1. https://www.ft.com/content/b19c9228-545d-11e9-a3db-1fe89bedc16e  In light of Aramco declared as the world's most profitable company in the global economy, is anyone surprised? And what are your thoughts on...

  2.  Permian – update through December 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this...

  3. OPEC oil supply sank to a four-year low in March, a Reuters survey found, as top exporter Saudi Arabia over-delivered on the group’s supply...

  4. Guess who joined the big happy family of companies with credit ratings? That's right, Aramco. Guess what the ratings are? That's right: A+ and A1. The...

  5. Interestinger and interestinger.  More good news about international oil & gas getting back in the game again after getting burned big time by the...

  6. Drilling Dates on Kenyan Project? Any Work schedule  on Liberia  and Guinea  Projects?

  7. Shale continues to shoot itself in the foot, might have been a good idea to think this thing out beforehand. US slowly diluting it’s...

  8. The United States has instructed oil trading houses and refiners around the world to further cut dealings with Venezuela or face sanctions themselves, even...

  9. Utah – update through January 2019 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this...

  10. Are discovering oil reserves in Pakistan's ocean really 6th largest in the world and how long would it take to maximize it's full potential?

  11. http://tvoemisto.tv/news/petro_poroshenko_vidviduie_z_robochym_vizytom_stryy_video_nazhyvo_99410.html President Poroshenko out campaigning for re-election and supporting his position for more energy independence for Ukraine.

  12. Saudi Aramco reaches $69.1 billion deal to buy majority stake in petrochemicals firm Sabic Yet not a word on how they'll finance the deal, no...

  13. A fun article : ) Unfortunately, cow farts and the Illuminati are mysteriously not addressed here.  But I digress.  There are, however, other some relevent...

  14. U.S. oil projects begin to falter as producers curb spending

  15. The House of Representatives of the US Congress voted on Monday for the bill on assisting Central and Eastern European countries to diversify energy...

  16. "The complex web of U.S. pipelines, tanks and export terminals that’s helped make America the world’s top oil producer is causing a headache for...

  17. I love the smell of good news in the morning... And looking ahead at the longer term, 2019 still looks like a good year to me...

  18. The Norwegian oil-and-gas giant plans to pour money into an approximately $180 million investment fund focused on battery and related technologies. That tech is...

  19. For those of you who pay lots of attention to the disinformation of Mainstream Media, this may be a bit surprising. Rep. Doug Collins Releases...

  20. Bwahahahahahahahaha Senator Mike Lee Promoted to General During Great Meme War of 2019 – The Battle Against Green New Deal Today on the Senate floor, United...

  21. See attached PDF report from Raymond James research. Sorry, no link. Here's the intro: ============ Energy Stat: Getting Our DUCs in a Row. Why the EIA DUC Count...

  22. My call from weeks ago: I say put American tech to the task of working with friendly countries to help us keep the prices...

  23. City should explore taking oil companies to court over climate change costs, councillor says Because it worked so well on the other side of the...

  24. U.S. sanctions on Venezuela’s oil industry have made winners out of Royal Dutch Shell Plc and BP Plc, Gulf of Mexico offshore heavyweights, as...

  25. How much per-well cost reduction (in percentage) do operators realize, on average, by employing multi-well pad drilling? I just want to have an idea of the...

  26. The author Nick C when writing this story still hasn't figured out the "WHY" of it not rising further than it has. IMHO he...

  27. "Budget needs are forcing Saudi Arabia to push for oil prices of at least $70 per barrel this year, industry sources say, even though...

  28. https://insideevs.com/tesla-model-3-outsells-evs-europe/ From post linked above: Tesla is already the top-selling BEV brand in Western Europe (see report for February) and the latest data provided by industry analyst...

  29. Oil fell further from 2019 highs on Friday as focus shifted to a lack of progress in U.S.-China trade talks, but prices found support...