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  5. Washington Post is at it again, with their frothing hatred of the U.S. Just unbelievable. Posting the article in full, for those lurkers who do not wish to...

  6. White House insider who predicted Iran False Flag, David Goldberg found dead in his New York apartment http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=190059 , https://israeltodaynews.blogspot.com/  TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2019 David E. Goldberg was found...

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  9. South Korea imported no crude oil from Iran for a second month in June following the end of a U.S. sanctions wavier, with Iranian...

  10. And some screeching lunatics want to shut down all oil and gas production.  The infamous "Keep Oil & Gas in the Ground Forever" crowd.   <...

  11. The only way to control ever increasing pollution that has already crossed the safe limits and making this planet a host of disease is...

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  14. Wondering how much we think China will play, continue to play with Iran. Paying for oil with promises to invest is right up their...

  15. US Shale set to top 14 million Bbls/day 2020 and set to continue increasing. OPEC has the reserves and is undoubtedly sustainable and is...

  16. Continuing with Tom Kirkman's post regarding the fact that 'correlation does not equal causation', and his included visual 'US crude oil imports from Norway...

  17. What the heck?  Article is frustratingly short on details.  Perhaps a harbinger of their increasing trade war (on the losing side) with the U.S. ? A...

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  19. Smart move; logical thinking. Irish government votes in favour of future Oil & Gas exploration "Ireland’s Government have blocked a bill that would have banned future...

  20. https://www.facebook.com/Dronedeploy/?__tn__=kC-R&eid=ARCCPVbqlTK4MXbA3q0fET4UsyeonUEXRqNk05BvgdehSianxkqQlMquhJBv_BjVKoqTnlHUFsXRYO6w0J7nMLMWntZkEAyclVA9vxDcAaY4a-WiwQyOtn_eZIqTmGIjQp02Th8movZNK5bCZLpjk12ygOKZDKitvLpFvJ4kZd4SvLJeLQ&hc_ref=ART1kMnCq5nR45URdwsJHZbzZVD8R174X-bZLzUSu75nL56GOJ5P_3xeJsiShTMY47I&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARCk2OEQhUbxYUPgmhf6D1DwjLbeqdswfvhKeNsgFos_HCC6FewIPSAP6X73_qqWiH0IJKrmZZrg49NAdVvWXr108N8j821m0G5uHLiEbNBUstCREMgcWuGnqYU9kSKNlDevb-GtNdHmTd_s-ErVPtbMXd_K8DUXW3RSIkZs5Yu_h6-9UTdUNmRxPbtxofuM2K52UMFyocyleK16Zf4XPI4Y9ZdYnX7L8rK7u1XoNJa3n4cMXOXkAPlp-7hAo99HOsAPf8oIWz8zYuthdVD8ywkpvRFXvd7pPs2t Are drones widely deployed to inspect pipelines, refineries etc? Seems like a great way to inspect lines if a sniffer chip was included.

  21. Some oil, gas production halted as US Gulf Coast prepares for major storm   US offshore oil and gas drillers started shutting production Wednesday as a...

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  23. Hi all, I'm currently working on the number of OSVs which include AHTS (Anchor handling Tug Supply), PSV (platform Supply Vessel), MPSV (Multi Purpose Supply...

  24. The Mainstream Media is going batsh*t bonkers over Trump's speech yesterday.  Struck a nerve.  MSM desperately do not want people to observe that America is actually...

  25.     Freed by a new state law to set its own rules on oil and gas development, Weld County is looking to bolster the local...

  26. Will we ever see 90 to 100USD plus oil?. Both Opec and Russia are fighting to keep oil up, looking at fundamentals I would...

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