1. What is most troubling to me is Trump letting Abdulaziz get away with this.   He had to respond in kind Stop the Saudi dumping oil...

  2.                                     .                              ...

  3. Oil production in November was on the lowest level since May this year... Iraq and Angola have the biggest drop. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-opec-oil/opec-oil-output-falls-in-november-to-lowest-since-may-idUSKBN1DY267?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=Social  

  4. Chevron getting bold and fixing to restarting drilling in Kurdistan. This seems like a huge risk to me.  

  5. Who wants to go with me to tour an Iranian oilfield?  https://financialtribune.com/articles/travel/87475/oil-ministry-ready-to-offer-oilfield-tours "The Oil Ministry welcomed a proposal by Iran's Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization...

  6. Trying to get a handle on gains and losses in oil market share to China ... See numbers for Jan show Russia and Angola...

  7. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iea-exporters/more-than-ever-big-oil-exporters-must-diversify-economies-iea-idUSKCN1MY35C Shocking.

  8. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-11-05/opec-sees-its-market-share-shrinking-for-years-as-shale-triumphs Looks like will get Brent price up for IPO. Looks downhill 2020 thru 2025. OPEC report names in addition to U.S. shale - Brazil, Kazakhstan,...

  9. How It Started and How It's Going"Hold them liable for what they have done ... when they don't want to deliver, put them in...

  10. The Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee (JMMC) reviewed the monthly report prepared by its Joint Technical Committee (JTC), including the overall conformity levels of the...

  11. Nice white flag you have there, China.  Waving a white flag isn't so hard after all, is it ... China announces new tariff exemptions for...

  12. It's been a pretty dull year to invest in Big Oil, but I see a few right now that would make sense for a...

  13. With brand-name drillers unwilling to jump in, Venezuela is resorting to a newly formed U.S. company for help in shoring up production from its...

  14. CEO Bob Dudley no longer sees U.S. shale being the swing producer he thought it would be. Could this be smokescreen for soaring, record shale...

  15. With limited export terminals that can handle VLCC tankers what is the daily  crude export capacity limit before new VLCC capable terminals come o...

  16. Putin posturing in Venezuela promise of 6 Billion USD of Oil and Gold, Russia slowly positioning itself to take over where the USA have...

  17. Hydrogen truck mfg, Nikola, garner's much attention.   Most efficient means to mfg hydrogen is through use of natural gas. https://nikolamotor.com/motor

  18. EVs produce more CO2 than say diesel – it’s just they emit via the power plant not the exhaust pipe. The brutal truth that no-one wants to listen...

  19. Likes the companies with good balance sheets,  5% plus cash flow, and has low cost reserves. He likes EOG , Pioneer , Concho He was asked...

  20. Self-explanatory. Nigeria dependence on oil revenue underlined by coronavirus The fast spreading coronavirus from China is threatening Nigeria’s primary source of revenue, oil. Demand for oil has...

  21. Oil Price Reversions – The Inevitable Outcome Of Recessions by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022 - 01:26 PM Authored by Lance Roberts via RealInvestmentAdvice.com, An oil price...

  22. ConocoPhillips won a $2 billion arbitration against Venezuela’s state-controlled oil company over the 2007 expropriation of two oil projects, among the biggest so far...

  23. Developing story. President Bongo Safe After Military Coup Fails In Oil-Rich Gabon Soldiers in Gabon briefly took over a state radio in a failed coup attempt...

  24. The head of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce is worried Trump might decide to start hating oil sands. Q: With the Canadian-U.S. trade relationship so...

  25. I don't see promotion of GLP as Star of Transition to Green New Order.  

  26. API is expected to report an inventory draw for oil today of 3.588 million bpd, but both API and EIA data have been increasingly...

  27. This is interesting. I'd think the bigger the company, the more money to spend on boosting drilling operations but, apparently, not.  Rising oil price will...

  28. Bears and bulls are butting heads over the current state of the oil market. There’s a growing disconnect between the physical market for crude and...

  29. Shale continues to shoot itself in the foot, might have been a good idea to think this thing out beforehand. US slowly diluting it’s...