1. Interesting article, being a deepwater advocate I am bias this has been fairly obvious, we should have mixed the two up but we put...

  2. The OilPrice author, MICHAEL KERN, can only speculate because we're in the beginning phase of the COVID economy, as Angela Merkel explained in Germany today,...

  3. Is this a trick question? No really, is this a trick question? News these days just keeps getting weirder.   What Is a Dividend? A dividend is the distribution...

  4. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  5. Now seems a good a time as any for U.S. to pull out of the Middle East and let the oil dictatorships eat each...

  6. The article headline reads, U.S. Shale Braces For Largest Ever Drop In Fracking Activity. And yet Halliburton stock is up 17% over five days, up...

  7. Saudis dumping 40mm to 50mm bbls oil on U.S. market. Bring the troops home. Bring the Navy home. Close the bases.   Wish MbS good luck . .   have...

  8. Someone mentioned in a post the other day that they thought that it was getting close to metal flinging time in the Straits of...

  9. I am a first time user of a public forum and was hoping to find open opinions and SME in Post Covid-19 lessons learned...

  10. Can India benefit from the current fall in oil prices? Is Corona , a threat to Petrochemical industry? How Oil giants are going to be resilient...

  11. I'm a bit surprised that Oz is entering the game.  While it is not surprising that China continues to push the envelope in their...

  12. Great News Comrades!  CCP is buying oil at fire sale prices!  Small, independent oil companies and service companies in the Western world will go bankrupt, but they...

  13. TRRC head Ryan Sitton wanted to take a vote today .  The other two commissioners want to wait till May 5th.  So May 5th...

  14. His newsletter is not online yet, so go to the newsletter section tomorrow to get it. In the meantime, this is interesting on his...

  15. Top 8 Largest National Oil Company Rankings by Total Assets https://www.swfinstitute.org/fund-rankings/national-oil-company Other different rankings are link listed at the bottom of the link page.

  16. I want to inquire about the minimum oil production the US companies need to ensure for their survival and continuity in operations till the...

  17. President Trump calls for a bail out stating we will never the great US Oil & Gas Industry down. Bail out what the Industry, companies,...

  18. Following the discussions here, I really appreciate the creative and mindful spirit of many of the conversations. I would like to discuss mid-term and...

  19. WTI crude $ went negative 4/20/20 when May oil contracts expired.  Saudi Arabia is currently dumping 600,000+ bbls of crude into the U.S.  I thought the Trump Admin was...

  20. Oil will begin it huge recover starting SUMMER 2020. *Summer.....countries opening up.  *Usual Demand Rises *OIL......the 20m cut does not come off completely until 2022!!!!!!!! Oil will begin...

  21. I have read repeatedly in articles that some types of oil reserves and some of the equipment used for extraction can take damage when...

  22. Seeing that UCO (Proshares Ultra Bloomberg Crude Oil ETF) is hanging in the low numbers like 1.28 to 1.40, I wonder how long would...

  23. This article mentioned that Orbital Insights reported that there is 2 billion barrels of available crude storage in the world. Does this make sense...

  24. Is this that big reset that many people have felt will happen 'someday' in the USA, possibly the world? I have certainly thought that...

  25. Perhaps a smarter person than me can answer this question. With WTI trading in negative territory (minus $56 from Brent as I write), why...

  26. The collapse of WCS today is historic as I write, now sitting at minus one cent per barrel.  It has apparently been swinging in...

  27. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...

  28. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  29. Omg!  How much lower can it go!   https://oilprice.com/Energy/Oil-Prices/US-Oil-Prices-Fall-To-11-Per-Barrel-In-Historic-Crash.html