1.       .

  2. So again though i dont trade oil at all and wont in the future. But I finally decided to crate an wti profile on...

  3. The DOJ is looking for fraud in oil trading markets, specifically at the oil crash last month, supposedly caused by the China Flu Panic.   A related...

  4. DB Crude Oil Double Short  Can anyone help me understand what happened here?  It seems like 6 figures of mine disappeared and I'm not handling it...

  5. Hi everyone,  Is anyone else here who is experiencing issues on Plus500 platform in regards to WTI rollover and trading price at the moment? 

  6. live stock

    Hello guys I hope u all will fine. Anyone he would like comments on today oil price either go high or down or remain...

  7. the president

    Talking about the market and anchoring it on a snail movement raises a scare that the world economy has crumbled, thinking by 2025 bench...

  8. I want know Crude oil price up or down in these days?

  9. Hello everyone I am new to trading but have found interest, and so far a little succes in oil. After a few trades I have found...

  10. I new help. Is there any way to see what major organization  that bought future contracts? I know you can go to holding for...

  11.          .

  12. Has anyone used platts on the net ? I understand it’s an expensive platform (circa 45k per annum) that details trades of large banks...

  13. down after earnings yesterday, I still like it.  Not much debt.  Anybody else?


  15. Thoughts on GTE after earnings yesterday?

  16. First time posting, curious what others think of GTE before earnings come out

  17. First time posting, curious what others think of GTE before earnings come out

  18. for those interested in trading chk stock

  19. First time posting, curious what others think of GTE before earnings come out

  20. What will oil prices do monday?

  21. Are the prices shown on Oil Price the actual daily prices (for example for Brent)? They don’t even remotely match Platts crude oil prices.

  22. It might sound stupid, but can anyone explain what drives WTI price up since everything seems against it?

  23. .

  24. Hello,  I have a question, probably a rather easy one for some of the experienced traders here. But I am not and out of interest...

  25. etfs

    Hi, On the CRUD.l , how quickly will the rollovers eat away at the capital? It looks like the difference between say July and...

  26. would it possible for june contract to go sub 10 ?

  27. MBS apparently is going to corner the market on  US Flagged tankers as they are the remaining  available storage and he can use them...

  28. Hi, I am a new wholesale gasoline distributor. Currently, I have been buying gasoline on rack price from terminals to supply to our clients. It will...

  29. Last week we saw WTI settle negative -$37.63 upon expiry. Why? When a WTI contract expires you have 3 choices: 1. Accept the physical delivery into...

  30. I bought DRIP expecting DRIP to soar as May contracts expired and it went down?  I'm in until mid Amy and am trying to...