1. crude price

    Can someone comment as to why Indonesian DURI Crude Price is the highest amongst all International Crude Oil Price

  2. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Falling knives vs we're at another level of support vs overblown fears vs Libya/Iran vs fear.  

  3. Shorts can't pass up a nice profit with Brent in low $50's.  Can't hurt to ring the cash register. Recent virus news can't be ignored...

  4.         .                             .

  5. 13% position.  

  6. Built position mid October.  Posted opinion "bias to upside next 60 days" Oct 18.  I still believe have some to go on upside but...

  7. It's again increasing, crude wti, what the news again, it just wanted to eat sl or what? Reply if knowing anything, will came back...

  8. crude inventory

    How to trade Crude Oil on the inventory numbers? Please share your experiences and methods

  9. I want to invest in "crude oil" (as commodity, not in companies engaged in E&P or marketing) with a horizon of upto 5 years....

  10. Hi, I am a new wholesale gasoline distributor. Currently, I have been buying gasoline on rack price from terminals to supply to our clients. It will...

  11. The WSJ headline amuses me. What exactly is the "faith" of Oil Traders?  Hail Mary Throws?  Magic 8 Ball?  Goat Entrails? Oil Traders Lose Faith in...

  12. Sold some put/call spreads.   Two events that concern some that I believe are nonevents . China trade deal signed.  Already built in.  Could bump up...

  13. Never thought WTI should have traded down on Mexico.  Traders looking for any excuse.   Be careful could turn on longs quickly. OPEC plus will extend....

  14. Crude prices gone up by 3.80% on Friday. Is there any redection in price is possible? Any signals.... or any news ...

  15. due to geographical tension, regarding trade was can i ask how is the behavior of oil in does it goes up or fall

  16. Switzerland Votes ‘Yes’ to Being Tax Home for Big Business     Switzerland approved an overhaul of the corporate tax code, choosing to stay an attractive base...

  17. Dear Sir,   I'm in India and I want trade MCX crude oil, anyone support me, how to trade ?

  18. https://www.wsj.com/articles/investors-doubt-opec-cuts-can-boost-oil-prices-11576501200

  19. Is there any possibility for 53 in this contract? Why it's increasing? Any news are there? Do I have to squeroff my possision or wait?...

  20. could be volatile NYMEX open. BELIEVE WTI closes above $52

  21. Dec 3 2019 On Nov 29 WTI reached $58.30 as its high. RBOB hit $1.71. RBOB has since pulled back 8.4% to 1.56. This will...

  22. Anyone can help me regardinb crude oil signals any free platform group or channel please help me in that..... thanks

  23. Good Afternoon, Brent crude, the international benchmark, hit fresh five-month highs in Monday action, and U.S.-traded oil was tagging along in step, both boosted...


  25. First time posting, curious what others think of GTE before earnings come out

  26. Where can I find recent prices of Venezuelan oil basket oil? 

  27. Both U.S, and China are positioning making announcements.   Despite the best efforts of U.S. Democratic Party to thwart any success for Trump he might...

  28. First time posting, curious what others think of GTE before earnings come out