1. While the media is often focused on how multibillions are being poured into energy transition projects worldwide (usually focusing on solar and wind), global...

  2. E&P Workers Getting Paid More in 2019   Crude production in the U.S. has continued to break records this year as drillers find ways to be...

  3.   Big Oil is moving aggressively into petrochemicals, unleashing huge amounts of capital for new projects worldwide. A natural extension would be the acquisition of...

  4. OPEC agreed on Monday to extend oil supply cuts until March 2020, three OPEC sources said, as the group’s members overcame their differences in...

  5. Deepwater, tight oil share similar growth themes, Both tight oil and deepwater have vital roles to play, WoodMac says   Deepwater projects and tight oil plays...

  6. Presented without my usual comments. U.S. will sanction any countries that import Iranian oil: special envoy (Reuters) - The United States will sanction any country that...

  7. Scratching The Subsurface The oil and gas industry has come far in its understanding of the unconventional subsurface, but there is still much to learn about shale’s...

  8. Texas Expands Protections for State’s Royalty Owners   In a win for Texas royalty owners, earlier this month Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law new...

  9. Boulder County puts 9-month moratorium on oil and gas development https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/local-news/boulder-county-puts-9-month-moratorium-on-oil-and-gas-development

  10. BP invests USD30m in breakthrough technology to produce animal feeds from natural gas   BP Ventures has made an investment of $30 million in Calysta, Inc.,...

  11. As of January 1, 2019, U.S. operable atmospheric crude oil distillation capacity was a record-high 18.8 million barrels per calendar day (b/cd), an increase...

  12. US to lead oil output growth through 2030: ConocoPhillips chief economist   Global oil demand expected to rise modestly to 2030 Refining capacity will adapt to lighter...

  13. https://www.thestreet.com/world/russia-saudi-arabia-agree-to-opec-oil-cut-extension-15006689 WTI to $70 anyone?

  14. Hello All! As the news, that U.S. administration is not going to extend the waivers, takes hold and oil markets react (as expected) there is...

  15. Although slightly dated at this point, I thought this article explained the shale oil operational and financial issues, from a layman's perspective quite well....

  16. Solvable or not? From what I've been reading, opponents are being very vocal, politicians are being pushed to ban single-use plastics (commendable) but... demand is...

  17. Heh heh, this amuses me in so many ways. Note the last bit of the excerpt below, which San Francisco oil haters are gonna hate: U.S....

  18. .    

  19. A fire in a vat of butane at the largest oil refinery on the U.S. East Coast turned the early morning Philadelphia sky a...

  20. Here are a few petroleum sites that are on the hobby side of things: http://www.ppsi.org.uk/ http://www.oldgas.com https://aoghs.org

  21. Strategic imperatives for the evolving refining and chemical sectors   Plastics problem about to be solved!!! _____________________________________________________________________________   Five major forces that have traditionally acted independently will converge over...

  22. Strike threat puts Norway's oil and gas output at risk from Friday     London — Norway's oil and gas output could be disrupted starting Friday...

  23. Shipowners are ready, the bunker market is not     The number of ports in which low sulphur fuel will be available at the start of 2020...

  24. Oil demand needs to halve, gas use must drop by 10% and coal use needs to be all but eradicated by 2050 to achieve...

  25. Its called reality: Economic, policy challenges to make Asia's energy transition painfully slow   Asia will lag behind Europe, US in embracing non-conventional energy Investment in...

  26. .    

  27. Let's see how popular this Carbon Tax financial scam gets when it seriously hits people's pocketbooks. The oil haters are really getting out of control,...

  28. Baker Hughes Enters JV to Deploy Artificial Intelligence Baker Hughes, a GE Company (BHGE) has entered into a joint venture with Artificial Intelligence (AI) software...

  29. Aramco Can Keep Crude Flowing if Hormuz Hit (Bloomberg) -- Saudi Arabian Oil Co. has the experience and infrastructure it needs to keep crude flowing...

  30. According to industry analysts and the company’s own strategy Vaca Muerta shale oil is poised to become Argentine state-controlled NOC YPF’s main growth driver...