1. BP, Exxon to help advance Alaska LNG export project -Alaska Gasline We need a TV show "Everybody Loves Gas".

  2. "The Oregon Department of State Lands has extended its deadline by six months on whether to issue a construction permit to the Jordan Cove...

  3. "China replaced South Korea as the world’s second-largest LNG importer in 2017, and again surprised the market in 2018 with a counter-seasonal conundrum of...

  4. Oh, look. P.S. Prices in Asia already falling.

  5. The average monthly wage in Ukraine has dropped the equivalent of almost $80 since 2013 and Ukrainians need more than three times as many...

  6. NGVAmerica Seeks Director of Technology & Sustainability http://www.ngvglobal.com/blog/ngvamerica-seeks-director-of-technology-sustainability-0227#more-110086

  7. Ayn Rand was right about how socialism has progressed to this point. Another great industrialist has pointed this out by leaving Britain for Monaco...

  8. It looks like natural gas is at its lowest price ever. (Inflation adjusted) What does this mean for the future of natural gas use?...

  9. Marcellus (PA) – update through December 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in...

  10. https://www.theepochtimes.com/neb-gives-trans-mountain-pipeline-expansion-its-endorsement_2812136.html https://www.theepochtimes.com/a-look-at-16-new-recommendations-for-ottawa-on-the-trans-mountain-pipeline_2812130.html

  11. LATE-NIGHT DEAL BREAKS DEADLOCK OVER NATURAL GAS EXPORTS. THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION IS ECSTATIC  https://dailycaller.com/2019/02/22/federal-energy-natural-gas-trump/

  12. Los Angeles ditches plan to invest billions in fossil fuels, Mayor Eric Garcetti says And a utility has warned this may leave the city without...

  13. Houston mayor takes heat from activists for backing LNG project LNG is evil and it's time we all accepted it.

  14. A beautiful potential solution to the emissions problem at oil and gas fields, of the sort where you reduce your electricity consumption, which both...

  15. Qatar Petroleum and Exxon Mobil Corp announced on Tuesday they will proceed with a $10 billion project to expand a liquefied natural gas (LNG)...

  16. Saudi Aramco eyes multi-billion-dollar U.S. gas acquisitions: CEO Good luck beating Qatar, Australia, and the U.S. itself. To mention but just three.

  17. May I ask if the price of UGAZ will crash falling down if the winter is warm? many thanks.

  18. It is a terrible waste of American resources to continue to allow flaring. The same applies worldwide. Environmentalists should focus on this, but it...

  19. Not good.  Reasons for the low pressure outage currently unknown.  Algonguin Gas Transmission Company has some 'splainin to do. National Grid Gas Outage In Newport,...

  20. US continues imports of Russian gas which it insists Europe should stop buying Quote This is not the first batch of Yamal-originated LNG. In January, a...

  21. any Idea of world gas prices going down? why is that? is it only relevant to US? what is the situation of world Gas...

  22. Northeast struggles due to insufficient gas pipeline infrastructure Loath of repeating something that has been said a hundred times already on this forum I'll just...

  23. Wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower, ocean waves, are all considered renewable. Good cases can be made that coal, oil, and nuclear are not renewable. I...

  24. ZeroHedge usually writes very good original content about oil & gas, when they are not being just a news aggregator and reposting original content...

  25. Record-high LNG imports in January, record-high local gas production. These guys like their records. One interesting thing about the LNG imports, however, is importers are...

  26. Marine LNG fuel bunkering is becoming more common and should become an expected fuel option within ten years.  See http://www.bunkerportsnews.com/News.aspx?ElementID=fe181f26-f9d8-437d-8c72-603ada63619c

  27. So, I used to work in the Bakken oil field and was surprised at the many fires that are burning off natural gas while...

  28. With the 'historic' record cold wave (headlines I have seen), why the heck did nat gas go DOWN? You'd think it would spike. Over...

  29. Marcellus (PA) – update through November 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in...

  30. This article seems to provide new information on the future of the coal industry. It may not last as long as projected previously. What...

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