1. So, after much ado the oil producers have reached some sort of agreement. The figure was expected to be more than 1mbpd (the production...

  2. The crude oil markets that got a short-lived boost from the Chinese Spring Festival are facing yet another potentially serious problem from the world's...

  3. The mysterious "sabotage" of four tankers near the Fujairah port in the Gulf will probably add some more tension in the Gulf... https://www.reuters.com/article/us-emirates-fujairah-port-shipping/uae-says-four-vessels-subjected-to-sabotage-near-fujairah-port-idUSKCN1SI0EG Do you have...

  4. What level of WTI crude price is typically thought of a "break even" for a driller/developer of a new crude oil source in the...

  5. Well it depends, if we look at the new oil discoveries, or shale production seems we're go down. War in Middle east OIl goes...

  6. Five oil tanker full of sanctioned fuel are currently making their way across the Atlantic Ocean. On the 2nd of June 2020 ,  Major Failur for...

  7. Today, President Donald J. Trump will meet with executives in the energy industry to discuss the impact of COVID-19 and recent developments in energy...

  8. Looking back to 2014 tells us much Simple: Putin just takes oblast directly on the border from Luhansk to Kherson . . . .  1. They then...

  9. Oil prices are starting to rise too high in my opinion.  $80 oil (as forecasted for later) is simply not sustainable. I really wish KSA...

  10. >>The falling of the Persian Gulf oil empires is near << Oil is a blessing for the Gulf states . Oil exploration in the middle of...

  11. Someone mentioned in a post the other day that they thought that it was getting close to metal flinging time in the Straits of...

  12. So, Nigeria is playing it guardedly and Saudi Arabia's Falih has found it necessary to say the kingdom won't cut alone. If he needs...

  13. Lotte Chemical USA (LC USA) has opened a $3.1 billion shale gas-fueled project near Lake Charles, Louisiana. And with the massive complex now open for...

  14. Presented without comment. (I'm laughing like a hyena, but that's not really a comment). Elon Musk Goes Full Conspiracy Theorist, Blames Big Oil for Tesla's Negative...

  15. https://californiaglobe.com/fr/california-adding-5-temporary-natural-gas-power-plants-to-help-alleviate-energy-shortage/ Not mentioned is the loss of hydroelectric power due to all the major reservoirs being near empty. The increased power needs for electric vehicles,...

  16. What do you guys think the price of crude oil (WTI) and natural gas will be over the next ten years? A range is...

  17. After OPEC and Russia stepped up and made cuts, and the USA forced cuts in Venezuela and Iran at what point does the USA...

  18. So many good observations in this article yesterday from Nick Cunningham. It's wonderful to see that some people understand what is actually going on...

  19. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/US-Grants-Iran-Sanctions-Waiver-To-Southern-Gas-Corridor.html Wow that didn't take long. Looks like Trump is merely posturing and my prediction is that noting will happen in November regarding OIL sanctions. Trump...

  20. This is an excerpt from an article in iSee cars where they have crunched the numbers. The article strongly suggests that Hybrids will eventually dominate...

  21. Entertaining and thoughtful article from Tom Luongo.  I certainly don't agree with everything he says, but his viewpoint is worth reading: OPEC Cuts Deep to...


  23. It's widely known that the current Saudi Energy minister ABS (MBSs brother) has a very short temper and can be an antagonist.  This is...

  24. .    

  25. Generally, I tend to view Pompeo as a hawk, with distrust and suspicion.  But he seems pretty spot on with his latest speech this...

  26. Although articles posted in Oilprice.com have referenced, and discussions have focused, on all manner of technological innovation to try to coax some extra barrels...

  27.  Venezuela's production is heading to 1.000.000 barrels a day, something never happened to venezuelan oil industry, and soon its exporting capacity will be close...

  28. US turns to net oil exporter, says EIA. Two words: Boo. Ya.  US Crude shipments last week = 3.2 million bpd

  29. Is this the start of production halts because of covid?  This says Petronas evacuated their staff  because of COVID-19.  https://www.arabnews.com/node/1642621/business-economy

  30. You sometimes see someone say some want war with Iran, or that the USA does. I can see why trump would. Gets to play...