1. Sheffield said Exxon controls  the American Petroleum Institute (API) and Exxon wants the API to do nothing.  He stated this is because EXXON wants to scoop...

  2. The Latest: Death toll rises to 73 in Mexico pipeline blast https://www.apnews.com/1c106a2272dc413db4e11db6fc2361c2 Oil and natural gas pipelines are often at risk due to tapping by criminals...

  3. "What started as a pipeline protest in Calgary quickly became a show of support for the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion and the oil industry...

  4. https://www.theepochtimes.com/study-opposition-to-pipelines-costs-jobs-needed-infrastructure_3494286.html Study: Opposition to Pipelines Costs Jobs, Needed Infrastructure

  5. I have been struggling with this issue wading through SA stories and comments for a few days now, unable to reach any viable theories....

  6. Iraq and Iran have agreed to swap up to 60,000 barrels per day of crude produced from Kirkuk for Iranian oil to be delivered...

  7. According to BP, bans around the world on single use plastic items such as carrier bags will dent growth in oil demand over the...

  8. A possibly outrageous overview of plastics from Wood Mac. They are not all bad! The very thought would stun many but, well, facts.

  9. Right behind carbon emissions is...this.  I opened a bag of chips today, and now I feel guilty. https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-world-is-stuck-with-decades-of-new-plastic-it-can-t-recycle?utm_source=pocket-newtab  

  10. India's plea for cheaper oil fell on deaf ears of the OPEC+ members last week; it was rebuked by the Saudi oil minister too:  For...

  11. Defying the pundits who forecast a warmer winter, China is experiencing a sever cold snap, covering over 90% of the vast nation. Undobtedly, it...

  12. Brazil President Bolsonaro says he wants his country to join OPEC     Brazil oil output at record high - IEA * OPEC delegates say no formal request...

  13. A surprisingly neutral look at oil exploration attempts in the U.S. Arctic Refuge.  Attempts made to balance both pro and con viewpoints. Polar bear protections...

  14. US House panel studies E&P impacts on water supplies Members split along party lines on May 16 as a US House Natural Resources Committee subcommittee...

  15. It's not just militia factions vying for power who are meddling with Libyan oil production. The latest shutdown was Sunday at the giant El...

  16. “You’re gonna need a bigger boat”  – JAWS.    Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water someone poked a couple...

  17. Generally, I tend to view Pompeo as a hawk, with distrust and suspicion.  But he seems pretty spot on with his latest speech this...

  18. Hedges that many operators have taken out in search of stability are now eroding profits in the shale patch.  ''WPX Energy, for example, reported an...

  19. Welp, I have a (mostly tongue in cheek) suggestion for others to consider, in response to this Pope's persistent and increasing attacks on the oil...

  20. https://newsroom.porsche.com/en/2022/company/porsche-highly-innovative-fuels-hif-opening-efuels-pilot-plant-haru-oni-chile-synthetic-fuels-30732.html CO2 and water converted to gasoline using wind power.

  21. Albertans are buckling up for a throwdown over pipelines, oilsands and Trans Mountain For once I don't care how biased this story may be. It...

  22. A warm welcome to PRefChem the Joint Venture between Petronas and Saudi Aramco.  Great news indeed!  Elections were held in Malaysia last week, and there...

  23. What does everyone consider will be the market capitalisation of Harbour once the above two companies merge next year?

  24. Developing story. President Bongo Safe After Military Coup Fails In Oil-Rich Gabon Soldiers in Gabon briefly took over a state radio in a failed coup attempt...

  25. http://tvoemisto.tv/news/petro_poroshenko_vidviduie_z_robochym_vizytom_stryy_video_nazhyvo_99410.html President Poroshenko out campaigning for re-election and supporting his position for more energy independence for Ukraine.

  26. Would be the wrong time to intercede now.  Obviously preoccupied with virus.   At today's press conference the President was asked about the Saudi / Russian...

  27. US President Donald Trump praised Saudi Arabia for helping to reduce oil prices and ramped up pressure on the kingdom to maintain the decline,...

  28. I am new to Oilprice.com. But I am not new to the oil business. I personally experienced much of the industry history that most...

  29. What about you expect at 3 months future for price?