
Trump Suggests Delaying Election Amid Fraud Claims

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SS numbers are insecure and obsolete by design, it's an authentication scheme worthy of Middle Ages, not today.

Why? Because they are in nature a static information, and each authentication session is static - you want to identify yourself, the clerk asks:

"Name?" - "Mook A"

"SS number" - "1234"

The clerks checks "Big Secure database", if he finds out that "Mook A has SS number 1234", you have won and are successfully authenticated. The problem is that anyone who record this relation can use it in a "replay attack", answer the same matching info and steal "Mook A"'s identity. That's because SS numbers are vulnerable to replay attacks - out of principle. 

On the other hand, modern authentication methods are based on challenge-response scheme. You say that you are "Mook A", the clerk issues a Challenge - a long sequence of numbers, you enter it into your authentication device, it takes two parameters - the Challenge (C), and your unique, secret private key (Pr), and produces a Response - x(C, Pr) -> R - a similar long sequence of numbers. You transmit the response R to the clerk, he enters it to his device, which uses an inverse function y together with the response and Mook's A public key Pb (which one it is is a public information, published by a public Certification Authority), and y(R, Pb) -> produces the original challenge C - the same sequence of numbers that was originally used as a challenge. That way, the clerk can confirm Mook A's identity (as long as his private key is not compromised), each challenge and response is unique, and recording it and replaying it won't offer the attacker any advantage. 

Therefore, challenge - response based schemes are inherently safer than the obsolete static shared secret methods. The election today could be secured by them. 

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  On 8/2/2020 at 3:23 AM, Eyes Wide Open said:

Either you were not in the US or a US auditor did not do the inspection....


I'm Canadian.

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  On 8/2/2020 at 3:40 AM, Enthalpic said:

I'm Canadian.


I am not experienced in any manner with Canadian guidelines im quite they patterned the US after the housing debacle....The amount of fraud done by illegal immigrants was almost numbing...it would be shocking if this country disclosed how many dead old texans bought houses.....3/5 at a crack. This i will give make no mistakes ok give me a second.




Ahh found it...the greatest story ever untold...well damm close


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I think the tide is starting to turn against Joe after this week if they don't get out there with some face-time.

The NYT op-ed on 'Debates are Bad' is going to make people wonder if Biden is lucid enough to debate/lead. 

It's a nail in the coffin in addition to the Biden campaign wanting to limit debates in the first place.


I'm not saying he for sure has dementia, but if he doesn't show up it's not a good look. 

Face time Trumps "Clips" (pun intended).  There's a difference between a gaffe (I get tongue tied too, big deal) and not being able to stand up for a debate for 2 hours. 

Edited by GunnysGhost
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  On 8/3/2020 at 5:23 PM, GunnysGhost said:

I think the tide is starting to turn against Joe after this week if they don't get out there with some face-time.


Possibly, but when you are on track to win just doing nothing may work.

"when the enemy is making a false movement we must take good care not to interrupt him."


"Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself."

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  On 8/3/2020 at 6:31 PM, Enthalpic said:

Possibly, but when you are on track to win just doing nothing may work.

"when the enemy is making a false movement we must take good care not to interrupt him."


"Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself."



This mentality of 'my candidate may be eating mashed potatoes through a feeding tube, so its better if we just let people elect him based on Tic Tok ads and figure it out later'  is going to fall apart on Inauguration Day if he can't even swear in. 


Just kidding, it won't come to that.  He's not winning anymore.  People are smart enough to see NYT just outed him as falling off the health wagon. 

Edited by GunnysGhost
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  On 8/3/2020 at 6:38 PM, GunnysGhost said:


Just kidding, it won't come to that.  He's not winning anymore.  People are smart enough to see NYT just outed him as falling off the health wagon. 


Ah yes, the fake news "argument."

Even crappy Fox says he is losing.



Edited by Enthalpic

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  On 8/3/2020 at 6:38 PM, GunnysGhost said:


Tic Tok


Trump, of course, will try to silence the opposition.

He should just sign an executive order banning all Dem advertisements...

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People will see through this.   The media blitz on  'don't debate Trump' is painfully obvious.



Biden is a meat puppet at this point.  He's brain dead.  He's not going to win. 

Screen Shot 2020-08-03 at 3.48.32 PM.png

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  On 7/30/2020 at 11:37 PM, Yoshiro Kamamura said:

Trump's call to "delay" (read "abolish") the election is the final proof he is serious about turning the USA into a dictatorship. "The silence from the republican party is deafening". If you still support Trump after this, you are against democracy and for dictatorship.



First off, he DIDN'T demand a delay.  He DIDN'T even say, let alone allude that he would, delay the election. (Which of course No President can. Only an Act of Congress can.) He ASKED (Thus the ????'s) if Because as the Left do on a daily basis, cry till them cows be comin home how (Bad, deadly even) the CCP-19 is. That maybe we Look at the idea.  That was it. Period. Full Stop.

But like the good Leftist Lapdog you are; you jump off a cliff cuz Mumbles Pelosi tells you too.  Clearly you Still haven't gotten over 2016 have you?!?!?  Go down too the corner market an buy yourself an Extra large tube of Butthurt cream an apply Liberally...

The MSM/DNC/Soros/CCP/UN/WHO & Especially the @sswhipes in Antifa & BLM can go pound sand!  Trump/Pence 2020 in a Landslide win over that TRAITOR Biden!


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  On 8/3/2020 at 10:55 PM, GunnysGhost said:

People will see through this.   The media blitz on  'don't debate Trump' is painfully obvious.



Biden is a meat puppet at this point.  He's brain dead.  He's not going to win. 

Screen Shot 2020-08-03 at 3.48.32 PM.png


It already is happening, mailin voting is occurring prior to the debates...Do not anticipate a debate..

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  On 8/3/2020 at 6:38 PM, GunnysGhost said:

Just kidding, it won't come to that.  He's not winning anymore.  People are smart enough to see NYT just outed him as falling off the health wagon. 


Trump can barely drink water or walk down a handicap ramp.

Both of them are old losers, only trump is evil.

Edited by Enthalpic

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  On 8/4/2020 at 1:00 AM, Enthalpic said:

Trump can barely drink water or walk down a handicap ramp.




With Trump you always portray the exception as the rule.  With Biden, you are striving to portray the rule as the exception. 

Trump is walking out of Marine1 again. 

Yet, no sign of Biden.  Perception is key, and today's perception is that he hasn't picked a VP because he's going to drop out and someone else will be nominated in his place. 


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  On 8/4/2020 at 4:16 PM, GunnysGhost said:


With Trump you always portray the exception as the rule.  With Biden, you are striving to portray the rule as the exception. 

Trump is walking out of Marine1 again. 

Yet, no sign of Biden.  Perception is key, and today's perception is that he hasn't picked a VP because he's going to drop out and someone else will be nominated in his place. 



No, I can't say I like Biden either, just hate trump. 

There should be a maximum age for POTUS and neither should qualify.

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  On 8/4/2020 at 4:21 PM, Enthalpic said:

No, I can't say I like Biden either, just hate trump. 

There should be a maximum age for POTUS and neither should qualify.


Well hold your horses, there.  I think that....

Actually shoot, I'm not going to fight this one.  😂

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Many politicians didn't hate Trump until he started campaigning for 2016 election, despite of his "con" reputation. They even praised and asked for his donation for their political campaign (and they would be friendly to Trump), and suddenly now he is their sworn enemy.

I rather people voting Biden for ensuring their welfare/future because of it affects their living, as designed by democracy system, than being fed the hate Trump hate rich from media or "experts".

I have seen people in Vietnam hated Trump in 2016 and liked Hillary Clinton out of nothing except from the media and Clinton could be the first woman became US president or perception that she was against China, out of an empty statement of her in 2012 in Singapore and naturally Trump was on China's side. And surprisingly all of them felt they are smarter than Trump and know more about US than Trump's supporters (I was not qualified although I couldn't see anything wrong with his proposal). Simply because US mainstream appeared to fed them the idea of they are smart and educated if they agreed to mainstream. Guess how much they knew about Trump or Hillary?

And in their minds Obama was a saint for the poor people or people of color in the cruel white supremacy capitalism US and because of his goodness of the heart, karma rewarded him president title and millions of dollars.

Edited by SUZNV
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Immortal dictator?

He really posts this stuff and some of you eat it up like it is good.


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OK trump cult explain how this is somehow cool for him.

Really hates elections....


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Voting by mail is now fine... so no problem with the voting system just the states that don't want him.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the postal system a federal responsibility?




vote by mail OK.jpg

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  On 7/30/2020 at 11:37 PM, Yoshiro Kamamura said:

Trump's call to "delay" (read "abolish") the election is the final proof he is serious about turning the USA into a dictatorship. "The silence from the republican party is deafening". If you still support Trump after this, you are against democracy and for dictatorship.



No, it isn't "proof he is serious about turning the USA into a dictatorship". That standpoint of yours is extreme and unsupported. 

Trump's supporters, like myself, see fewer freedoms with your party in control. I'm laughing when I read "If you still support Trump after this, you are against democracy". Sure Yoshi. 

Edited by KeyboardWarrior
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Do you honestly believe that Trump will refuse to hand over power if he loses? That's absurd. 

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  On 8/3/2020 at 5:23 PM, GunnysGhost said:

I think the tide is starting to turn against Joe after this week if they don't get out there with some face-time.

The NYT op-ed on 'Debates are Bad' is going to make people wonder if Biden is lucid enough to debate/lead. 

It's a nail in the coffin in addition to the Biden campaign wanting to limit debates in the first place.


I'm not saying he for sure has dementia, but if he doesn't show up it's not a good look. 

Face time Trumps "Clips" (pun intended).  There's a difference between a gaffe (I get tongue tied too, big deal) and not being able to stand up for a debate for 2 hours. 


There is a big difference between making an occasional gaffe and being a gaffe machine like Joe is now. He has always made strange statements but never appeared to be demented until the last year or so. Dementia can rapidly increase, he may even be noticeably worse before the election. In the meanwhile every gaffe he ever made will be strung together by those who oppose him. Another big factor is that he has changed every position he has ever had on any subject and that can be shown as proof of having no real principles to speak of. The man was not even able to choose a decent Vice Presidential candidate and all of his potentials are faulty. Anyone watching his announcements knows that he has sold out to the far left and would be a mere puppet of the Deep State.

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  On 7/30/2020 at 9:00 PM, Enthalpic said:

More like fears he will suffer an embarrassing loss.

Of course when he loses he will claim fraud and try to hold onto power illegally.

"LAW AND ORDER!"  except for when the laws are inconvenient.


"Can you give a direct answer, you will accept the election?"

"I have to see, look, I have to see, I'm not just going to say yes, I'm not going to say no, and I didn't last time either," Trump replied.


Did Hillary Clinton accept the election? She thought up all sorts of reasons why she should have been the winner. Nobody should accept an election if it is too close to call. The Demoncrats are going to try every possible trick in the book to cheat in this election. It doesn't need to be decided until January 19th if need be. The only reason it would take that long is because Demoncrats would tie things up like they did for Gore. 

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  On 8/2/2020 at 1:54 AM, Eyes Wide Open said:

You questioning many aspects of SS number's

1. If you volunteer your number for a specific purpose then you lose any recourse for that specific purpose..You have volunteered 


1. The government that i cannot speak to i never was involved with any financial contracting..But you have experienced what happens with the govt getting involved it is serious stuff....imagine if you were a business explaining why they have your number so to speak.

Actually i am not a lawyer legal opinions on such matters would be insane

With that being said it would be easy to say never use another persons SS number in any manner....going on line..... leaves a IP address with a lender...walking into a bank one needs ID to authenticate they are who they say they are..if they blow that well the lender is on the line? Maybe the question is will they enforce a contract they know to be fraudulent....I do not think so there are rules against such practices. 

Remember it is your SS number did you authorize somebody to use it? Yes well you own it then....No well then someone else owns it...I think the question is when you dont authorize someone to use it and it happens Ohh they own it....and some will kick and scream thats not fair all the way to the courthouse doors...then suddenly get religion....Just a opinion your mileage will vary.


Many levels of government and quasi-governmental organizations have required social security numbers. They are not secure. They have also been stolen directly from the federal government by hackers. Not only that but they have hacked most of our governments deepest secrets. 

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