quite the train wreck to watch unfold. Schiff: Biden Ukraine...

  4. Would a war in the Middle East benefit the oil industry?

  5. This is an excerpt from an article in iSee cars where they have crunched the numbers. The article strongly suggests that Hybrids will eventually dominate...

  6. I watched Michael Moore's "Planet of the Humans" movie and found it very interesting. It showed that many of the so called green environmental energy...

  7. Saudi Arabia's Crude Supply to U.S. Gulf Falling Fast and Hard Interestinger and interestinger. I see bright a future ahead for Canadian oil producers.

  8. Which is a better domain name for OAPEC (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries)?  OAPEC.ORG or OAPECORG.ORG

  9. Venezuela is about to experience its most critical situation since it started to be an oil producing and exporting country: to pay international prices...

  10. After a discussion with @Douglas Buckland we thought it may be interesting to try something which relates to our industry at grassroots, the forum could...

  11. Kemp and Raffensperger will lose their 2022 Primary.  It's Republicans like Georgia's Raffensperger that will lead to a successful third political  party candidates.  Trump is not...

  12. I'll skip my usual long-winded commentary and simply direct your attention to this excellent analysis article from The Tylers over on ZeroHedge: Why OPEC Isn't...

  13. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  14. After API Reports Big Crude Build, EIA Announces Official Data Won't Be Published by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Jun 22, 2022 - 03:38 PM Update (1700ET): Shortly after...

  15. I have a technical question Can anyone explain the reason(s) behind the divergence between MONTHLY estimates of U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil, which is...

  16. I guess this is another resource curse story ... The IMF is calling on Guyana to rewrite its tax laws because of an Exxon...

  17. .    

  18. How much per-well cost reduction (in percentage) do operators realize, on average, by employing multi-well pad drilling? I just want to have an idea of the...

  19. The oil and gas workforce in Texas has shrunk to the lowest in seven years. So the hopes of another boom in hiring won't...

  20. https://www.texansfornaturalgas.com/us_oil_exports_hit_new_records?utm_campaign=sept_21_update&utm_medium=email&utm_source=northtexansfornaturalgas

  21. Let's hope it's successful. Experts commend China's containment strategy but believe it is not enough to control the novel Covad-19. The Chinese CCP should be charged...

  22. As a reader and not a contributor in the past, I am curious as to what price per barrel processors and pipeline operators can...

  23. East Libyan forces took full control of Ras Lanuf oil terminal and the surrounding area on Thursday as they rapidly advanced against rivals who...

  24. russia oil production

    Quote   Russia and Saudi Arabia have approved a production cut of 2.5 mb/d each from an agreed level of 11mb/d. However, there is some uncertainty...

  25. I thought US undertook an investigation into tanker and pipeline bombings.  Has any conclusion been released ? The Yemen border is 600 miles from the...

  26. Oil was down $1.85 yesterday.  Attack didn't even get the $1.85 back.  Came up way short. The reason . . .  Permian Basin, Texas, U.S.A. EIA...

  27. Transneft pipeline caught fire today in Russia after a leak caused by pressure loss. 7500 sq meters of fire at last report.

  28. As part of Aramco IPO they guaranteed a $75 Billion yearly dividend payments for 5 years.  

  29. Shortly after U.S. President Donald Trump announced in May he would reimpose sanctions on Iran, the State Department began telling countries around the world...

  30. The price of Brent crude is forecast to reach $60 per barrel by analysts at Citi, the big US bank, as global economic demand...