1. Today was launched in the middle of a growing outcry the FII by the House of Al Saud with attendants mostly from Russia, China,...

  2. Is oil and gas industries dying in this pandemic situation?

  3. I am a first time user of a public forum and was hoping to find open opinions and SME in Post Covid-19 lessons learned...

  4. As the world is gradually reducing its reliance on oil and gas for transportation and energy, how will this affect petrochemical industry growth and...

  5. Following the discussions here, I really appreciate the creative and mindful spirit of many of the conversations. I would like to discuss mid-term and...

  6. A nice infographic from some think tank named Overseas Development Institute. So despite their commitments, despite all the assurances that they're fighting climate change...

  7. Can the price of oil be gamed? As the price has bounced up and down over the last four years, perplexed analysts have tried...

  8. Hi guys, I'm ever so sorry if this is in the wrong section, please do move it if it's wrong but I wasn't sure which...

  9. According to a new report by the U.S. Department of Labor, consumer prices rose by nearly four percent in San Diego over the last...

  10. Quote   A Rystad Energy analysis of Europe’s real time traffic data has revealed that the road fuel demand destruction during the prevailing second wave of...

  11. In my small town, gasoline is $1.63. In the nearby big city, I would guess I could find it for $1.55. This doesn't seem...

  12. Gasoline prices will be mediated by natural gas and electric vehicles. Also by ethanol and new oil producers worldwide using fracking and horizontal drilling.

  13. In the last 2 weeks massive nationwide (except Caracas for political motivations) gasoline shortages and lines at pump stations have been seen in Venezuela...

  14. Raise your hand if you think EIA is going to confirm tomorrow API's horrific report that called for 9.196 million barrel build in gasoline...

  15. Russia’s top gas producer Gazprom has signed a roadmap on implementation of projects in Iran and a memorandum of understanding and cooperation on an...

  16. Lots of money being poured into new oil and gas projects in the GCC, at $405 billion. However, of the total $662 billion in...

  17. There was a very interesting video presentation published in 2014 by Peter Zeihan on the subject of Geopolitics.  Click here It is of course based on...

  18. George Mitchell, Hero To The World’s Poor https://www.thegwpf.com/george-mitchell-hero-to-the-worlds-poor/?fbclid=IwAR2sh7U596qpTbflkzjJSO5_zIDL_mZrTzpAMbBAU-W54LEKthYdXQ7vkOg https://www.thegwpf.com/who-we-are/

  19. Germany’s Incoming Govt Agrees To Phase Out Coal Eight Years Ahead of Schedule By Tsvetana Paraskova - Oct 15, 2021, 1:30 PM CDT The coalition that...

  20. How convenient. " BERLIN (AP) — The U.S. and Germany must stand “side by side” in handling the coronavirus pandemic, fighting global warming and terrorism, and...

  21. Their production increased in June from May, then they agreed... kinda... in late June that they would stick more closely to the original cut...

  22. This is addressed to the technical drilling types on the forum: A few days ago there was a post concerning a well drilled in Alaska...

  23. Hey, U.S. Shale Oil producers, how's that Hamster Wheel of Debt working out for you? Still spending more money than you earn? Running faster and faster to...

  24. https://www.wsj.com/articles/glencore-subpoenaed-by-u-s-over-compliance-with-corruption-laws-1530604303?mod=e2tw

  25. Market orientation is the greatest challenge confronting oil companies whos want to open new markets and increase . To do this, First companies must...

  26. Global demand upturn, IMO rule could boost Brent oil to $90 a barrel – BofA De-escalation of a trade war could result in a weaker...

  27. The value of natural gas flaring across the world has seen a substantial increase to hit a global peak of $16.4 billion this year,...

  28. Amin Nasser, Saudi Aramco Chief Executive Officer, says the global oil and gas industry needs to invest more than $20 trillion over the next...

  29. There's a 50-50 chance Trump is about to trigger a global oil shock A lovely dramatic piece from the Daily Telegraph. I felt especially bad...

  30. I don't see promotion of GLP as Star of Transition to Green New Order.