1. This discussion board is for traders. We trade to make money.  Nothing wrong with that is there ? Crammer called the demise of oil. I keep betting...

  2.   Catch22 brings up a good point! I need to rethink this to make it a little easier/flexible.    e @catch22    @Osama@Dan Warnick    

  3. I expect oil to trade up on API Inventory report tomorrow.   Just closed at $54.53.  Could trade $56 + intraday   While the API numbers are...

  4. Hi All,   watching the crazy world of Oil and interested in trying to get access to a fund directly linked to the Oil price -...

  5. Hello want to know but to do today in market buy crudeoil or sell please help if anyone have any suggestions 

  6. Interesting vertical line going straight up at 4 am.  Hrrrrrrmmmmmmmmm.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. EDIT: Actually that vertical line is hitting across all of the futures.  S&P futures...

  7. Any news on Simba Essel When they are going to start drilling in Kenya

  8. It was a slow start with SK testing various U.S. light crudes.  A shipment of Eagleford oil was tested and failed to meet SK...

  9. Word is marked increase activity last two days as producers hedging production for next 6 months.  Still think we trade sideways for a while.

  10. oil

    after all the downside could it be heading below 50? to next S/R 48.6  

  11. I don't know how many people got an email like the one shown below in the last couple of days. There are a couple...

  12.  Saudis own the Motiva Refinery in Port Arthur, Texas.  Their U.S. refinery processes 600k bbls/day = 18 mm bbls/month Due to the precipitous drop in...

  13. The OPEC meeting in Vienna ended without an announcement of a decision to cut crude supply. also there are a new issue popin as...

  14. Hello community, I am new to the forum and would like to share my view of WTI future contract . 🙂- We are currently monitoring...

  15. Is there something keeping WTI from dropping below $20? Despite the failure of OPEC and USA to significantly reduce output, decreasing storage capacity, and other...

  16. Saudis want Russia to cut by 300,000. Russia only wants to cut 150,000 and claim it will take months for them to even cut...

  17. Crudeoil have large liquidity in mcx market. I find a path into trade safe and secure 

  18. There are different kinds of oil price movements. The first case, which today is only of historical interest, arises when oil prices in international...

  19. Any experts hear know about the closed end fund Duff & Phelps Select MLP and Midstream Energy Fund (DSE) is paying an astronomical dividend. On...

  20. API estimate came out as a build of 4.92 mb as demand continues to wane. Last week there was a build of 3.5 mb...

  21. How u see the price of oil in the world market ?    Does Saudi oil  production cut for real ? 

  22. Thoughts on GTE after earnings yesterday?

  23. Since I'm not a trader, please don't ask me for advice on trading oil. That said, actual oil traders may find this article interesting: The end...

  24. Heads up, traders.  This is the Trump administration undoing more of the stuff from the Obama administration.  Since this is a Trump administration initiative,...

  25. Due to US sanctions against Iran, how much do you think Iran can export oil?

  26. When Trump or his surrogates discuss the Phase 1 terms they include Oil/Gas in addition to agriculture. Could be good for WTI .  .  ...

  27. If not . . . The $52 support becomes $52 resistance. Bet it closes $52. +

  28. Feb 1 2020   As of the close on Jan 31 2020 the WTI options market is heavily weighted towards the puts side of equilibrium....