1. India set out to cancel some Iranian oil imports because their insurance carrier dropped them like a hot potato. Iran generously stepped in to...

  2. ... because U.S. sanctions have cut flow of Venezuelan oil, apparently. Here. I tell ya, this whole sanction charade must have been Putin's personal idea. 

  3. Barclays Bank fossil fuel funding protests to spread worldwide I'm taking bets when this will spread to other banks as well.

  4. Presented without my usual comments.  Recommended reading. How Oil Defeated The Nazis

  5. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Oil-Discoveries-Hit-70-Year-Low.html The last three years has been the worst stretch of time in seventy years for new conventional oil discoveries. A new report from IHS Markit finds that...

  6. Free markets work and they help people.  If you treat customers like crap, don't be surprised if they dump you and go seek out a...

  7. A federal judge temporarily blocked oil and gas drilling on thousands of acres of public land in Wyoming, ruling that the Trump administration failed...

  8. This article mentioned that Orbital Insights reported that there is 2 billion barrels of available crude storage in the world. Does this make sense...

  9. Woodside and ABB will replace one of the gas turbines on Woodside's Goodwyn platform with a battery pack. "Woodside said the battery installation would reduce...

  10. Does anyone know what I can read (recent) to better understand the relationship with oil and finance in the U.S. and elsewhere? 

  11. PDVSA has been on the brink for a while, but new reports show not only a mass exodus of workers who intend to resign...

  12. Oil Companies Join Corporate Lobbying Push for U.S. Carbon Tax   (Bloomberg) -- Oil companies, automakers and consumer products manufacturers will unleash a campaign for a...

  13. Thoughtful article from the Oil Price main news site.  And the writer penned my new favorite label for climate panic screechers, "bloviator de jour". 5 Reasons Why...

  14. Interesting article, being a deepwater advocate I am bias this has been fairly obvious, we should have mixed the two up but we put...

  15. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/dec/10/exxonmobil-cleared-climate-fraud-defeat-global-war/ ExxonMobil cleared of 'climate fraud' in defeat for global-warming movement's 'Exxon knew' campaign Attorney General Letitia James failed to show that Exxon 'made any material...

  16. Here to share my interview for Eurasia Daily on the current Venezuela's crisis today: https://ednews.net/en/news/analytical-wing/428308-what-is-going-on-in-venezuela

  17. Last Saturday, President Maduro announced his intentions to rationalise the supply of gasoline in the country through some tool called Carnet de la Patria...

  18. Greenpeace activists halt BP's North Sea oil rig "The activists demanded that one of the world’s biggest energy companies immediately end drilling new wells and...

  19. Here's where things return to normal and transcend political lines in the sand. All the governor of coastal states don't want Washington to open...

  20. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  21. https://www.argusmedia.com/en/news/1833434-crude-summit-hamm-sees-us-shale-output-growth-slowing "Producers have become more disciplined in their approach to capex," he said. "Several years back growth was a huge consideration. That consideration has been...

  22. How will the recent drone attack at Dubai refinery affect gold price

  23. KAPSARC published an interesting perspective on the world oil market  this week--I encourage you to read it and would be very interested in hearing your...

  24. 'Who's the cleanest of them all' Take a wild guess what country is reducing its greenhouse gas emissions the most? Canada? Britain? France? India? Germany?...

  25. The next logical step after the announcement of the huge discovery that may or may not be recoverable meaningfully.

  26. This victory for the Keystone XL oil pipeline seems to be ignored in the current trade war between U.S. and China. Apparently most U.S. mainstream...

  27. Libyan light, sweet crude is like US shale-produced oil, says Bloomberg. Not like oil produced in the Middle East. What OPEC likes is that...

  28. according to a news release, Minister of Oil Manuel Quevedo called for a mass at a church in order to pray to God to...

  29. By IEA, global oil demand is expected to pick up this year but supply is growing at a faster pace, leading to a rise...

  30. The banking industry, unlike many others, has not been subjected to a lot of shareholder pressure with regard to funding oil and gas industry...