1. .US has spent (wasted)Trillions in Mideast. China couldn't be happier.  While US is off being world policeman  China is eating US economic lunch. May sound...

  2. First, let me preface this post by once again admitting that I am NOT a 'financial guy' and that I'll probably get some terms...

  3. Remember kids, only you can prevent Canada from using fossil fuels. ZOMG Eleventy Panic!  Canada Climate Change Armageddon Uber Alles!   Jagmeet Singh has decided to take...

  4. Last night I saw this Hungarian military plane being tracked as it was arriving in U.S. and wondered what was going on:   Then this morning...

  5. Recommended reading, as it covers both pros and cons without the usual hyperbolic hysterics from either camp.  2 thumbs up to the author. 👍 👍 Is the...

  6. Hope this doesn't get me into hot water, but I am going to share the beginning excerpt from a current Oil Price Editorial, which is...

  7. Oil & Gas aren't going away any time soon.  Maybe a reduction by 2100 or so.  Maybe. Hydrocarbons still offer the biggest energy bang for the...

  8. technology Surge of New Permian Basin Oil to Feed Global Supply By Sheela Tobben May 14, 2019, 8:43 AM MDTUpdated on May 14, 2019, 10:01 PM MDT   U.S....

  9. Allianz aims for "climate-neutral" investments by 2050 German insurer Allianz aims to make the massive investments that back its business "climate-neutral" by 2050, chief executive...

  10. DUG Rockies: Plenty Of Promise, Despite The Politics   Technology has upended the conventional wisdom on well completions, and the passage of SB 181 in Colorado...


  12. US - update through January 2019 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in...

  13. The U.S. are increasing the pressure on companies doing business with Nord Stream 2. The EU is starting to talk with Nord Stream 2...

  14. Growth of the Original Shale Play The Bakken has received global attention since the early days of the first unconventional wells drilled and completed within...

  15. Oil supply crunch to test OPEC’s spare capacity Oil production capacity could fall to under one percent of global oil demand by the end of...

  16. U.S. shale output to hit new record of 8.49 million bpd in June: EIA   NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. oil output from seven major shale...

  17. Carbon tax best way to cut greenhouse gas emissions: IMF   At $70 per ton of carbon dioxide, a carbon tax would be the most efficient...

  18. Saudi Aramco aims to boost its oil supply to Europe by 300,000 barrels per day (bpd) within the next two years as it expands...

  19. Hot spots in the Middle East with oil tankers being sabotoged are apparently coinciding with Turkey now causing oil & gas trouble for Cyprus and...

  20. BP’s investors unite over fears firm is ‘falling behind’ on climate Good.

  21. To scrub or not to scrub One way or another, ship owners are soon going to have to make big, and in some cases expensive,...

  22. Two Saudi oil tankers damaged in 'sabotage attack,' says press agency   https://edition.cnn.com/2019/05/12/middleeast/uae-cargo-ship-sabotage-intl/index.html

  23. Just read a piece from fringe website that believes the sabotage was staged. MBS, Mohammed bin Salman (Saudi) MBZ, Mohammed bin Zayed (Emirates) JCK,  Jared Corey Kushner...

  24. The mysterious "sabotage" of four tankers near the Fujairah port in the Gulf will probably add some more tension in the Gulf... https://www.reuters.com/article/us-emirates-fujairah-port-shipping/uae-says-four-vessels-subjected-to-sabotage-near-fujairah-port-idUSKCN1SI0EG Do you have...

  25. Danish DONG Energy changed its name to, erm, Ørsted (pronounced “Ehr-still*”), after the scientist who discovered electromagnetism. The family sued. The company won... But embarrassment was...

  26. Ukraine Oil Corruption Scandal + U.S. Presidential Election 2020 ... Popcorn time!  This could be quite the train wreck to watch unfold. Schiff: Biden Ukraine...