1. Why is natural gas prices rising today

  2. The average monthly wage in Ukraine has dropped the equivalent of almost $80 since 2013 and Ukrainians need more than three times as many...

  3. Papua New Guineans have blamed Exxon for the recent devastating earthquake that killed scores of people. Apparently, even some in the government suspect that drilling...

  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adsorbed_natural_gas http://www.ngvglobal.com/blog/ang-technology-to-collect-boil-off-gas-on-lng-ships-0524#more-112010 https://cenergysolutions.com/ang-cylinders/ https://cenergysolutions.com/conformable-ang-tank/ https://cenergysolutions.com/ang-home-fueling/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306261996000153 https://www.automotive-fleet.com/132899/adsorbent-natural-gas-tanks-applied-to-first-fleet-truck https://www.truckinginfo.com/130790/carbon-adsorption-to-reduce-cng-costs   Adsorbent natural gas tanks use special materials such as carbon to absorb large amounts of natural gas without using high pressure tanks. They can...

  5. https://af.reuters.com/article/energyOilNews/idAFL5N27A5NP All forms of natural gas have a marketing problem because there is more profit in liquid fuels. Leadership is needed, the consumer stands to...

  6. An easy way to keep track of the comparison between the price of equivalent amounts of natural gas fuel versus a barrel of oil....

  7. What are the taxes you have to pay on your gasoline?

  8. https://legalinsurrection.com/2020/01/while-you-were-focused-on-soleimani-israel-became-a-natural-gas-superpower/ While you were focused on Soleimani, Israel became a natural gas superpower

  9. This is an article I wrote for the Australian edition of the British magazine The Spectator Its on the site now as energy notes. For...

  10. Every Spring when I was a kid, we used to empty out the winter's supply of dairy cow manure from the barn, and load...

  11. Why does natural gas smell like Rotten eggs? Which is the Best gas company to buy a quality gas?

  12. Electric grid is will not get the power it needs this up coming summer. Power shortage. Western, Mid Western states.

  13. Perhaps gold prospecting.  I mean, they both involve digging underground.  Can't be all that different, right? 

  14. (Translated from Ukranian) WHY THE THIRD TANKER WITH RUSSIAN LNG GOES TO THE US SHORES Another tanker with liquefied natural gas (LNG) of Russian descent is...

  15. Significant. Grab some popcorn, get comfy, and wait to see how the Canadian government will eventually, somehow, screw up this massive LNG project. The Canadian "KEEP...

  16. Record-high LNG imports in January, record-high local gas production. These guys like their records. One interesting thing about the LNG imports, however, is importers are...

  17. PetroChina Co. signed a deal with Qatargas Operating Co. to purchase 3.4 million tons of liquefied natural gas annually, the Chinese company’s biggest supply...

  18. Saudi Aramco plans to go full tilt on fracking for natural gas, aiming to become the world's number 3 producer of natural gas by...

  19. Hi dear members, Is there any possibilities in future to run out of natural gas?

  20. Production at Egypt's giant Zohr field (operated by Eni) increased six-fold since January. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas/Egypts-Giant-Zohr-Gas-Field-Boosts-Production-Six-fold.html Will Egypt become a NatGas exporter soon? 

  21. Gazprom pump up China- Monopoly plans to increase gas supplies to 130 billion cubic meters per year https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/4396352 Коммерсантъ"  26.06.2020, 17:58 Future gas projects connecting Russia with China...

  22. Look, we've been told NG has had record breaking supply for over a year, despite rig counts being way down. We've been told it's...

  23. https://www.theepochtimes.com/us-plays-long-game-on-liquid-natural-gas-infrastructure-as-prices-plummet_3242034.html

  24. Zero Hedge featured this article by Irina Slav and included a VIDEO.  EXCERPT:  Turkmenistan's president has ordered the government to find a way to extinguish...

  25. Poland, always cautious about getting ensnared in Russian gas dependency, has now finalized a long-term contract for LNG gas from the USA. To quote...

  26. President Trump: Delivers Opening Remarks at the World Economic Forum … America Rises… https://videos.whatfinger.com/2020/01/21/president-trump-delivers-opening-remarks-at-the-world-economic-forum-america-rises/  At about 20 minutes into his speech he covers new energy technology.  https://www.energy.gov/fe/science-innovation/oil-gas-research/methane-hydrate    

  27. Those darn forgetful terrorists.  Blowing stuff up and not claiming credit.  Video of burny bangy boomy stuff in the link. Iran-Turkey gas pipeline stops functioning after 'terrorist'...

  28. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/24/dan-brouillette-american-gains-to-reduce-pollution-offset-by-china-in-one-month/ Department of Energy (DOE) Deputy Secretary Dan Brouillette told Breitbart News Daily that Chinese pollution has “offset” American “gains” to reduce pollution in “one month.”

  29. Gas prices is also turning down. so what is this can some one explain the inter connection with this and how are we can...

  30. Hi dear members I am here with a question please provide a valid answer. What is the density of LPG?

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