Where to find up to date LLS pricing?
The price for Louisiana Light Sweet is always 2 days delay here on oilprice.com - does anyone know of any online sources that have...- RSD Replied
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2019 Was the Final Peak Oil Year... It's Done.
Russia and Saudi Arabia have won. America reached peak oil production in 2019. The debate can end on fracking and "peak supply" or "peak...- Anthony Okrongly Replied
- 26 replies
Shales Death Blow?
We have been discussing this on OP for the past two years, and a common phrase was the the LTO sector was "an unhealthy...- James Regan Replied
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A Bad Day on the Rig
A very odd drilling disaster in Louisiana in 1980. An entire lake is sucked down a well. An interesting documentary for oilfield hands an...- Douglas Buckland Replied
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Working thru the COVID-19 is very doable
My work continues, mostly unabated. More remote work, but still on-site 3 days last week. Factory seeing 1,200 people a day showing up. I...- John Foote Replied
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Wango Contango! Saudi Arabia to sell 600,000 barrels of oil per day to U.S. in April
Yippee, just what the U.S. needs right now, thanks MbS ! We really need the oil ! ! Because our oil storage is empty !...- Tom Kirkman Replied
- 11 replies
U.S. DOE considers paying drillers not to drill
U.S. DOE considers paying drillers not to drill. In the latest scheme to prop up indebted shale drillers, the U.S. Department of Energy is reportedly considering...- James Regan Replied
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Covid-19 and low oil prices could cancel over half of 2020’s licensing rounds globally, predicts Rystad Energy
Covid-19 and low oil prices could cancel over half of 2020’s licensing rounds globally, predicts Rystad Energy This year was slated to be another remarkable...- ceo_energemsier Replied
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Laugh Out Loud comment on OP article
I read this article that was discussing if a V shaped economic recovery was possible. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Oil-Demand-Wont-Bounce-Back-Any-Time-Soon.html Scrolled down, saw this comment and laughed out loud, "As...- BradleyPNW Replied
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Flotilla of Saudi Oil Threatens to Worsen U.S. Supply Glut
This is not accidental. This is bad news. Saudi Arabia is apparently seeking an economic battle with the world and specifically against the U.S. The time era of...- Tom Kirkman Replied
- 51 replies
The Federal Reserve is buying (indirectly) Shale High Yield Debt
Who would have thought. Here we go again. Another Wallstreet bailout. Many people think the Federal Reserve is part of the Federal Government, a Federal Agency. Not...- BLA Replied
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Authorities control
Oil price is soon going to be taken care by authorities and may not fall more as linked to USD and US economy directly, situation will...- Ahsen Zahed Replied
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How to unsubscribe oilprice yealy subscription ?
I recently subscribe to oilprice yearly subscription at 09 Apr 2020. I would like to unsubscribe but not able to find anywhere in the website...- deathgod86 Replied
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Conocophillips to halt all fracking. Curtail 200,000 bpd.
https://www.google.com/amp/s/finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/conocophillips-curtail-oil-production-crude-124055358.html- butasha Replied
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Is the US also to blame in the Oil Price War?
Lets put our cards on the table.......the US is as much responsible as anyone for the plunge in oil prices. No country has added...- KironYork Replied
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Another stupid Idea proving Trump doesn't understand oil
This has to be one of the more stupid ideas they have floated. It's not going to fly because operators can only sell oil...- wrs Replied
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just heard a stat: U.S. GASOLINE CONSUMPTION DOWN 60% !
Hopefully this is temporary. It makes you realize what has happened to the U.S. economy, as well as the economy of the entire world...- BLA Replied
- 28 replies
Aramco seeks $10 billion to finance SABIC acquisition
This seems ... odd. SABIC - Saudi Basic Industries Corp - Company Info from Bloomberg Aramco seeks $10bn to finance Sabic acquisition Saudi Aramco, the world's...- Tom Kirkman Replied
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Trump : Tariffs on Oil Imports still on the table
https://www.msn.com/en-us/finance/markets/us-says-oil-tariffs-still-on-the-table-even-after-opec-2b-deal/ar-BB12Gz4I U.S. imported 5.68 mm bbls/day of crude for week ending 4/10. Over half of that from Canada. I think Trump just giving Tariffs lip service....- BLA Replied
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Finally, some demand destruction figures from EIA
Inventories soared last week Quote “Four weeks into the U.S. lockdown, the crude builds are as horrible as they can be, and the worst thing...- Ward Smith Replied
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Meanwhile, back at the ranch, you can forget the idea that the jet-fuel market is going anywhere any time soon...
How would you like to be the leasing company expecting to receive continuing lease payments on these machines, just sitting there parked in the...- Jan van Eck Replied
- 10 replies
russia oil production
Russian oil strategy - very good report made by OIES
Quote Russia and Saudi Arabia have approved a production cut of 2.5 mb/d each from an agreed level of 11mb/d. However, there is some uncertainty...- Tomasz Replied
- 8 replies
Visualizing North Dakota Oil & Gas Production (Through February 2020)
This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...- shaleprofile Replied
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How do you buy oil like WTI ?
Can someone please tell to go about buying oil? I have bought stocks before with no problems. Thank you Sean- Stokes789 Replied
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Saudi Abdulaziz denies targeting U.S. shale . Remember OPEC THREATENED TO DESTROY SHALE AT THE CERRAWEEK DINNER IN 2018. Just ask Diamondback Energy.
What is most troubling to me is Trump letting Abdulaziz get away with this. He had to respond in kind Stop the Saudi dumping oil...- BLA Replied
- 2 replies
Saudi Arabia buys stakes in four big European oil firms
A benefit of having cash in your pocket is the ability to buy when investors are fleeing. It's not just J. Paul Getty and...- Geoff Guenther Replied
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Texas considers proposal to cut oil and gas production as prices plummet due to coronavirus
Judging by the amount of advertising and self-promotion shoehorned into this local news web page, local news media are hurting too. More ad crap than...- Tom Kirkman Replied
- 1 reply
Oil in the age of coronavirus: a U.S. shale bust like no other
@Mike Shellman in the news today, on Reuters. Oil in the age of coronavirus: a U.S. shale bust like no other HOUSTON/DENVER (Reuters) - Texas oilman Mike...- Tom Kirkman Replied
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WTI v Brent Spread Growing Quickly
Why is the spread between WTI and Brent benchmarks growing at alarming rates touching at a +/- 31% differential - Whats the long term...- James Regan Replied
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Pioneer's Sheffield and Parsley Energy (Sheffield's son) want the TRRC to Officially mandate production cuts so they can void contracts with Enterprise Products LLC.
Shale producers Pioneer Resources and Parsley Energy export most of their oil production. They were able to garner a premium price on their oil...- BLA Replied
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