1. "https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Is-US-Energy-Dominance-Coming-To-An-End.html"   First off, I'm surprised that Oilprice.com even employs this clown!  Nick is a Typing toe fungus.  He's a 'Greenie' from the mold festering Pac...

  2. Knowledgeable with plumbing pipe electrical equipment manual labor mechanically smart from small motors to big C16 cat motors an so forth can any one...

  3. Oil industry is cutting production around the world now.  They have to , the storage is filling up. Which company has more storage around the...

  4. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. How about accepting a little responsibility and not blame everybody else aka "the trump way" ?....

  5. Can solar power or windmills make petrochemical products? I'll wait patiently for an enlightening response from the oil disliker crowd. Petroleum in real life: Soap and hand sanitizers Germ-fighting...

  6. Oil rallied upon mention of cuts.  That's just naked shorts covering. Scares them a bit. Might bounce a little more on signing of an agreement...

  7. https://thestonkmarket.com/oil-plunges-prolific-basin-found-on-teens-face/ Houston – The price of oil fell dramatically on Tuesday as a new prolific basin was discovered on teen’s face.  Gunner Kitchen, 16-year-old teen, is...

  8. I was a little young, but all my family worked in either production or downstream. In the early 80's, the price per bbl was trading...

  9. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-08/saudi-crude-oil-armada-heads-for-u-s-after-opec-collapse Price fixing Cartels are illegal also. Just ban OPEC+ oil shipments to U.S.  . . .  or Trump can ban all imports for 90...

  10. .

  11. There is an unprecedented drop in oil demand in the United States by over 3 million bbls and production was in the 10 million...

  12. Perry has it right.  This action by Mohammed bin Salman is in violation of antitrust law,  World Trade Organization by-laws and just unfair.  This...

  13. Oil industry is cutting production around the world now.  They have to , the storage is filling up. Which company has more storage around the...

  14. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  15. Hello everyone, I am pretty noobish when it comes to oil industry. I have a pretty basic question, so world oil demand is 100mln barrels...

  16. What is the short-term, long-term goals in Oil and Gas Industry?

  17. Kind Attention:All Oil Majors/OPEC Authorities  We could see in history that such slow down and fall of fossil fuels demand & prices.We are very much...

  18. Story: recently I've been watching a small Canadian shale company that's had questionable earnings. They had questionable earnings because wells under produced due to...

  19. Perhaps it's been commented on in other discussions (I don't read them all), and educate me if I'm off base, but Trump's/USA's unwillingness to...

  20. Let me suggest you reading a long interesting article from biggest russian bussiness newspapaper Kommersant about US Saudi relations The article below discusses the current...

  21. I'm *not* Oil Price staff. I *don't* get paid to be a moderator here. It's just that I happen to like commenting about oil & gas. ...

  22. It wasn't Fauci's idea.  His partisan Hillary worship comes out in the end.  He sent Hillary a personal email after her loss stating "we...

  23. In addition to U.S. participation Russia wants the sanctions dropped.  Hopefully Trump doesn't fall for this ploy.  First let's talk some rough estimates.  Today Russia,...

  24. I can confirm there are talks amongst the G20 Energy Ministers. From the sounds of it I'm guessing it may contain some type of price...


  26. A bit too late.  U.S. Oil & Gas sector is already getting decimated. The silver lining to this mess might be if U.S. kept more of...

  27. Oil Industry Experts Say Shale Will Rise Again     (Bloomberg) -- The American shale industry shocked the world with its rebound after the 2014-2016 bust, setting records for...

  28. China to Start Buying Oil for State Reserves After Crash   https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-02/china-to-start-buying-oil-for-state-reserves-after-price-crash?fbclid=IwAR04YmL-SfBiYLNbeuqdJcojsNrqDiYM_aPjZagJxuxjpZnP6Jj6ds2Ndj4

  29. WHY IS  OIL PRICE. com ALWAYS NEGATIVE ???? I'm guessing because it originates from England ??? Anybody out there from the US or England can identify...

  30. Today, President Donald J. Trump will meet with executives in the energy industry to discuss the impact of COVID-19 and recent developments in energy...