1. So I went to download OPEC's new Monthly report for November, only to discover I need to "register" by entering my name and email...

  2. I'm no Econ major, but removing some zeros from their currency doesn't seem like it would solve Venezuela's problems. Is this kicking the can,...

  3. Timing is interesting, ahead of Canada's federal election in October.  I believe Trudeau and the far left will not remain in power.  And I...

  4. How will AI change the petroleum industry?     Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly impact the petroleum industry by increasing efficiency, improving safety, and...

  5. Oh, North America. I'm bored with your irrational pipeline hatred. https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/canada-thousands-protest-trans-mountain-pipeline-expansion-180309060838063.html It will be interesting to see how many protestors actually show up here (they optimistically...

  6. .   

  7. The Iraqi cabinet on April 1 approved a plan to raise the nation's crude-oil production capacity to 6.5 million barrels per day (bpd) by...

  8. From the FT: "Some of the world’s biggest energy companies say a backlash against plastics will not derail the industry’s big bet on petrochemicals, as...

  9. California Legislative bill AB 345 has been killed, at least for 2019, but just the intent of the bill did a lot of damage...

  10. T. Boone Pickens Dies At Age 91   Oilman T. Boone Pickens died Sept 11. He was 91. Pickens' spokesman Jay Rosser confirmed the death to The...

  11.  Vitol Group, the world's biggest independent oil trader, is jumping into the electric-vehicle fleet business. Vitol has partnered with China's BYD to allocate an...

  12. Karma has come home to roost for PDVSA, and for Venezuela's seizure-happy Socialist government.  What goes around, comes around. Turnabout is fair play. Here's an Oil...

  13. The Oil-Producing Exporting Countries (OPEC) yesterday disclosed that a whopping $10.3 trillion investment would be required to meet the 15 million barrels per day...

  14. For the first time since 2011, fracking to begin tomorrow in the UK!

  15. Wew lads.  Looks like it's gonna be a bizarre news week. I decided to share this article below after my big eye roll of reading another...

  16. U.S. oil drillers are rapidly transitioning to electric power, driving electricity sales up by 16% in New Mexico and 58% in North Dakota, as...

  17. http://www.ey.com/gl/en/newsroom/news-releases/news-ey-oil-and-gas-sector-must-adapt-now-to-rising-cybersecurity-threat 60% of organizations surveyed recently suffered a significant cyber incident, but only 17% feel confident they would detect a sophisticated cyber attack. A little...

  18. Long knives getting sharpened in Iran, apparently. Trump's new sanctions against Iranian government look set to bite very hard, and the subsequent political infighting within...

  19. Oil just tumbled into a bear market. Here's why Trump's trade war is to blame. President Donald Trump's trade disputes with key international trade partners have claimed...

  20. The magic number to keep the shale boom going is $55   The assumption that U.S. oil production will continue to rise, undeterred by anything other...

  21. Yeah, I'm not really sure what to think about this. http://dailycaller.com/2018/04/02/jack-gerard-oil-lobbyist-mormon-church/

  22. Permian – update through March 2018 This article contains still images from interactive dashboards available on the blog post. To follow the instructions detailed here,...

  23. The Latest: Death toll rises to 73 in Mexico pipeline blast https://www.apnews.com/1c106a2272dc413db4e11db6fc2361c2 Oil and natural gas pipelines are often at risk due to tapping by criminals...

  24. This could get messy.  This is not "hacktivism", this is criminal.  A $100,000 reward for illegal black-hat hacking of oil companies. Phineas Fisher Offers $100,000...

  25. A civil suit playing out between five American oil companies and the municipalities of Oakland and San Francisco started off poorly for climate change activists. In...

  26. Pemex world's deadliest Covid company     Tomás Morales Vega shivered and huddled close to his co-workers in a narrow corridor outside the doctor's office. They...

  27. Wood Mac estimates that US oil industry will see 190 billion from the tax overhaul. http://www.chron.com/business/energy/article/Trump-tax-plan-a-190b-boost-to-oil-industry-12539700.php  

  28. Chevron Fires Warning To Oil, Gas Independents Speaking at Offshore Europe, John O’Brien, deepwater focus manager at Chevron, explained how a change in attitude and...

  29. LMAO. Oil bad. Oil REEEEEAALLYY BAD !   5 minute video of Maddow discussing her book on Colbert.  The rabid, frothing tin foil and Maddow conspiracy theories are...

  30. The way I understand it, MBS wants to take money out of the pocket labelled "Aramco" and put it in the pocket labelled "PIF"....