1. Unexpected article.  But this pretty much fits in with my *hope* for $70 Brent in 2019. Malaysia to boost revenue in 2019 on higher oil...

  2. Jeez, seems my hope for $70 Brent next year was a year too late.  Already happened this year, according to this article: Geopolitical fears, demand...

  3. Job growth in the Texas will likely weaken in the first half of 2019 if oil prices remain at current levels, according to the...

  4. According to reuters, Russia’s largest oil producer Rosneft (ROSN.MM) will buy around 6 million tonnes of oil worth over $2 billion from domestic producers...

  5. Could somebody help me to better understanding? Numbers presented in IEAs Oil Market Report 14 nov, p 15 indicate that the World's largest crude producers (incl...

  6. China awards 18.36 mil mt oil product export quota for 2019, up 13% on year This should offer some relief to poor battered oil prices....

  7. And here is a refreshing changeup from the usual rollercoaster oil news.  A view of longer term approach, rather than the short term ups...

  8. In case anyone forgets, I believe @Jan van Eck warned of a continuing crisis unfolding in parts of Canada: Revenues For Canada’s Oil Towns Dwindle As...

  9. I think one of the *biggest* factors in 2019 regarding global oil prices and global oil production will be ... what the heck is...

  10. Good update.  My only niggling point is the emphasis on cuts by OPEC and Russia, but not by U.S. Shale Oil Overproducers.  The only thing...

  11. Oil Prices are going high again what's the reason 

  12. Russia has earned at least $120 billion of additional revenue over the two years after signing an agreement with OPEC+ countries due to oil...

  13. Things haven’t been this bad for the world’s biggest oil stock since Ronald Reagan became president. Exxon Mobil Corp., down 22 percent for the...

  14. Kazakhstan expects the participants in a pact to curb global oil output to stabilize prices in the first quarter of 2019 and make a...

  15. The US Glut this time is more shallow than the 2016 Glut. As of last week the EIA reported  US crude storage of about 440,000...

  16. I believe that for every barrel produced something like 400 barrels are traded- or something like that.  Therefore the price of oil is dominated...

  17. OPEC may have to hold an emergency hearing soon.   https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/OPEC-Prepared-To-Call-Extraordinary-Meeting-As-Oil-Falls.html

  18. https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2018/12/24/venezuela-invades-guyana-block-exxon-mobil-oil-exploration/   I wonder what country will end up using their warships to protect the exploration ships when they return. Will Maduro end up getting his ship...

  19. What do you think about supply crunch in next decade? A lot of oil analysts like Art Berman, Energy Aspects, Wood Mckenzie and also IEA...

  20. So I keep reading in the headlines how the USA will become an unstoppable force in terms of production growth: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-oil-eia-outlook/u-s-crude-output-to-surpass-12-million-barrels-per-day-by-mid-2019-eia-idUSKCN1NB2F5 https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/IEA-Chief-US-Oil-Output-To-Near-SaudiRussian-Production-By-2025.html And at the same time...

  21. OPEC and allied oil producers are ready to hold an extraordinary meeting and will do what is needed if the current cut in oil...

  22. The Trump administration is taking its first steps toward expanding oil and natural gas drilling in an area roughly the size of Indiana in the Alaskan...

  23. The viewpoint in this opinion article glosses over a glaring, crucial point... overproduction by U.S. Shale Oil industry.  Although that should eventually start to...

  24. Pls give reasons why it could head down to $20 or not? Forecast. Thanks

  25. Renewable energy prices have been declining at a reasonably predictable rate, generally no less than 20% per year, often higher than 25%. Solar panel...

  26. Hi, new here. Does anyone know which index UWT/DWT actually tracks...for real? If you look at the Natural Gas ETNS UGAZ or DGAZ, they consistently hug...

  27. The U.S. / China trade war may be gearing up again. Chinese National Charged with Committing Theft of Trade Secrets Hongjin Tan, a 35 year old...

  28. I am interested in the dynamics of Deep-water Drilling and related field infrastructure. The industry is now in its third year of the worst...

  29. Apparently. Uncertainty is a complicated pictogram*. *You'll have to have read "Interesting Times" to get the reference fully but I'm sure you know what I...

  30. This guy says the situation in the shale patch is very dramatic. While he does make, I think, some valid points about shale well...