1. Talk to 'Green New Deal' backers, BP CEO tells oil industry Hehe, what wouldn't they do to wash away that DH smear, eh?

  2. DUG Rockies: Plenty Of Promise, Despite The Politics   Technology has upended the conventional wisdom on well completions, and the passage of SB 181 in Colorado...

  3. China's One Belt, One Road bribe diplomacy in action.  Will wait to see if Duterte can successfully be bribed by Xi, or if Hotheaded Duterte will...

  4. The story below, which appeared in Clean Energy Wire, February 6, is typical of EV sales in general. Once the subsidies are withdrawn, buyers...

  5. Most of you would have see n this right? It goes with a whole slew of announcements about e-car makers cutting back on production...

  6. Just when I think the Australian state and Federal governments have a lock hold on insanity, the US EPA does something which makes them look...

  7. E&P Workers Getting Paid More in 2019   Crude production in the U.S. has continued to break records this year as drillers find ways to be...

  8. Eagle Ford - update through June 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions...

  9. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  10. $2.7 billion TPG Pace Energy Holdings/EnerVest merger announced today. Others have bailed on Eagle Ford. https://www.platts.com/latest-news/natural-gas/houston/private-equity-interest-in-south-texas-eagle-21605358

  11. Recent production revival and potential for further development makes Eagle Ford shale a promising prospect During 2018 Eagle Ford re-emerged as one of the lucrative...

  12. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  13. If the EIA and API can’t get their numbers even close on a monthly or weekly basis how can they be used as a credible...

  14. East Timor, one of the world's poorest countries, could still be an economic success story despite reports its main oil and gas fields will...

  15. Economic headwinds could slow growth of North American oil, gas sector: S&P Ratings     The outlook for growth for the North American oil and gas industry...

  16. (Bloomberg) -- Ecuador, one of OPEC’s smallest members, will leave the group in January as it seeks to increase revenue from crude oil sales. Ecuador...

  17. I have always wondered if the push for electrical vehicle (EVs) or the hybrid of them, will result in the reduction in the world...

  18. So I've been reading much of the lively discussions here about oil prices and inventories and demand and supply. I was reading another article that...

  19. Rystad Says Over 100K US Oil, Gas Jobs Lost Amid Oil Slump     The U.S. oil and gas labor market is one of the world’s most...

  20. Oil billionaires .  .  .   https://www.cnbc.com/video/2020/05/06/oil-prices-could-hit-100-in-next-18-months-naguib-sawiris.html Energy Journalist . .. .. ..   https://oilprice.com/Energy/Oil-Prices/This-Could-Be-The-Beginning-Of-A-Tremendous-Oil-Rally.html   Turning Shale production off and on is easy as turning your TV on and off. ...

  21. EIA ups oil growth demand forecast for 2018 by 100,000 bpd. Prices reacting favorably to this and to the expectation that crude oil inventories...

  22. Welcome to the EIA inventory data thread. This thread will be updated weekly and will serve as the basis for all relevant conversation about...

  23. Like most of you I anticipate the EIA's Summary of Weekly petroleum data each Wednesday @ at 10:30 ET. The news media reports increases/decreases...

  24. EIA revises upwards its oil price forecasts for 2019-20 HOUSTON, May 8 05/08/2019   In its latest monthly Short-Term Energy Outlook, the US Energy Information Administration forecasts Brent...

  25. I have a technical question Can anyone explain the reason(s) behind the divergence between MONTHLY estimates of U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil, which is...

  26. Total liquid fuels inventories return to five-year averages in the United States and OECD https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=36392    

  27. EIA revised today its US production forecast. 11 million bpd by end 2018. WOW. just... WOW. production week ending 1/26 was 9.919 million bpd.  When OPEC...

  28. Weekly oil inventory data from the EIA Prior week was +5836K Gasoline -2328K vs -1092K exp Distillates -101K vs +550K exp Refinery utilization -0.5% vs +1.0% exp Production unchanged...

  29. U.S. shale oil production is expected to increase in May for the fourth consecutive month, U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) data showed today (April...

  30. China is adding e-buses at a breakneck speed, apparently, and Bloomberg estimates these will eliminate almost 280,000 bpd from diesel fuel demand this year....