1. June meeting to decide whether to give Musk the boot from serving as chairman of the board. What the what?  https://electrek.co/2018/04/27/tesla-shareholders-vote-proposal-remove-elon-musk-chairman/

  2. or so says this: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/elon-musk-made-less-than-the-typical-tesla-employee-in-2017-2018-04-26  "According to Tesla, Musk made $49,920 in salary in 2017 with no other compensation, and Musk refused to accept the salary...

  3. More than 40 retailers and consumer goods companies have pledged to eliminate single-use plastic bag use by 2025, replacing it with biodegradable, recyclable or reusable alternatives....

  4. BP has admitted to a mistake in its latest Global Energy Outlook regarding the speed at which renewable energy capacity is being added. But...

  5. a floating community of houses you say? What could possibly go wrong? how ambitious is this plan, that hopes to power the whole city...

  6. Solar and wind power was responsible for a remarkable 98 percent of all new U.S. power generation capacity that came online in the first two...

  7. A detailed analysis of the winners of major solar auctions held in India over the past 12 months indicates that bidding has been dominated...

  8. SunPower announced yesterday it would purchase SolarWorld for an undisclosed amount, a deal spurred on by a 30% tariff on imported solar panels that President Trump authorized earlier...

  9.  Target added over 40 MW of solar capacity to its portfolio in 2017. They now has more than 200 MW of installed capacity. The top 10 corporate...

  10.  Wind energy now supplies more than 30% of the electricity in four states — Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, and South Dakota. Wind power generated 6.3% of...

  11. Fun fact: there is so much wind power capacity in some parts of China that the grid cannot take anymore, so a city has...

  12. As the world in many places is turning to the renewable forms of energy, and we read regularly of the rampaging EV revolution spreading...

  13. China says it will lift the restrictions that require US EV manufacturers to have a local partner. read more here But Tesla also announced a model...

  14. The US Department of Energy (DOE) has earmarked $105.5m to support around 70 PV and concentrating solar power (CSP) projects, in another sign the...

  15. Scientists in Britain and the United States say they have engineered a plastic-eating enzyme that could in future help in the fight against pollution.The...

  16. Investments in wind power in Europe are set to rise this year for the first time since 2016 and not by a little: industry...

  17. Musk blames Model 3 production hell on robots on CBS This Morning. Now says humans are underrated.   Is this softening the blow for missing Model 3...

  18. Community colleges and high schools in Texas are starting programs to train students for these-in-demand occupations, what might be the nation’s first wind turbine...

  19. Musk says Tesla will have positive cash flow in Q3 and Q4, and that it will not need to raise money.  Another one of Tesla's overly...

  20. Anyone have a chance to see Shell's new Energy Transition Report? Lots of interesting stuff here and a very clear transition to renewables. Worth...

  21. California officials are hoping their latest attempt to stem the rising tides of climate change leads to a more socially conscious and cooler summer....

  22. The 1 megawatt floating photovoltaic farm is due to be installed on 1.5 hectares of an industrial lake in the power plant for generating...

  23. Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani today approved setting up a 5,000 MW capacity solar park at the Dholera Special Investment Region, which would be...

  24. Tesla and BP team up to install a high-capacity Tesla battery at a wind farm in South Dakota, marking the first time the oil giant...

  25. The world's most powerful wind turbine, the first of 11 turbines, has been successfully installed in Aberdeen Bay. The turbine’s installation marks the first...

  26. Apple announced that its business is now powered by 100 percent renewable energy sources. This news is a major victory for this company which...

  27. South Korea’s KTC Company is set to develop a 200-megawatt solar plant in the southern city of Fasa in Fars Province. The company signed a...

  28. Internet and technology giant Google announced last week that it had successfully sourced over 100% of its electricity needs from renewable energy sources in...

  29. A solar storm — a disturbance in Earth’s magnetic field caused by changes in solar wind — is forecast to hit Earth this week,...

  30. More money was invested in solar power in 2017 than in coal, gas and nuclear power combined, according to a new report for the...

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