1. Just another excuse for the majors to avoid paying U.S. income taxes.  Would not be an arm's length transaction. Can't use transfer pricing thru...

  2. According to Goldman analyst it's closer to 4.3mm.  He's correct. (1) Saudis say they are not targeting U.S. shale. That's a LIE (2) Russian Oil Minister says...

  3. Reading this article provoked a hodge podge of mixed feelings.  While I certainly don't have an answer, this article has some points to mull...

  4. https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnnavin/2020/04/13/oil-market-to-opec-the-shows-over/#52e2d8b2768a OPEC will have some sway. Not like it used to. "This is definitely unlike the old days when the big cartel could push it around...

  5. Fear of an Impending Car-Price Collapse Grips Auto Industry     https://finance.yahoo.com/news/fear-impending-car-price-collapse-110000556.html

  6. Ok, ye smart guys. The oil biz in the USA is now mostly shale oil/gas. Vertical drilling by independents (or anyone) seems to have...

  7.   https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-big-oil-deal-won-025642130.html Trump never said that .  The author is deducting this reading into Trump's strategy of taking a market approach to reducing U.S. production. My theory...

  8. Why on earth is the absolute religious dictorship which owns Saudi Aramco still considered our 'ally' ? The justification given for Saudi Arabia lowering oil prices to...

  9. New here and struggling to understand US crude oil production numbers. The whole thing doesn't make any sense to me.  It has been said that...

  10. https://pubs.spe.org/en/jpt/jpt-article-detail/?art=6855&utm_source=linkedin-spe&utm_medium=social-content&utm_campaign=JPT&utm_content=Further Cuts Announced Due to Low Oil Price%2C Supply%2FDemand Imbalance The largest share of capital spending reduction will be in the Permian Basin, where short-cycle...

  11. Can someone throw light on how long the current negative crack of Jet fuel is likely to continue? This is going to badly impact...

  12. BAKU/DUBAI/LONDON (Reuters) - OPEC and allies led by Russia agreed on Sunday to a record cut in output to prop up oil prices amid...

  13. Oil Price's Paraskova wrote a good article on JP Morgan bailing out of ME.  Just 6 months ago every bank was beating a path to...

  14. Diplomatic wrangling between Mexico and Saudi Arabia entered a fourth day as neither side was willing to concede, even after President Donald Trump intervened...

  15. I invite all of you to take a good hard look at the live web-cam helpfully posted by the Fort Lee, New Jersey police...

  16. “This scenario looks to keep prices on track with our base case outlook, with second quarter Brent at $17/bbl, with a three-month point price...

  17. Is Cuomo going to step into the Presidential slot to replace Biden?  Watching Biden is really torturous since you know his next sentence will be...

  18. Does CAP 437 Circle H landing lighting create the safest landing environment for Helicopters?  

  19. Let the games begin! This should be an amusing show to watch.  From ZeroHedge: Slash Oil Output Or Else! Senate Bill Would Remove US Troops From Saudi...

  20. Dear users,  I hope I am asking a logical question and hope to receive an answer. What commodities price does rise specifically just because oil...

  21. I don't believe that the Saudis should be allowed to import and refine their on oil in the United States while attempting to bankrupt...

  22. I'm back & only for a second.  Just glossing over the negativism on this dam negative Oilprice.com!! Now their saying oil ONLY going down to $20...

  23. This may be hard to do here but lets pretend that we don't have any political agenda, deep breathes now. Do you believe in all...

  24. What a joke, it will avoid US tariffs while doing nothing to halt the collapse of prices. First and foremost - History tells us...

  25. In addition to U.S. participation Russia wants the sanctions dropped.  Hopefully Trump doesn't fall for this ploy.  First let's talk some rough estimates.  Today Russia,...

  26. So this just seems too simple to fix.....The first thing to defend against an oversupply collapse it to build more storage facilities.....Seems like an...

  27. This is ... disconcerting.  Is this a bizarre idea of MbS to corner the global oil majors?  Taking a cue from CCP - style infiltration...

  28. More smoke and mirrors .   Saudis produced 9.8 mm before OPEC deal fell apart. Saudis say they are going to produce 12.3 in April.  That is a joke.   Saudis say they will cut 4...

  29. Quote Occidental Petroleum Corp. wants U.S. government financial aid for the oil industry even as the biggest producer of Permian Basin crude urges Texas regulators...

  30. Mr. President do you want to get reelected ? Listen to former Energy Secretary Rick Perry.  Order 90 day halt of all crude oil imports...