1. Will this oil gap close back down?

  2. Hi all - newbie here.  I don't trade futures so wondering whether to go long these oil ETFs:  https://www.etftrends.com/etfs/commodity/oil-etfs/. (sorted by worst performing YTD) I understand the...

  3. As we all know , no market has been hit harder by the corona virus than the Crude Oil market. Unless Elon Musk or...

  4. Hi All,   watching the crazy world of Oil and interested in trying to get access to a fund directly linked to the Oil price -...

  5. What’s waiting OXY & APA ?

  6. Layman’s terms. Govt instructed America to come to a halt. Sports teams, airlines, buses, Uber, commuters, etc are not filling the tank like normal. When America...

  7.   Summary of Rules and Guidelines for Corrective Waves Zigzag Rules ·         A zigzag always subdivides into three waves. ·         Wave A always subdivides into an impulse or leading...

  8. Hello everyone, I would like to know what are the main sources where to find some information on production, the surplus of OPEC and non-OPEC...

  9. Anyone here trade crude calendar spreads? Any old schoolers here that have traded extreme contango in a similar limited storage scenario?

  10. What is the real commodity oil price for most US blends? Under $20? Because futures don't reflect the situation on the ground. But that's...

  11. The Oil market and trading focus this week has been dominated by OPEC+ and traders trying to anticipate just how much production will be cut....

  12. More smoke and mirrors .   Saudis produced 9.8 mm before OPEC deal fell apart. Saudis say they are going to produce 12.3 in April.  That is...

  13. Is it different this time ? I don't believe so.  Keeping some powder dry to fight another day. Some would argue more individuals are invested in...

  14. Is it different this time. I don't believe so.  Keeping some powder dry to fight another day. I feel many don't fully understand the destruction this...

  15. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. How about accepting a little responsibility and not blame everybody else aka "the trump way" ?....

  16. Then the shutdowns and bankruptcies begin.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-oil-surplus-idUSKBN2152WK 

  17. Just a thought, if the U.S. imposes tarriffs on oil imports and no one else does, would the U,S, have the world's highest oil...

  18. I have been looking for CFD platform that allows USO with leverage 100 for Pro accounts for European customers? I'm currently using Plus500 but I...

  19. Tomorrow crude oil price go up or down

  20. Last week I wrote on LinkedIn about the current #Physical V #Futures divide in #OilMarkets. 🛢 📊 Here it is:  ● Dated Brent, which prices more than half the...

  21. With the insane 30% increase in oil prices after Donald Trump’s tweet, the facts on the ground remain the same: The coronavirus has crippled all...

  22. Hi Guys  My first post here   As I see it it is almost the time to start and collect Long position on Crude Oil for the long...

  23. Good move.  2 thumbs up to BP. BP will provide free petrol to emergency services during Coronavirus pandemic The multinational Oil & Gas company BP have...

  24. Hi, First let me say this, when I said oil would go back up. And why my prediction was so off. I had looked...

  25. Newly appoint Investment Minister Al-Falih is rumored to be discussing a plan with the royal family. MBS's IPO of ARAMCO was an unmitigated diaster . ...

  26. Oil is a sacred cow not to be touched.  Silent Weapons for Rapidest Oil Wars How can Keeping oil prices high ? For what reason(s) overnight the...

  27. Normally what happens when something goes wrong is I run away and trade something else.  If something is tanking, that means something else is...

  28. Shoal Point starts production testing at Mount Evans February 11, 2020  View in PDF Format (Vancouver) – Mark Jarvis, CEO of Shoal Point Energy Ltd. (CSE: SHP)...


  30. Any experts hear know about the closed end fund Duff & Phelps Select MLP and Midstream Energy Fund (DSE) is paying an astronomical dividend. On...