1. The price of crude oil made a swif recovery on Monday, perhaps due to two major factors: first of all, the Omicron variant of...

  2. US set to take over as world's largest oil producer in 2018--and Russia just hit a 30-year production high in 2017. 

  3.   The continuous rising oil price is making it difficult to actually plan

  4. Santos board unanimously rejected Harbour unconditional offer of $5.25 USD/share; ends talks. https://www.santos.com/media-centre/announcements/santos-rejects-harbour-proposal-and-terminates-discussions/

  5. CRC took a big dip last week, just wondering why as most of its production is heavier API grade, a desirable commodity these days....

  6. And in other news, the Middle East continues its cheery holiday tradition of merrily celebrating with good cheer and camaraderie.  Oh wait.   Iraqi Protesters Shut Down...

  7. G20 Statement regarding oil "demand": UPDATE 3-Oil prices fall on demand concerns as G20 warns of risks to growth https://ca.investing.com/news/commodities-news/update-1oil-prices-fall-on-demand-concerns-as-g20-warns-of-risks-to-growth-1213020  

  8. Though I am not an expert in predicting oil prices I believe that roller coaster ride of oil price may culminate in oil price...

  9. Venezuela owes Russia and China huge amounts of money from numerous, repeated loans to bail out the Venezuelan Socialist government.  Both Russia and China...

  10. Can someone throw light on how long the current negative crack of Jet fuel is likely to continue? This is going to badly impact...

  11. The oil exports from Saudi Arabi have fallen from 7.307 to 7.235 mbd, according to the monthly data provided by the OPEC. This is...

  12. .

  13. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Trump-Vows-To-Protect-Syrian-Oil-Fields-From-ISIS.html The United States may leave 500 troops in northeastern Syria and send in battle tanks and other equipment, the Wall Street Journal reports, citing military...

  14. 10.97 million bpd in April, same as March. Large companies produced more in April, while smaller companies produced less for a net zero change....

  15. EXCERPT:   ...most of the oil in the recent export surge is light sweet oil which is also known as “shale oil.” However, the refineries...

  16. HOUSTON, March 6 (Reuters) - The global oil and gas industry needs to invest more than $20 trillion over the next 25 years to...

  17. China and Venezuela are both feeling the bite of U.S. trade sanctions.  Neither are happy campers. Will China start seizing Venezuelan oil & gas assets...

  18. OPEC+ Gambles US Shale's Golden Age Is Done     (Bloomberg) -- For years, OPEC ignored the rise of the U.S. shale industry and came to regret...

  19. If so, what is U.S. response ? Can they stop it ?    Does Europe stand with U.S.  ? What about the rest of the regional...

  20. Today demonstrates that, yet again, we need a 'report this post' option. 'Report this post' should hide a given post if 7 or more long...

  21. Really getting tired of the Mainstream Media's never-ending onslaught of  COVID  DOOM  PANIC  DEATH  DISASTER  PANDEMONIUM  hyperventilating, being inserted into every damn story. Western MSM...

  22. SInce we seem to be on the topic of Tedx Talks today, post your favorite energy-related Tedx talks here! (and when I say "we"...

  23. Okay, I have to give it to them: this is smart. They have two+ years to chant this mantra. Not sure what good it...

  24. .

  25. Despite Bankruptcies, US Shale is Not Doomed     Despite Bankruptcies, US Shale is Not Doomed While news of bankruptcies among U.S. onshore exploration and production (E&P) companies...

  26. Red Flags on U.S. Fracking Disappointing Financial Performance Continues Executive Summary  Despite two and a half years of rising oil prices and growing expectations for improved financial results,...

  27. .

  28. More US sanctions for Russia as geopolitical tensions rise but oil flows stronger than ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_yG4ey9Jw4

  29. The Brazilian Federal Audit Court has given the go-ahead to an oil action that covers acreage in the notorious presalt zone offshore Brazil that...

  30. Venezuela just sacked US-sanctioned CFO of PDVSA, Simon Zerpa. Any significance to this move? Does it even matter?