Eyes Wide Open + 3,555 October 16, 2020 Tonight there is quite a big show going on, Biden and Trump are speaking live on oppsite channels...at the very same time. Who will capture the larger audience???? Only in America, like it or not, the link i provided shows some of the bias happening in this country...It is out of control. https://news.google.com/stories/CAAqfAgKInZDQklTVWpvSmMzUnZjbmt0TXpZd1NrVUtFUWpld0tDQWtZQU1FWW9ycUVBcUgtSDdFakJVY25WdGNDd2dRbWxrWlc0Z2NHRnlkR2xqYVhCaGRHVWdhVzRnWTI5dGNHVjBhVzVuSUhSdmQyNGdhR0ZzYkhNb0FBUAE?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eyes Wide Open + 3,555 October 16, 2020 The past few days have been quite revealing... https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS916US916&sxsrf=ALeKk01IdtCAG8O5HELJUESmYl8g2dBYMA:1602817029667&q=press+ignores+new+york+post&tbm=nws&source=univ&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjbtMXdjrjsAhVEJTQIHcQdCNQQt8YBKAJ6BAgBEAw&biw=1082&bih=492 https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-brian-stelter-steve-scully-suspension-wtf https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/16/twitter-outage-social-media-platform-goes-down-across-the-world Twitter faces a world wide shut down during these events.....Scully gets a suspension....And the press overlooks a senate investigation? Just another day i would assume. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 October 18, 2020 Don't know why I didn't see this topic until now. Anyway, the duelling town halls produced anything except the Biden win that the Left has said they did. But, of course, if they only watched Biden, that's all they can believe. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 October 18, 2020 (edited) Was Joe's town hall real or recorded? And if it was real, how did they get people to attend before the end of his working day, at 09:30? Edited October 18, 2020 by Dan Warnick 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 October 18, 2020 And Pelosi's interview with Wolf Blitzer needs to be seen again, for what it is. A disconnect between politics vs the people. 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 October 18, 2020 A good review of Joe Biden's town hall: 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 October 18, 2020 And more about censorship, blocking any and all stories that are unfavorable about the Democrat party, or at least from a Republican source. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 October 18, 2020 Trey Gowdy's take on the same: 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 October 18, 2020 And, Mr. Biden, how about packing the Supreme Court? Do the voters deserve to know your position? "No they don't." 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marcin2 + 729 MK October 18, 2020 (edited) Fortunately in 2 weeks this circus is over, and Trump will start writing memoirs, and new Administration will start cleaning the mess he left. Maybe EU would not have ally in US, more the hegemon as in the past, at least there would be some space for adult discussion. Edited October 18, 2020 by Marcin2 typo 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 October 18, 2020 Finally, some reason to think the younger generation may not be totally brainwashed by "the Promises of Liberalism and Socialism". 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crazy trip + 90 GA October 18, 2020 (edited) 2 hours ago, Marcin2 said: Fortunately in 2 weeks this circus is over, and Trump will start writing memoirs, and new Administration will start cleaning the mess he left. Maybe EU would not have ally in US, more the hegemon as in the past, at least there would be some space for adult discussion. We all have our opinions, but I wouldn’t get to exitced yet about a Biden win. IMO informed adults will show up at the polls en mass creating a Trump landslide, of tusnami like proportions. Down ticket Democrats will suffer as well, as thinking Americans give voice to their valid fear of a BLM/Antifa/Green takeover of the levers of government. Like it or not the US is still a center right country and will vote to stay that way. Edited October 18, 2020 by crazy trip 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0R0 + 6,251 October 18, 2020 9 hours ago, Marcin2 said: Fortunately in 2 weeks this circus is over, and Trump will start writing memoirs, and new Administration will start cleaning the mess he left. Maybe EU would not have ally in US, more the hegemon as in the past, at least there would be some space for adult discussion. Unfortunately for Biden and the country, Biden is losing and is likely to preside over a contested election war till the end of the year. On the off chance that a linear interpretation of the polling bias were applicable for this year's recent polls, the bias is bigger than Biden's lead in the media polls in all of the key battleground states. Using Cahaly's more precise polling, the key states he covers had a setback for Trump last week.. But I can't say that it is material enough to provide Biden with a durable and sufficient lead in PA (e.g.) not to be swamped by the polling bias remaining in Cahalys polling methods. EU is not a prize for anyone. Have not been an ally of substance for 2 decades. US doesn't really want to offer "hegemon services" to the world any longer. The CCP's bribery scheme in US leadership is apparently unraveling so actual Dem and Rep countering of the CCP is pretty much assured. I thought Zeihan's ignoring of the CCP payola scheme to bribe the US political leadership is getting him to the wrong conclusions, but it seems circumstances changed recently which will lower chances of cooperation with CCP even with a Biden win.. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marcin2 + 729 MK October 18, 2020 (edited) 17 minutes ago, 0R0 said: EU is not a prize for anyone. Have not been an ally of substance for 2 decades. US doesn't really want to offer "hegemon services" to the world any longer. The CCP's bribery scheme in US leadership is apparently unraveling so actual Dem and Rep countering of the CCP is pretty much assured. I thought Zeihan's ignoring of the CCP payola scheme to bribe the US political leadership is getting him to the wrong conclusions, but it seems circumstances changed recently which will lower chances of cooperation with CCP even with a Biden win.. I do not think the Biden administration would be different about goals relating to China than Trump administration is. But the best virtue of Biden is that he does not have Trump personality so it would be easier for EU ( and Asia-Pacific) to talk with Biden. US needs Europe in hegemonic conflict with China. If Europe will not stop scientific co-operation with China, any impact of US technology pressure would be decreased. At the end of the day I do not think China could be stopped from becoming next hegemon even if Europe gangs up with US. COVID-19 changed a lot. China is already at pre-COVID economic output, and both EU & US are in a very bad shape. What happened in 2020 in US cannot be repeated in 2021 and 2022, stimulus package in the magnitude of 15% of GDP. 2021 was already lost for US economy as no vaccine would be available for whole US population before summer 2021. I think that COVID-19 shortened the time needed for China to achieve hegemony by 2 years, and thus nullified the effect of tech sanctions. Edited October 18, 2020 by Marcin2 typo 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eyes Wide Open + 3,555 October 18, 2020 (edited) That show left me with more questions than answers, watching the media as a whole deflecting/redirecting the Biden email topic towards Russia simply fits the continuing narrative. Yet Biden will not state it is incorrect, which he could easily do. Now Obama is coming out to campaign and that is risky, it is off narrative and he is a very controversial figure Why risk a major change? Something really wrong about that. Edited October 18, 2020 by Eyes Wide Open 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 October 18, 2020 1 minute ago, Eyes Wide Open said: That show left me with more questions than answers, watching the media as a whole deflecting/redirecting the Biden emai topic towards Russia simply fits the continuing narrative. Even Biden will not state it is incorrect. Now Obama is coming out to campaign and that is risky, it is off narrative and a very controversial figure Why risk a major change? Something really wrong about that. Letting the pro-Dem voters, possibly shaken by Joe and Kamala's recent performances, know they can be assured that the A-Team will really be running the show? So have no fear, Obama and Clinton will be behind the Wizard's curtain? Hmm. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eyes Wide Open + 3,555 October 18, 2020 11 minutes ago, Dan Warnick said: Letting the pro-Dem voters, possibly shaken by Joe and Kamala's recent performances, know they can be assured that the A-Team will really be running the show? So have no fear, Obama and Clinton will be behind the Wizard's curtain? Hmm. Both Clinton and Obama are extreme liabilities, their base is firm. At the same time they are the foundation's for Trumps election. Swing voters of any intelligence are about to see those old faces once again. How many will say hey wait a minute here, they are the reason we are here...once again foreign interference is at the epicenter...a very very bad look. Oro may be dead on, the polls are junk just as 16, a intervention is needed or risky intervention. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 October 18, 2020 4 minutes ago, Eyes Wide Open said: Both Clinton and Obama are extreme liabilities, their base is firm. At the same time they are the foundation's for Trumps election. Swing voters of any intelligence are about to see those old faces once again. How many will say hey wait a minute here, they are the reason we are here...once again foreign interference is at the epicenter...a very very bad look. Oro may be dead on, the polls are junk just as 16, a intervention is needed or risky intervention. I didn't say it was a smart move. But it would fit with most other Dem/Left so-called strategy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 October 18, 2020 I think the Dems should find a guy that looks like Vlad and get a pic of him voting in New Jersey for Trump! And show he has a "gadget" in his hand! They could surely then get an "expert" to go on CNN and scare everyone into believing Vlad has a special ray-box that can change Dem votes to Red! Ooohhh, just imagine if we could do that! Just sayin'..... 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rasmus Jorgensen + 1,169 RJ October 18, 2020 1 hour ago, 0R0 said: Unfortunately for Biden and the country, Biden is losing and is likely to preside over a contested election war till the end of the year. I thougth Trump losing would throw the country into even bigger turmoil? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eyes Wide Open + 3,555 October 18, 2020 52 minutes ago, Dan Warnick said: I didn't say it was a smart move. But it would fit with most other Dem/Left so-called strategy. Yes i get that, i get so focused when trying to understand the games being played with this power struggle...i do tend to get over engrossed. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0R0 + 6,251 October 18, 2020 8 minutes ago, Rasmus Jorgensen said: I thougth Trump losing would throw the country into even bigger turmoil? The Trump folks are being painted as potential revolutionaries by the MSM. Obviously to divert from the Dem's own plans to create along with some Reps chaos if Trump is elected. If Trump lost, the noise would come later, not right then and there. The silencing of NY Post has drawn attention to the Hunter Biden scandal and the Bannon threatened release of additional hard drive content against the Biden team and their supporters, supposedly including Bloomberg who dumped near $1 Bil into the Biden campaign. Everyone is looking it up. The Biden campaign has to stop one way or another. It is unlikely to remain a viable campaign. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 October 18, 2020 13 minutes ago, Rasmus Jorgensen said: I thougth Trump losing would throw the country into even bigger turmoil? Not hardly. Haven't you been paying attention to the impeachment/nothingburger investigations/protests/riots/projections/quarantines/oil/and every other blame game the Left has been throwing up to ensure their boy/girl/it gets the White House? 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eyes Wide Open + 3,555 October 18, 2020 (edited) 38 minutes ago, Rasmus Jorgensen said: I thougth Trump losing would throw the country into even bigger turmoil? Take close notice here....this battle has deep implications. Police depts across the country are being told to stand down for the norms. A complete restructuring of how they operate and there FUNDING.. That is a precursor that i do not like. Perhaps a few things more...Two were Barr's statements that challenged some very constitutional basics....To that another that still dismays me....After the impeachment Schiffs investigation was put under the light ....he to played far to dangerously with the constitution...He actually claimed Soverign Immunity to protect his shadowy investigation techniques...Its time to see i Jan van Eck might interject himself into that topic...Generally he avoids such threads, Yet for a US senator to hide under that claim is beyond the pale... Edited October 18, 2020 by Eyes Wide Open 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites