1. Inventories soared last week Quote “Four weeks into the U.S. lockdown, the crude builds are as horrible as they can be, and the worst thing...

  2. I heard that bank have cut financing to oil companies for drilling, so why not let us the public invest our money $100.00 $1000.00...

  3. Financing Vehicles for Oil and Gas ProducersA Volumetric Production Purchase or VPP is a financing tool used in the oil and gas industry under...

  4. Small cap oil and gas producers run into snags as they seek funding to either continue to grow or merely stay in business.  Opportunities...

  5. Hi all, I'm currently working on the number of OSVs which include AHTS (Anchor handling Tug Supply), PSV (platform Supply Vessel), MPSV (Multi Purpose Supply...

  6. Budget deal congress reached yesterday calls for the sale of 100 million barrels of SPR between 2022 and 2027. Hope the prices are high...

  7. A fire in a vat of butane at the largest oil refinery on the U.S. East Coast turned the early morning Philadelphia sky a...

  8. Missouri AG Investigating Morningstar Over ESG Ratings by Tyler Durden Thursday, Aug 04, 2022 - 05:55 AM We can't possibly believe that the pristine ratings agencies - like...

  9. First Nations in Alberta are vying for higher stakes in the local oil and gas industry by buying interests in oil wells and--the horror--in...

  10. First Nations say Alberta has no right to cut oil activity on their land "Some First Nations in Alberta want an exemption from the provincial government's...

  11. Chinese and Russia are emboldened in 2020 as the Democrats and DeepState try to defeat Trump instead of putting U.S. first. Trump will be preoccupied ...

  12. New study says there has been a dramatic increase in earthquakes in Kansas since 2012, attributing it to oil and gas operations. 

  13. Hi All, Can anyone please give me a fair idea of how much fishing tools and services cost per well? Kindly provide sources to calculate the...

  14. Five Oil Signals to Watch in 2018 Nothing really new or surprising except the possibility of disruptions in Iran. Things seem pretty calm there right...

  15. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/20/virgil-five-takeaways-from-capitalisms-kowtow-to-china/ Virgil: Five Takeaways from Capitalism’s Kowtow to China 831

  16. I just read an article on OilPrice which indicated that the amount of gas being flared in the shale oil plays has now reached...

  17. Flaring, Infrastructure and Embracing the Dual Challenge   https://www.api.org/news-policy-and-issues/blog/2019/08/08/flaring-infrastructure-and-embracing-the-dual-challenge

  18. With intense floods causing havoc in the regions where coal in mainlyproduced in China, the deman for the substance can get exponential in the...

  19. This is not accidental.  This is bad news. Saudi Arabia is apparently seeking an economic battle with the world and specifically against the U.S. The time era of...

  20. I know you are out there 🙂 How one of the most intelligent minds of this century, and a conservative to boot, is thinking about...

  21. She actually makes a few good points in her new book.   https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j3tTdN1Of3M

  22. “This scenario looks to keep prices on track with our base case outlook, with second quarter Brent at $17/bbl, with a three-month point price...

  23. https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnnavin/2020/04/13/oil-market-to-opec-the-shows-over/#52e2d8b2768a OPEC will have some sway. Not like it used to. "This is definitely unlike the old days when the big cartel could push it around...

  24. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/forget-green-new-deal-america-now-energy-superpower-95476 Forget the Green New Deal: America Is Now an Energy Superpower   In 2050, EIA projections call for fossil fuels supplying 79% of our energy consumption,...

  25. Greta may need to make another pollution-spewing oil-guzzling overseas jaunt (First Class) to counter this rapscallion Canadian upstart.  How dare he! Forget out-of-date 'dirty oil' smear,...

  26. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article.  Presented without additional comment, from Oil Price main news site: Forget The Hype, Aramco Shares May be Valued At Zero...

  27. canada

    EDIT: There is the data file for the netbacks calculations https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT1FI0yiG1z9c65wNIcA5t7RAjRvNQNvnw-TU4H3HQj7sbWo8OKxJYVRZ1rftVG4VLOrn6JHtNt2fmT/pub?output=xlsx ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I wrote a technical paper on topic how to get crude oil and LNG barrels...

  28. Could have fooled me. The answer: Tough to be an oil company if you do not have oil.   BP used to produce 2 mm bbls/day...