1. Please allow me to highlight (in bold) a few bits from excerpts from this Bloomberg article below. Perhaps then you will better understand why I worded this thread title...

  2. GOM Production Poised to Set New Records   Oil production in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico (GoM) is poised to set new records in the imminent...

  3. Saudis Take Iran's Oil Market Share Saudi Arabia ramped up oil production last month by the most this year, largely filling the gap created by...

  4. Progression Of Completions   The evolution of designs hastens the U.S. shale boom. In the 70 years since the first hydraulically fractured well began commercial operations, the technique’s processes and...

  5. Oil company finding costs reached a 10-year low in 2018 In 2018, a group of the world's largest crude oil and natural gas producers added...

  6. EIA’s new liquids pipeline projects database shows new U.S. crude oil pipeline capacity       Follow @OilVoice Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration liquids pipeline projects database EIA recently launched a new liquids...

  7. Surviving The New Oil Price Reality   Five years after the downturn in oil prices, new strategies emerged that enabled the oil and gas industry to succeed amid...

  8. Permian – update through February 2019 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this...

  9. US Bolton said, " almost" certain Iran behind attacks. US says Iran " likely" behind attacks on tankers Kirkman post on this blog discusses how Shell can survive at $30...

  10.  Russia made a point of announcing they are removing the group of military "advisors" they sent to Venezuela a couple of months ago. Unrelated, U.S....

  11. Eloquent rebuttal by an Alaskan Native Tribal Administrator against the U.S. bill to prevent oil & gas development in their native lands. The self-serving California...

  12. About an hour ago, I posted a comment in a different thread.  This was before seeing this new, lead article on Oil Price main news...

  13. Not looking so well for Iran and its oil allies these days.  2 related articles.  Seems the Saudi / U.S. plan to squeeze Iran...

  14. George Mitchell, Hero To The World’s Poor https://www.thegwpf.com/george-mitchell-hero-to-the-worlds-poor/?fbclid=IwAR2sh7U596qpTbflkzjJSO5_zIDL_mZrTzpAMbBAU-W54LEKthYdXQ7vkOg https://www.thegwpf.com/who-we-are/

  15. Is the Shale Revolution Here to Stay?   Critics of the U.S. shale industry question its staying power. By Xander Snyder - May 15, 2019       Summary U.S. shale oil is a booming...

  16. new pipeline projects in the permian Wink to Webster Texas Pipeline Companies: Plains All American Pipeline L.P. and Exxon Mobil, Lotus Midstream LLC Capacity: 1 million b/d capacity...

  17. Life is going to pretty boring when we don’t have the roar of an internal combustion engine racing around our circuits. Formula E - Heaven...

  18.   Oilfield Proverb (for those at the cutting edge): Listen, all ye miserable sinners who have entered into the land of the tall derricks through the V-door....

  19. Which is a better domain name for OAPEC (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries)?  OAPEC.ORG or OAPECORG.ORG

  20. The Trump administration lifted restrictions on the sale of higher ethanol blends of gasoline, keeping a campaign promise to farmers suffering from the trade...

  21. (Bloomberg) -- Big Oil probably won’t be buying up the Permian Basin’s struggling independent drillers any time soon. Years of costly exploration and frantic buying...

  22. (Bloomberg) -- From Russia to Saudi Arabia, Iran to Venezuela, the list of crude oil supplies being curtailed or disrupted around the world is...

  23. Olabode Johnson, President of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria dies suddenly after headache. He was opposing the privatisation of...

  24. Here are a few petroleum sites that are on the hobby side of things: http://www.ppsi.org.uk/ http://www.oldgas.com https://aoghs.org

  25. Recently there have been those responding to comments in the posts 'Total Nonsense in Climate Debate' (Renewables) and 'Visualizing How Much Oil is in...

  26. Yes, this is about oil.  And pretty sure this good news will infuriate oil haters, Trump haters, climate panickers, and globalists.  And I'm perfectly...

  27. Independent’ Oil, Gas Operators Drive American Energy Development By Wide Margin     Independent oil and natural gas producers are dominating the United States energy markets, according...

  28. https://www.sbs.com.au/news/us-rebrands-fossil-fuels-as-molecules-of-freedom It's not an Onion story, there's a link to the press release. Ingenious! Statoil ain't got nothing on the DoE when it comes to...

  29. Exxon Shareholders Reject Resolutions On Climate, Separating CEO, Chairman Well, I suppose it's time for activists to start gluing themselves to, um, shareholders?

  30. Will a New Washington State Law Hurt Bakken Crude Oil Producers? Refineries in Washington state have been reliable buyers of Bakken-sourced crude oil during the...