1. Seems to be a flurry of accusers that EIA's data is wrong--to the ire of this writer for Seeking Alpha. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4131270-crude-oil-eia-bashers-check-numbers "Disappointingly, the outbreak of the...

  2. Oil prices rose on Thursday after Iran said it had seized a foreign oil tanker in the Gulf amid rising tensions between Tehran and...

  3. <a href='https://www.macrotrends.net/1369/crude-oil-price-history-chart'>Crude Oil Prices - 70 Year Historical Chart</a>            Inflation adjusted https://www.macrotrends.net/1369/crude-oil-price-history-chart Does anyone think that this chart is correct. $20...

  4. Story#1 - UN Demands $2 Trillion A Year From Rich Countries For ‘Climate Justice’ (but exclude China) Story#2 - UK “Nudge Unit” Recommends Banks Track...

  5. If not for the U.S. Democratic Party assistance to Communist Secretary General Xi Jinping, China would have signed Trade Deal in April, Iran would...

  6. Over in the other window, In a surprise to no one, New York cuts off its nose to spite its face Quote In an unsurprising move, the...

  7. Amusingly, it seems that the New York Times copied and pasted this entire Reuters article and hid most of the Reuters article behind their NYT...

  8. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/jobless-claims-rise-over-2-million-again-but-data-offer-glimmer-of-hope-2020-05-28?mod=economic-report In my area, yesterday's shopping spree showed businesses desperate for workers, with signs out at the windows of all restaurants and stores I passed...

  9. Pay attention to the levels of extreme voter dissatisfaction which resulted in Trump getting elected in the U.S. a couple years ago, and the...

  10. China is adding e-buses at a breakneck speed, apparently, and Bloomberg estimates these will eliminate almost 280,000 bpd from diesel fuel demand this year....

  11. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/activists-block-oil-tanker-kinder-morgan-trans-mountain-pipeline-canada [exaggerated yawn]

  12. I am not expert but I would like a opinion. For sometime US has gotten comfortable with cheap oil esp with shale. In effect this has...

  13. U.S. oil exports to Japan and South Korea will rise to record highs this month as Asian refiners take advantage of the steep discounts...

  14. What we need to watch out for tomorrow is the OPEC wording. Neither OPEC nor Russia wants to disappoint the market, but so far...

  15. What Icahn knows that we don't Some interesting speculating going on in this article. Yes the author is long Oxy. I'm curious what others here...

  16. its

    Nice to see the OILPRO.COM pundits/refugees have found a new home !

  17. "https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Is-US-Energy-Dominance-Coming-To-An-End.html"   First off, I'm surprised that Oilprice.com even employs this clown!  Nick is a Typing toe fungus.  He's a 'Greenie' from the mold festering Pac...

  18. Excerpt from an article about the current chaos in France: Incoherent Energy Policies And the tax announced by the government – an additional 6.6 cents per...

  19. As someone who can never ever tell these two companies apart, or rather which is whose state company, I found this article very interesting....

  20. OPEC kingpin Saudi Arabia will likely continue to apply greater pressure on others in OPEC+ who fail to abide by the alliance’s production curbs....

  21. Demand for Canadian heavy crude will increase as mexico and venezuela struggle to get oil to US refinery market, according to study from Deloitte. 

  22. "Canada’s top climate change official on Thursday said she would make no apologies for the nation’s support for its oil producers, saying environmental and...

  23.   2 parts to this story.  Part 1:  old article from 2015, for some context.  Long, detailed article.  Excerpt below, full article in the link: How...

  24. Oil explorers dialed back on drilling at the fastest pace in 2 1/2 years in U.S. fields as volatile crude prices crippled efforts to...

  25. Yippee, just what the U.S. needs right now, thanks MbS !  We really need the oil ! !   Because our oil storage is empty !...

  26. “You’re gonna need a bigger boat”  – JAWS.    Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water someone poked a couple...

  27. I came across this today and I was a bit, well, puzzled. "The four largest Gulf economies — Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait and Qatar...

  28. OPEC countries are prepared to step in to alleviate any market shortages together with other producers, the group the suggested on Monday, acknowledging recent...

  29. Shale and Small Canadian O&G players will toss in the keys to bond holders and banks quite soon.    Bond holders and banks will...

  30. https://news.yahoo.com/suspected-sars-virus-and-flu-found-in-luggage-fbi-report-describes-chinas-biosecurity-risk-144526820.html Suspected SARS virus and flu samples found in luggage: FBI report describes China's 'biosecurity risk'