Top Oil Trader + 469 JJ June 10, 2020 first of all today i read an article that Goldman said Oil will drop, thats the first reason Oil will still go up. Second long term chart shows for the immediate trend Oil is going to 50. Now lets look at the current situation. Based on the current outlook the greed deal people will cause lots of hardship on oil production, causing production to be limited, and more expensive. Current World demonstrators also don't favor oil production. Wars are looming, probably between Middle East and US, so thats Syria, Iran, US, Israel etc. Also war is looming between China and Taiwan, India etc. So all the above shows Oil to go through the roof. The drop we had where oil hit in the low -30s or so, was a way for the wise people in the know, to pick up oil at next to nothing, and now make enormous returns, while people who held at bargain prices say at 10,15 and 20 got wiped out. So in summary, limited production restrictions by the certain organizations, wars looming, demonstrations causing disruptions, could significantly limit production and distribution, and increase prices. 3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Douglas Buckland + 6,308 June 10, 2020 I wouldn’t count on the wars.... 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 June 10, 2020 6 hours ago, Top Oil Trader said: first of all today i read an article that Goldman said Oil will drop, thats the first reason Oil will still go up. Second long term chart shows for the immediate trend Oil is going to 50. Now lets look at the current situation. Based on the current outlook the greed deal people will cause lots of hardship on oil production, causing production to be limited, and more expensive. Current World demonstrators also don't favor oil production. Wars are looming, probably between Middle East and US, so thats Syria, Iran, US, Israel etc. Also war is looming between China and Taiwan, India etc. So all the above shows Oil to go through the roof. The drop we had where oil hit in the low -30s or so, was a way for the wise people in the know, to pick up oil at next to nothing, and now make enormous returns, while people who held at bargain prices say at 10,15 and 20 got wiped out. So in summary, limited production restrictions by the certain organizations, wars looming, demonstrations causing disruptions, could significantly limit production and distribution, and increase prices. Hey JJ. Long time. Agree with you: if Goldman is telling people it will go down, then it will most definitely go up. Also agree that the producers (actually brokers/traders) will make a BIG DEAL out of the soon to be needed ramping back up. There will be fantasy pitfalls, near term WAR(!) risks, anything for the headlines. Good luck with your trading! 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
El Nikko + 2,145 nb June 10, 2020 From Supply Glut to Energy Shock Mon, May 18, 2020 - 10:43am By James J. Puplava, CFP®, CTS™, CIS President, Founder, Financial Sense® Wealth Management “If you look at the top 20 companies of the world, 19 of them are still brick and mortar companies. What I am saying is that if you have a car manufacturer or an oil and gas manufacturer, you won’t get supply over the Net.” –Anil Ambani “Always expect the unexpected. The oil and gas industry is terrible at predicting anything. Always have a back-up plan.” –David Dixon The Perfect Energy Storm It came out of nowhere. No one saw it coming. A perfect energy storm. A global pandemic. A price war between two of the world’s largest producers, and a supply surge from US shale production, all converging together to create the greatest unforeseen demand destruction. The oil market went through one of the worst months in its entire history, with demand plummeting by 20 to 25 million barrels per day (mbd). The destruction of demand couldn’t have come at a worse time as a price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia moved vast amounts of oil onto the markets while record US shale production added to the supply glut. Prices plunged to levels never seen before. A 300% drop in a single day with futures markets well into negative territory as a large seller scrambled to find buyers for its unwanted contracts at a time of limited storage. Cushing was at 85% capacity while Reuters reported 160 million barrels of crude held in floating storage on the ocean via crude oil tankers. Currently, there is so much oil sloshing around the globe that sellers are looking everywhere to store the stuff, from tankers anchored at sea, river barges, large cylinders, to salt caverns. The President even talked about opening up the Strategic Oil Reserve for excess inventories. We are simply running out of places to store these unwanted barrels. Oil demand dropped from a record peak of 100 mbd reached in 2019 to a recent low of 70 mbd. Decades of demand growth were wiped out quickly in a single month. Nothing in the history of oil can compare to the events we have witnessed in the last three months as planes stopped flying, cars remained parked in garages, and factories and stores closed around the world as country after country went into lockdown mode. Now, the media is filled with reports that we have reached peak demand with projections that energy demand will remain anemic for years to come. Negative growth in demand is forecasted to continue as we transition to clean energy. The problem with these reports is that they are linear in scope, projecting current events well into the future, often based on model projections that are backward-looking. Just as so many of the COVID-19 projections were off by a factor of ten, so will these demand destruction and supply projections prove to be off base. Instead of a perpetual supply glut and falling demand, we are more likely to be facing an oil shock as oil supply is about to collapse. At $20 oil, no one is making money and if prices continue at these levels for the next year, just about every oil company will be on life support or out of business, including half of OPEC bankrupt. Even OPEC behemoth Saudi Arabia is at risk of financial collapse. During the last price war in 2014-2016, Saudi economic minister Mohammed Al Tuwaijri stated that without reform measures, and if the economy remained the same, they were doomed to bankruptcy in 3-4 years. This was made in reference to the kingdom’s efforts to overproduce and push down oil prices just as it did this year. And that comment was made at a time when Saudi Arabia’s foreign exchange reserves were over $730 billion. Today, those reserves are at $464 billion, the lowest level since 2011. To deal with this crisis, Saudi Arabia has imposed austerity measures from an increase in its VAT tax to eliminating allowances for state workers in an effort to bolster battered state finances. Once again, the recent price war has backfired and jeopardized the kingdom’s finances. More about Saudi Arabia later. Fall in Shale Production Lets now consider the future oil supply dynamics. Looking at supply, it is ready to fall off a cliff. Factor in the OPEC+ production cut of around 9.8 mbd, production cuts from Norway, and a steep fall-off in US shale production, and offshore supply could drop off by an amount equal to the drop in demand. As shown in the table below, the fall-off in supply will take years to come back since once a well is shut-in it may become uneconomic to bring it back online. Source: Goehring & Rozencwajg Associates, LLC The US oil rig count over just the last six weeks is down over 45% and continues to decline as every shale producer, including major oil companies, cut back on drilling. Exxon (400K), Chevron (200k), and ConocoPhillips (260K) alone are cutting back production by hundreds of thousands of barrels a day. Continental Resources has curtailed 70% of its operated oil production in May. Experts believe the 2020 US oil rig count could be down by nearly 75% from 2019 levels. Source: $20 Oil Unsustainable Simply put, $20 oil doesn’t work for anyone, including OPEC. Most need $46 a barrel on average in the Permian and Eagle Ford to drill new wells and $51 on average in the Bakken. Many OPEC countries need higher oil prices to balance their budgets, including $70-$80 a barrel for Saudi Arabia. What is not clearly understood is that once oil inventories reach maximum capacity, the oil markets will immediately become balanced. For once storage facilities are full to the brim, the entire global petroleum industry will be forced into shutting down and switching to a just-in-time supply chain dynamic. You don’t produce oil when there is no place to ship or store the barrels you produce. Excess production will drop off rapidly as wells are shut-in. As shown in the tables above from Goehring & Rosencwajg, many of those supply reductions will occur in stripper wells both here in the US and globally. These are wells that produce less than 5 barrels per day and make up nearly 20% of US aggregate production. Those stripper wells are marginally economic and would never justify the capital costs to drill and bring them back online when they only produce 5-10 barrels a day. According to Rystad Energy, US production could be down by 2 mbd by the end of June and maybe more if storage runs out and wells begin being shut-in. Many wells will never come back online resulting in lost production. Shutting in a well for a prolonged period of time can damage the wellbore or reservoir. In addition to low producing stripper wells, US shale was already showing signs of peaking during 2019 when the rate of production growth and well productivity was already in decline. Most Oil Comes from Giants 75 Years Ago Factor in that much of our oil comes from just 25 oil fields discovered over 75 years ago with most of them already in decline, and future supply becomes even more uncertain. The worlds’ 507 giant oil fields (those that produce more than 500 mbd) make up about 1% of all oil fields, but they produce 60% of the current oil supply. The majority of these fields are over 50 years old, with the largest Ghawar (Saudi Arabia, discovered in 1951), Burgan (Kuwait, 1945), Safaniya (Saudi Arabia, 1957), Rumaila (Iraq, 1955), Bolivar (Venezuela, 1917), Samotlor (Russia, 1964), Kirkuk (Iraq, 1934), Berri (Saudi Arabia, 1964), Manifa (Saudi Arabia, 1964), and Shaybah (Saudi Arabia, 1998). The study of these oilfields was documented in Frederik Robelius’ book, “Giant Oil Fields – The Highway to Oil.” Its key takeaway being that once these oil fields peak, enhanced recovery techniques may postpone their decline but at the added expense of a more rapid decline later. Most of these fields are already experiencing 6-7% decline rates and we are simply not discovering “giants” anymore. Simply said, it will become progressively more difficult for new discoveries to replace declining production from existing giants. Even trying to replace these declining fields will take trillions of dollars of new investment, which is not happening. Investment peaked in 2015 at $1079 billion, falling to $583 billion by 2016. With the plunge in oil prices, hundreds of billions of needed investment has been canceled or postponed. Instead, since 2016, the mantra on Wall Street for energy companies was to slash expenditures, buy back stock, and increase dividends. With the exception of companies like ExxonMobil, few companies were investing in upstream operations. Even if investment began today, it will take time and money to find and then bring production online. Given the damage done by shut-ins, many of these wells will not be coming back online. The industry has never witnessed anything like what it has experienced over these last few months. It may seem farfetched right now but given these dynamics, one can imagine that a new oil price cycle has begun leading toward another future oil shock. Saudi Arabia's Reserves Overstated Before moving on to demand I want to address one final supply issue: Saudi Arabia. The world has been operating under the long-held assumption that the kingdom was the supplier of last resort. It is widely believed the Saudi’s could produce 12.5 million barrels a day leaving it with a spare capacity of 2.5 mbd. The truth of the matter is they have never produced at that rate. Those extra 2 million barrels came out of Saudi inventory, not production. The other issue is the kingdom’s “actual” oil reserves, currently estimated to be 266 billion barrels. In 1989, they were miraculously increased from 170 billion barrels to 266 billion, despite daily production of 9-10 mbd. How could their oil reserves have remained unchanged for nearly 30 years despite their annual production of close to 3 billion barrels of oil every year? The Saudi response is that they simply replace what they produce with new discoveries. Why are their unchanging reserves, production capabilities, and spare capacity simply accepted despite the fact that their largest oil fields, Ghwar (1951), Safaniya (1957), Manifa (1964), and Berri (1964) were discovered more than 50-70 years ago and are now in decline? Experts in the field believe the kingdoms’ true spare capacity is closer to 0.5 mbd than the widely claimed 2.5 mbd. When it comes to oil there are really only 5 key players: Saudi Arabia, Russia, US, Iran, and Iraq. Of the five, only two—Iran and Iraq—have the greatest potential to increase production and the greatest potential for new discoveries. The Next Black Swan As to demand, the picture too is rather uncertain. Oil experts hope the bottom for oil has been reached as economies start to open and move gradually out of lockdown mode to resume normal functioning, whatever that may look like in the future. No one knows what normal will be when we completely reopen again. But there are encouraging signs both here and abroad that demand is starting to pick up again. Demand in China is growing and refinery runs here in the US have increased from 12.8 mbd to 13.2 mbd as of April 24th. From China to Europe to the US, people are gradually returning to driving their cars as countries reopen for business. As a result of social distancing, people feel safer commuting in their own cars than they do using public transportation. We are seeing an increase in commuter driving and increased expectations for road trips instead of flying for vacations this summer. Major oil firms with retail fuel operations are reporting the use of cars is now the preferred way to travel. As economies reopen, people will likely use public transportation less, given that subways, buses, and trains have been a major, if not primary, transmission of the virus. Airlines may suffer in the short-run mainly due to business travel being replaced by online conferences, but the main method of transporting people and goods will still remain fossil fuels. We may be transitioning to a greener economy, but the primary form of transport will remain the combustion engine for cars, trucks, tractors, and planes. In summary, there is a saying in the oil industry that “the cure for low oil prices is low prices.” As prices have fallen and remained low over the last six years, needed investment has been curtailed, projects shuttered, capex slashed as more investment has been needed to replace depleting oil wells old and new. Depletion is relentless, it is increasing, and it knows no price. It is geological and is taking place daily. Barrels produced are not being replaced. As storage levels top out, the markets will be balanced, and a major shut-in will take over, reducing production to equal demand. The problem is much of that demand will not come back as it can’t be turned on and off like a light switch. Few see this or acknowledge it, but the next black swan is likely to be an oil shock or a major geopolitical event in the Middle East. An Uneasy Transition Finally, it is important to discuss the transition to clean or “green energy”. There have been numerous articles recently about peak demand. I have addressed this issue before on my weekly podcasts stating my belief that this transition may not go smoothly, take longer than expected, and will not work for many countries. As Peter Zeihan discussed in his latest book, "Disunited Nations: The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World," energy is the lifeblood of our industrial way of life. Without energy there is no industrial lifestyle; everything from cars to cabbages to cell phones to condoms requires the petroleum economy. Europe imports some 90% of its oil and natural gas from, in decreasing importance Russia, the Persian Gulf, and North Africa. East Asia imports a similar proportion of its needs, upwards of three-quarters of it coming from the Persian Gulf. For the most part, the oil is not where the people are, and it is only the current international order (i.e. American military might) that has enabled the oil to reach the people with minimum fuss. The Geological Survey of Finland confirmed Zeihan's thesis in their recent survey, “Oil from a Critical Raw Material Perspective.” Oil remains and will remain, the backbone for approximately 90% of the supply chain of all industrial manufactured products which depend on the availability of oil-derived products, or oil-derived services. Energy is the master resource. It allows and facilitates all physical work done, the development of technology, and allows human population to live in such high-density settlements like modern cities. In 2018, the global system was still 84.7% dependent on fossil fuels, where renewables accounted for 4.05% of global energy generation. As Zeihan and the Finland survey contend, energy, especially fossil fuels, will remain a critical resource for our industrial/technological society for decades to come. We are in a period of transition to a new greener economy that will take decades to transform. In the meantime, oil will remain a critical necessity. As economies recover, so will demand for energy. This time however, it may not be readily available at current prices due to supply destruction as a result of “The Perfect Energy Storm.” Unloved, Undervalued, Underowned This leads me to consider energy as an investment, which has certainly been out of favor with Wall Street. See the graph below comparing the energy ETF, XLE, and the performance of the S&P 500 over the last decade. Source:, Financial Sense Wealth Management. Indexes are unmanaged and cannot be invested into directly. Note: Past performance does not guarantee future results. I believe this out of favor, underperforming sector is about to change in the 2nd half of this year and going into 2021 when I expect oil prices to surge absent another pandemic outbreak. Another chart that favors oil is the gold-oil ratio. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ratio has reached the highest level in history as shown in the graph below. This indicator has been a reliable tool as to when to invest in either commodity over the last century. Source: Goehring & Rozencwajg Associates, LLC Presently (as of 5/18/2020), an ounce of gold ($1,732) will purchase 52.9 barrels of oil ($32.74). Historically, the gold/oil ratio has spent most of its time ranging between 10-30 over the last 100 years. Viewing this ratio over time, it swings from one extreme to another which relates to the supply of the commodity. Clearly, this ratio is now flashing a buy signal. The Return of Inflation There are other reasons that argue for both oil and gold. In addition to an oil shock, the other black swan no one is expecting is the return of inflation. As stated in my article, “The End of Money,” when you have economic and market shocks, the first wave is deflationary as asset prices fall and economic activity contracts. That is what we are experiencing now. The article also addresses the massive amounts of both fiscal stimulus and monetary stimulus yet to come in the years ahead. The production of goods has been curtailed with the lockdown and will possibly remain as many Democratic governors keep their states shutdown, including industrial states such as Michigan, New York, California, and Pennsylvania. At the same time that production and services are being curtailed, trillions of dollars of newly created money is being distributed to individuals and companies to spend in order to keep the economy from collapsing. As shown below, the Fed’s balance sheet has gone from as little as $800 billion in 2007 to its current value of over $6 trillion, growing at nearly $1 trillion a month. The Fed is backstopping every asset in the financial system from Treasuries, mortgages, commercial paper, money markets to now corporate bonds and ETFs. Congress has already proposed another $3 trillion stimulus bill which is in the negotiating phase and the President is working on a $2 trillion infrastructure bill. Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is providing the intellectual framework for spend and print. In the last monetary up-cycle, money remained at the Fed or went into financial assets. This cycle, it is more likely to end up in inflating goods and services as the Fed is pushing money into risk assets. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US), Assets: Total Assets: Total Assets (Less Eliminations From Consolidation): Wednesday Level [WALCL], Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, May 18, 2020 So where does all this leave us? The media and the financial markets are clearly pushing the deflation narrative and the end of energy and peak demand. I don’t buy these arguments and neither should you as a study of history would argue otherwise. When it comes to using the media as a contrary indicator, I am reminded of certain magazine covers in thinking about the theory of opposites and the art of contrary thinking. On August 13, 1979, Businessweek (now Bloomberg Businessweek) heralded “The Death of Equities” just two years before one of the longest-running bull markets in stock market history. More recently, the April 20, 2019 cover of Businessweek asked "Is Inflation Dead?" I leave it up to you to decide but as for me, I am betting on oil and inflation. “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” Henry Kissinger “The best business in the world is a well run oil company. The second best business in the world is a badly run oil company.”“I’ve always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity.”“The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets.” John D. Rockefeller To find out more about Financial Sense® Wealth Management or for a complimentary risk assessment of your portfolio, click here to contact us. Advisory services offered through Financial Sense® Advisors, Inc., a registered investment adviser. Securities offered through Financial Sense® Securities, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. DBA Financial Sense® Wealth Management. Copyright © 2020 Jim Puplava 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wrs + 893 WS June 10, 2020 7 hours ago, Dan Warnick said: Hey JJ. Long time. Agree with you: if Goldman is telling people it will go down, then it will most definitely go up. Also agree that the producers (actually brokers/traders) will make a BIG DEAL out of the soon to be needed ramping back up. There will be fantasy pitfalls, near term WAR(!) risks, anything for the headlines. Good luck with your trading! Have you noticed that Cushing is below 50mmbbl now? When it hits 40 oil will be cleared for takeoff. I told you it wouldn't fill, they spouted the same nonsense back in 2016. 3 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Clemmensen + 1,011 June 10, 2020 Here's an interesting story. Most of the Russian oil infrastructure is built on permafrost. When it was built, the permafrost was as stable as solid rock as a foundation and the engineers, reasonably enough, designed that way. But far northern Siberia has warmed by six degrees, and a lot of permafrost is seasonally melting to greater depths. The recent collapse of a mid-sized heating-oil storage tank (not technically an oil industry asset) occurred when the permafrost weakened under it. I'm sure there are technical ways the Russians could engineer their way out of this. I'm not sure there will be enough money to fix the entire Siberian infrastructure. So either they abandon some infrastructure and the output drops, or pay for upgraded infrastructure and cost goes up. Either one will raise the price of oil. Note that a lengthened summer melt season shortens the frozen work season also. This report is from a greenie publication, so ignore the possibly silly inferences and concentrate on the facts. I would prefer to see an analysis from an oil industry expert. 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Clemmensen + 1,011 June 10, 2020 For oil to hit $100, marginal demand must exceed the supply from the non-OPEC swing producers. Right now and probably for the next five years at least, that's the Permian. We saw in 2109 that the Permian produces at $60 or less. This is an observed fact, not some sophisticated analysis of whether or not it "should" operate at some other number. We've been told on a monthly basis since at least 2014 that this is unsustainable, but it just keeps happening. Thus, all of the fancy "peak oil supply" analyses, which have been preached about since at least 2000, do not match the observed facts. Price will continue to be a race between "peak oil supply" and "peak oil demand". 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites + 2,198 June 10, 2020 3 hours ago, Dan Clemmensen said: Here's an interesting story. Most of the Russian oil infrastructure is built on permafrost. When it was built, the permafrost was as stable as solid rock as a foundation This report is from a greenie publication, so ignore the possibly silly inferences and concentrate on the facts. I would prefer to see an analysis from an oil industry expert. Do not need to be an expert at anything. Open a map. Notice the millions upon millions of lakes in permafrost region. Then look up how those lakes form all by themselves. Permafrost is not stable and never has been. Pretending otherwise is beyond incredulous. That being said, who knows why the tank collapsed. If you bothered to read, they just made up out of 100% idiocy that it was permafrost. A much more likely solution, is rust, tank rupture. Was a small tank at that. SCREAM, SHOUT, The END OF THE WORLD IS NIGH! Repent!!! The SKY IS FALLING! The END OF THE WORLD IS NIGH! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 June 10, 2020 14 hours ago, Dan Warnick said: Hey JJ. Long time. Agree with you: if Goldman is telling people it will go down, then it will most definitely go up. Also agree that the producers (actually brokers/traders) will make a BIG DEAL out of the soon to be needed ramping back up. There will be fantasy pitfalls, near term WAR(!) risks, anything for the headlines. Good luck with your trading! So, Goldman likes to mislead then profit themselves? 1 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 June 10, 2020 6 hours ago, Dan Clemmensen said: For oil to hit $100, marginal demand must exceed the supply from the non-OPEC swing producers. Right now and probably for the next five years at least, that's the Permian. We saw in 2109 that the Permian produces at $60 or less. This is an observed fact, not some sophisticated analysis of whether or not it "should" operate at some other number. We've been told on a monthly basis since at least 2014 that this is unsustainable, but it just keeps happening. Thus, all of the fancy "peak oil supply" analyses, which have been preached about since at least 2000, do not match the observed facts. Price will continue to be a race between "peak oil supply" and "peak oil demand". Everyone on Oil Price, except me, forgets to mention that natural gas is readily available in mass quantities and at even cheaper prices than oil is at present. Any talk of oil disappearing has to account for competition from cheap natural gas as CNG, LNG, or piped. Natural gas will also meet most of the demand to heat and to fuel electric vehicles plus LNG ships. On top of that it can run the existing fleet of ICE vehicles with minor modifications. It can also be made into gasoline or diesel but that is a waste IMHO. Regarding oil supply, the two largest remaining sources are still in Venezuela and Iran, if not Saudi Arabia. There is plenty elsewhere also plus offshore. Still, natural gas is cheaper, cleaner, and more abundant. 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0R0 + 6,251 June 11, 2020 1 hour ago, ronwagn said: Everyone on Oil Price, except me, forgets to mention that natural gas is readily available in mass quantities and at even cheaper prices than oil is at present. Any talk of oil disappearing has to account for competition from cheap natural gas as CNG, LNG, or piped. Natural gas will also meet most of the demand to heat and to fuel electric vehicles plus LNG ships. On top of that it can run the existing fleet of ICE vehicles with minor modifications. It can also be made into gasoline or diesel but that is a waste IMHO. Regarding oil supply, the two largest remaining sources are still in Venezuela and Iran, if not Saudi Arabia. There is plenty elsewhere also plus offshore. Still, natural gas is cheaper, cleaner, and more abundant. Absolutely, and the substitution of NG and NGLs for oil in chemical feedsock and shipping fuel and trucks is augmented by EV trucks and thus caps oil demand and will continue pushing it down along with demographic factors in the developed world +China. About half the Permian is profitable well under $30 without lease costs. Another confounding factor to calculating oil field decline curves for shale is the apparent success of refracks. Those still produce significant output, less but still of the same order of magnitude as the original production, and does not need to be drilled and the frack equipment and prep is partially there already so costs 20-30% less to get done. But in the short term we have created the conditions for a large oil spike as we have a large "out oftha China" industrial expansion, and the work from home movement to feed demand in the next 5 years as supplies recover more slowly than Western demand. The big question is how China does with its economic condition. Employment for its migrant workers is still down 50% or worse after a false start in April. Cost cutting is preventing rehiring there. The SCMP estimate is 205 million unemployed in April, or 25% and PMI reports indicate employment is not picking up yet in May. 1 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 June 11, 2020 (edited) 3 hours ago, ronwagn said: So, Goldman likes to mislead then profit themselves? That is what I've observed. Most untrustworthy source of information I've ever seen. Edit: I should say that it's the headlines put out by or about Goldman that are usually misleading. Edited June 11, 2020 by Dan Warnick 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gerry Maddoux + 3,627 GM June 11, 2020 1 hour ago, 0R0 said: About half the Permian is profitable well under $30 without lease costs. With all due respect, I seriously doubt that. 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gerry Maddoux + 3,627 GM June 11, 2020 1 hour ago, 0R0 said: Another confounding factor to calculating oil field decline curves for shale is the apparent success of refracks. Now many of these are profitable @ $30 oil. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
El Nikko + 2,145 nb June 11, 2020 Sorry about the state of the copy paste article Here's the link, interesting bit about Saudi reserves being depleted amongst others Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
El Nikko + 2,145 nb June 11, 2020 and here's a bonus article Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 June 12, 2020 On 6/10/2020 at 5:30 PM, ronwagn said: So, Goldman likes to mislead then profit themselves? It seems like those in the know about the inside information of the industry could make a lot of money over the long run. That is what Oil Price is all about. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Top Oil Trader + 469 JJ June 19, 2020 Ok looking at oil chart today, this is a classic bull sign for the hedgefunds for the last 2 weeks. UK Oil is about 42 today. Now why oil in my opinion will hit 100. First of all the demonstrations worldwide will cause hardship on oil producers who are viewed just like the police, remember the green deal. War is brewing up, someplace, likely middle east and asia, so expect to see skirmishes between China/Taiwan, China/India, Nkorea/SKorea, Israel/Syria, US/Russia, and civil war between the two sides in US. Which could cause US to become like China if the Marxists side wins, which I see happening. With no police, and Trump not taking control, but letting US go into anarchy, this is 1914 all over again. Once they took over, revenge set in, and according to historians 66 Millions got killed, this was before and during the holocaust where 6 Mill Jews get killed. Same in turkey in early 1900 where the Young Turks fights the muslim rule in Turkey and kills off big section of Armenians about 2 Mill killed. So expects lots of hardships on oil during this turbulent time, which will start in 2020 going into.2021... Goldman says oil will drop, so far its been going up since they said it will go down. Soon headlines will come out, by talking heads and news sites, that oil will hit 100.But whats most important is that the chart is saying its going way up, it said that 2 weeks ago and ever since. 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW June 19, 2020 On 6/10/2020 at 9:46 PM, said: Do not need to be an expert at anything. Open a map. Notice the millions upon millions of lakes in permafrost region. Then look up how those lakes form all by themselves. Permafrost is not stable and never has been. Pretending otherwise is beyond incredulous. That being said, who knows why the tank collapsed. If you bothered to read, they just made up out of 100% idiocy that it was permafrost. A much more likely solution, is rust, tank rupture. Was a small tank at that. SCREAM, SHOUT, The END OF THE WORLD IS NIGH! Repent!!! The SKY IS FALLING! The END OF THE WORLD IS NIGH! You don't appear to understand what permafrost is. Its permanently frozen subsoil of which the ground above usually melts and refreezes seasonally. Summer lakes on top of permafrost are quite normal. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob Kramer + 696 R June 19, 2020 On 6/10/2020 at 7:34 PM, ronwagn said: Everyone on Oil Price, except me, forgets to mention that natural gas is readily available in mass quantities and at even cheaper prices than oil is at present. Any talk of oil disappearing has to account for competition from cheap natural gas as CNG, LNG, or piped. Natural gas will also meet most of the demand to heat and to fuel electric vehicles plus LNG ships. On top of that it can run the existing fleet of ICE vehicles with minor modifications. It can also be made into gasoline or diesel but that is a waste IMHO. Regarding oil supply, the two largest remaining sources are still in Venezuela and Iran, if not Saudi Arabia. There is plenty elsewhere also plus offshore. Still, natural gas is cheaper, cleaner, and more abundant. Hey Ron ! I agree with your entire statement. However as for 100 $ oil . Less than 3 years from today. The reason is demand vs supply. Well have full demand end of 2022 or very close to and supply will be down. Now you say well Nat Gas steps in and in a small way it will but it will also be short of demand. At least in America. Nov USA production was 96-97BCF and current production is 89BCF going to 84BCF by years end. Demand at summer peak can be 85-87BCF by 2022 and production will probably be a hair lower. H1 2021 will be the lows and slow recovery after 4BCF/yr ish. And that is all with LNG exports at like 4.5BCF. If Europe picks up and starts to increase demand currently their stocks are drawing hard so LNG would have to pick up again possibly increasing American (can and usa) demand by 3BCF a day. Then were short gas and prices are 4-5$+ globally. Drilling has to start now for this to not happen and with gas below 2.50$ and oil below 55$ it's just not going to happen. Hence the rig count. This is my investment research so cant quote anything just reading the signs lol. But final thought is that this 2$ global gas price is going to create alot of demand! That will probably be put to use 3 years out . 2 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites + 2,198 June 19, 2020 3 hours ago, NickW said: You don't appear to understand what permafrost is. Its permanently frozen subsoil of which the ground above usually melts and refreezes seasonally. Summer lakes on top of permafrost are quite normal. Is someone supposed to laugh or cry at your post? OPEN A MAP, and NO, the millions upon millions of lakes up north are not 1 meter deep🤣😆🙄... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Top Oil Trader + 469 JJ June 19, 2020 Ok before we get to 100 or more exact 109-115 area, this will happen when the extreme happens. War, major unrest, etc. Until then, I will just refer to UK Crude, so the first big move will stop at 69, once that crosses its 80. And then if that crosses its 100. Of course it wont be straight up, but if the market (that is the major players, not the small traders), sense war, or a major supply bottleneck, the prices will continue to move up, before the news media, or common investor will know of the reasons for the move. Of course there are other ways to play oil, with buying the future contracts or options directly on crude. Now this whole bullish move could unravel, if no wars happen, and civil unrest in US stops. Since im assuming those will happen, my view is bullish on oil. 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW June 19, 2020 1 hour ago, said: Is someone supposed to laugh or cry at your post? OPEN A MAP, and NO, the millions upon millions of lakes up north are not 1 meter deep🤣😆🙄... Then they aren't in the permafrost zone. 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 June 20, 2020 (edited) 13 hours ago, Rob Kramer said: Hey Ron ! I agree with your entire statement. However as for 100 $ oil . Less than 3 years from today. The reason is demand vs supply. Well have full demand end of 2022 or very close to and supply will be down. Now you say well Nat Gas steps in and in a small way it will but it will also be short of demand. At least in America. Nov USA production was 96-97BCF and current production is 89BCF going to 84BCF by years end. Demand at summer peak can be 85-87BCF by 2022 and production will probably be a hair lower. H1 2021 will be the lows and slow recovery after 4BCF/yr ish. And that is all with LNG exports at like 4.5BCF. If Europe picks up and starts to increase demand currently their stocks are drawing hard so LNG would have to pick up again possibly increasing American (can and usa) demand by 3BCF a day. Then were short gas and prices are 4-5$+ globally. Drilling has to start now for this to not happen and with gas below 2.50$ and oil below 55$ it's just not going to happen. Hence the rig count. This is my investment research so cant quote anything just reading the signs lol. But final thought is that this 2$ global gas price is going to create alot of demand! That will probably be put to use 3 years out . I have no real information to dispute you with. I do know that natural gas is readily available from many sources around the world plus biogas options, propane etc. Natural gas can be obtained from coal seams, coal etc. I could go on and on about energy options. I think you are talking about transporting the natural gas to where it is needed if we start preparing, for the needed facilities, late. I have many thousands of links on natural gas and natural gas vehicles at You have to go down the list of over 230 topics and the American Flag. You will then be in the energy topics. Edited June 20, 2020 by ronwagn addition Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW June 20, 2020 15 hours ago, said: Is someone supposed to laugh or cry at your post? OPEN A MAP, and NO, the millions upon millions of lakes up north are not 1 meter deep🤣😆🙄... This may help you Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites