Dan Warnick + 6,100 January 8, 2021 Be careful, guys. Your words may upset @Rasmus Jorgensen's sense of civility, and he may feel the need to run to the teacher ( @Selva ). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 8, 2021 26 minutes ago, Dan Warnick said: Be careful, guys. Your words may upset @Rasmus Jorgensen's sense of civility, and he may feel the need to run to the teacher ( @Selva ). There appears to be just one person having a hissy fit on this thread😀 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 8, 2021 (edited) On 1/6/2021 at 5:07 PM, footeab@yahoo.com said: Doesn't matter if anyone joins or not, it was an even bigger joke than the absurd Kyoto. Everyone who signed it has ignored it. Great "cooperation there". Why sign? And there will be no global "cooperation" on this issue. None. To start with it is impossible to enforce even if one does play make believe the temps are rising.(they aren't) Daily high temps in 100% of all data sets from all around the world have not gone up for over 20 years now, and in fact have gone down in several data sets. All this shows is that the daily lows have slightly gone up and since vast majority of thermometers are in/near cities... gee I wonder why... hrmm oh yea, city island effect, as the world becomes more electrified/powered with an ever increasing population. Look wear solar and wind power is now compared to 1997. The West did most of the heavy lifting and now the technology is spreading globally. Carbon intensity has fallen relative to GDP Kyoto wasnt 100% successful but it kick started many global changes. Edited January 8, 2021 by NickW 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyboardWarrior + 527 January 8, 2021 On 1/6/2021 at 9:59 AM, NickW said: Often the posters on here imply its the USA doing all the heavy lifting and India and China are doing nothing hence the justification for Donut pulling the USA out of the Paris agreement. Meanwhile in the real world India and China now get a greater % of their electricity from solar than does the USA. Plenty of other developing nations now have major solar energy programmes and wind where its applicable. India now has the worlds 4th biggest deployment of wind capacity and 5th biggest in terms of solar. its a credit to India that it achieves this despite having a GDP/ capita at 1/30th of the USA. I think it's important to recognize that most of India's population doesn't enjoy a standard of living that requires 1000 kWh a month. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
markslawson + 1,063 ML January 8, 2021 14 hours ago, NickW said: My comments were basically a desk top calculation to work out how much oil 500,000 EV's would save In terms of world demand basically nothing - a minute fraction of one per cent - there you go, no calculation needed.. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
footeab@yahoo.com + 2,198 January 9, 2021 8 hours ago, NickW said: Carbon intensity has fallen relative to GDP Kyoto wasnt 100% successful but it kick started many global changes. What rubbish. Vast majority of so called "progress" was the complete collapse of the Eastern Soviet bloc resulting in very poor populations relative to 1990 standards and their subsequent adoption by the EU combined with the removal of old inefficient Coal plants with a gargantuan increase in the use of Natural Gas. There is your "progress" Remove these artificial goal posts and use 2005 numbers and nothing has changed other than the NG fields of the UK/Netherlands have gone dry and a permanent economic recession in Europe since 2008. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boat + 1,331 RG January 9, 2021 7 hours ago, footeab@yahoo.com said: What rubbish. Vast majority of so called "progress" was the complete collapse of the Eastern Soviet bloc resulting in very poor populations relative to 1990 standards and their subsequent adoption by the EU combined with the removal of old inefficient Coal plants with a gargantuan increase in the use of Natural Gas. There is your "progress" Remove these artificial goal posts and use 2005 numbers and nothing has changed other than the NG fields of the UK/Netherlands have gone dry and a permanent economic recession in Europe since 2008. Yea but now that Trump has been banned from Twitter the right can go back to their caves and let the transformation begin. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 January 9, 2021 10 hours ago, markslawson said: In terms of world demand basically nothing - a minute fraction of one per cent - there you go, no calculation needed.. Hi @markslawson. Good to see you back around here. And thanks for lending us your math skills. That was easy enough to understand, even for me. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 9, 2021 10 hours ago, markslawson said: In terms of world demand basically nothing - a minute fraction of one per cent - there you go, no calculation needed.. 390,000 barrels of oil for 5 million vehicles. Remind me what the global fleet of cars is? You sound like the horse breeders in 1900 confident that the car would never catch on 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 9, 2021 (edited) 8 hours ago, footeab@yahoo.com said: What rubbish. Vast majority of so called "progress" was the complete collapse of the Eastern Soviet bloc resulting in very poor populations relative to 1990 standards and their subsequent adoption by the EU combined with the removal of old inefficient Coal plants with a gargantuan increase in the use of Natural Gas. There is your "progress" Remove these artificial goal posts and use 2005 numbers and nothing has changed other than the NG fields of the UK/Netherlands have gone dry and a permanent economic recession in Europe since 2008. Transition from Coal to NG as a bridging fuel was part of the plan. RE: role out of renewables (note the solar chart is logarithmic) Edited January 9, 2021 by NickW 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
footeab@yahoo.com + 2,198 January 9, 2021 11 minutes ago, NickW said: Transition from Coal to NG as a bridging fuel was part of the plan. RE: role out of renewables (note the solar chart is logarithmic) Bull SHit. Plan = Europe had/has near ZERO uranium, coal, Oil, NG resources and were pissing $$$ down the drain importing them. Wind/Solar are the only viable options to keep their way of life or partially keep their way of life afloat in a world dominated by those energy sources without an empire to feed said resources to them at rock bottom prices as they were accustomed. They had no choice but to develop them if given half a chance. At end of cold war, they were given that chance. They took it. Has nothing to do with CO2, has everything to do with lack of resources. Yes, Germany lacks coal(real coal, not that brown crap they are currently burning) as Germany could see where their coal reserves were going and going quickly. It is called planning. One thing Germans always get right and is bred into their culture: PLANNING for the future. Guess what? China also can do simple division and see that their gargantuan appetite for coal will swallow their VERY large coal resources in a matter of about 30-->50 years assuming they find more of the good stuff, leaving them with piss poor brown coal. So, they have decided to import lots of Coal from Australia, etc to extend the coal they do have. The number of countries not wholly dependent on their very existence(modern life AKA access to gobs and gobs of hydrocarbon energy) on outside powers is VERY small. It is not arrogance to continue to use what you have and develop it. It is the height of hubris, arrogance etc to blame the reason you are pouring a VERY large % of your GDP into developing these resources on something else(CO2) when anyone with half a brain cell can figure out that to get global warming requires excess heat to build up over the tropics pushing said excess heat north/south. The fact said excess heat is not building over the tropics as demonstrated in the mid 90's, and daily high temps around the globe have not risen, but rather daily lows due to city island heat effect, demonstrates conclusively that fear mongering regarding CO2 is driven entirely by politics at the highest level. There is no kickback at the highest level because everyone with a brain in said resource poor countries understands WHY, uh hem WHY, using CO2 as a scaremongering tactic is happening. Everyone also can figure out why those countries which are hydrocarbon rich have politicians who also have brain cells and can see the utter joke of the "science". Now if one gets a side benefit of a cleaner environment due to no belching mercury, sulphur, uranium, etc raining down on the countryside from burning coal, more fish in rivers due to them being cooler, all and good. But, never forget the overriding real reason for Wind Turbines/Solar; Independence. No one likes being dependent on another nation even if said nation is fairly benign, far away, and supposedly your ally. Said nation can always go insane as they are imbibing on ultimate power. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts, absolutely. Everyone knows this. Every politician knows this. Every nation knows this. Has everything to do with independence. Will there be a financial reset? Hell Yes. NO currency has been top dog for more than ~150 years at most in the last 1000 years(before this there was never enough interaction to quantify my statement). The USD has reigned supreme going on ~100 years now. Law of averages says it will fall along with the order supported by said nation. There is no cold war keeping the allies together anymore. Said nation which supposedly is upholding the order has shipped nearly 100% of its industry to nations which by its moral stance during the cold war they should technically be at war with, cutting off ALL financial ties and should NEVER have gotten a single manufacturing job yet today all of it has been shipped out or nearly so. This is a guaranteed failure in the making. The only thing left of the USA is its hydrocarbon industry, agriculture dominance, and space dominance. Ag dominance is nearly gone as well as by value, US will start to import by value more food than they export. So, by all means, go wind/solar/battery, but just know the real justifiable reason for doing so. Independence pure and simple; independence a true cry of every nation throughout time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 9, 2021 8 minutes ago, footeab@yahoo.com said: So, they have decided to import lots of Coal from Australia, etc to extend the coal they do have. Do keep up - they have banned the import of Aussie Coal. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
footeab@yahoo.com + 2,198 January 9, 2021 9 minutes ago, NickW said: Do keep up - they have banned the import of Aussie Coal. Yes they did, but are trying to get it from Indo, same reason applies. Do keep up - Reality will force them back to Oz coal unless they can get their solar/wind/hydro/batteries up and going quicker. Power consumption is going up in China, not down. Another joke, anyone thinking China will ever let Tibet, Yunnan, Sichuan go independent are truly delusional and have gone around the bend. Where most of their hydropower will be coming from as soon as the rest of the dams finish, and if you count Sichuan/Yunnan as part of Tibet region and as nations who do not speak Mandarin... . They probably will double the amount of Hydro they will have. Free power, and largest amount by leaps and bounds of any region/nation in the world and people think China will not be number one? World revolves around electricity. Hydro is free power and no other region can compare or come even close. It is also a 100% guarantee that every meter of the 5000m drop of the Brahmaputura will likewise be damned up with initial main branch estimates at 60GW and 60GW of side branches. Unless India attacks and takes it... and I do not see that ever happening. China will have 600GW of free power at its disposal and if you give that 60% capacity factor that is still 300GW of free power 24/7/365. That is half the size as the entire US Eastern Power Grid --> Free power. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 9, 2021 (edited) 3 hours ago, footeab@yahoo.com said: Bull SHit. Plan = Europe had/has near ZERO uranium, coal, Oil, NG resources and were pissing $$$ down the drain importing them. Wind/Solar are the only viable options to keep their way of life or partially keep their way of life afloat in a world dominated by those energy sources without an empire to feed said resources to them at rock bottom prices as they were accustomed. They had no choice but to develop them if given half a chance. At end of cold war, they were given that chance. They took it. Has nothing to do with CO2, has everything to do with lack of resources. Yes, Germany lacks coal(real coal, not that brown crap they are currently burning) as Germany could see where their coal reserves were going and going quickly. It is called planning. One thing Germans always get right and is bred into their culture: PLANNING for the future. Whatever the motivations, which can be multiple the various protocols have moved things in a direction that that starts to address climate change. Emissions have still risen but far more slowly than if a BAU position had continued from 1990 Domestic and industrial energy efficiency programs Switch from coal to gas Renewable energy programmes, primarily solar and wind but also geothermal, waste to energy, biomass, small hydro, tidal Reforestation programmes Water conservation Vastly improved public transport infrastructure Phase out and bans on SF6 and CFC's Regulatory effort to reduce Methane leakage from energy infrastructure and also agricultural practices to reduce methane emissions Regulatory efforts to reduce Nitrous Oxide emissions, mainly from agriculture Accelerated switch to Hybrid and EV cars Edited January 9, 2021 by NickW Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 9, 2021 3 hours ago, footeab@yahoo.com said: Bull SHit. Plan = Europe had/has near ZERO uranium, coal, Oil, NG resources and were pissing $$$ down the drain importing them. Wind/Solar are the only viable options to keep their way of life or partially keep their way of life afloat in a world dominated by those energy sources without an empire to feed said resources to them at rock bottom prices as they were accustomed. They had no choice but to develop them if given half a chance. At end of cold war, they were given that chance. They took it. Has nothing to do with CO2, has everything to do with lack of resources. Yes, Germany lacks coal(real coal, not that brown crap they are currently burning) as Germany could see where their coal reserves were going and going quickly. It is called planning. One thing Germans always get right and is bred into their culture: PLANNING for the future. Guess what? China also can do simple division and see that their gargantuan appetite for coal will swallow their VERY large coal resources in a matter of about 30-->50 years assuming they find more of the good stuff, leaving them with piss poor brown coal. So, they have decided to import lots of Coal from Australia, etc to extend the coal they do have. The number of countries not wholly dependent on their very existence(modern life AKA access to gobs and gobs of hydrocarbon energy) on outside powers is VERY small. It is not arrogance to continue to use what you have and develop it. It is the height of hubris, arrogance etc to blame the reason you are pouring a VERY large % of your GDP into developing these resources on something else(CO2) when anyone with half a brain cell can figure out that to get global warming requires excess heat to build up over the tropics pushing said excess heat north/south. The fact said excess heat is not building over the tropics as demonstrated in the mid 90's, and daily high temps around the globe have not risen, but rather daily lows due to city island heat effect, demonstrates conclusively that fear mongering regarding CO2 is driven entirely by politics at the highest level. There is no kickback at the highest level because everyone with a brain in said resource poor countries understands WHY, uh hem WHY, using CO2 as a scaremongering tactic is happening. Everyone also can figure out why those countries which are hydrocarbon rich have politicians who also have brain cells and can see the utter joke of the "science". Now if one gets a side benefit of a cleaner environment due to no belching mercury, sulphur, uranium, etc raining down on the countryside from burning coal, more fish in rivers due to them being cooler, all and good. But, never forget the overriding real reason for Wind Turbines/Solar; Independence. No one likes being dependent on another nation even if said nation is fairly benign, far away, and supposedly your ally. Said nation can always go insane as they are imbibing on ultimate power. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts, absolutely. Everyone knows this. Every politician knows this. Every nation knows this. Has everything to do with independence. Will there be a financial reset? Hell Yes. NO currency has been top dog for more than ~150 years at most in the last 1000 years(before this there was never enough interaction to quantify my statement). The USD has reigned supreme going on ~100 years now. Law of averages says it will fall along with the order supported by said nation. There is no cold war keeping the allies together anymore. Said nation which supposedly is upholding the order has shipped nearly 100% of its industry to nations which by its moral stance during the cold war they should technically be at war with, cutting off ALL financial ties and should NEVER have gotten a single manufacturing job yet today all of it has been shipped out or nearly so. This is a guaranteed failure in the making. The only thing left of the USA is its hydrocarbon industry, agriculture dominance, and space dominance. Ag dominance is nearly gone as well as by value, US will start to import by value more food than they export. So, by all means, go wind/solar/battery, but just know the real justifiable reason for doing so. Independence pure and simple; independence a true cry of every nation throughout time. The wealth of modern industrial nations is not really dependent on owning large quantities of natural resources. Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Switzerland, Austria are good examples of this. However I agree that an additional benefit for resource poor nations from renewables investment is improving energy security. Wealth is largely built on having an educated workforce, effective manufacturing and service sector, efficient government and low levels of corruption. Sure the Netherlands had a big gas resource but the bulk of its wealth has been built on manufacturing and intensive agriculture. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 9, 2021 2 hours ago, footeab@yahoo.com said: Yes they did, but are trying to get it from Indo, same reason applies. Do keep up - Reality will force them back to Oz coal unless they can get their solar/wind/hydro/batteries up and going quicker. Power consumption is going up in China, not down. Another joke, anyone thinking China will ever let Tibet, Yunnan, Sichuan go independent are truly delusional and have gone around the bend. Where most of their hydropower will be coming from as soon as the rest of the dams finish, and if you count Sichuan/Yunnan as part of Tibet region and as nations who do not speak Mandarin... . They probably will double the amount of Hydro they will have. Free power, and largest amount by leaps and bounds of any region/nation in the world and people think China will not be number one? World revolves around electricity. Hydro is free power and no other region can compare or come even close. It is also a 100% guarantee that every meter of the 5000m drop of the Brahmaputura will likewise be damned up with initial main branch estimates at 60GW and 60GW of side branches. Unless India attacks and takes it... and I do not see that ever happening. China will have 600GW of free power at its disposal and if you give that 60% capacity factor that is still 300GW of free power 24/7/365. That is half the size as the entire US Eastern Power Grid --> Free power. As the Himalaya glaciers are melting rapidly it makes sense for China, India and Nepal to dam the rivers to control the flow of water. Nepal is estimated to have a Hydro potential of at least 65GW. If they could get the Maoists off their backs that resource could be powering northern India and massively improving the GDP of Nepal. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 9, 2021 (edited) 18 hours ago, markslawson said: In terms of world demand basically nothing - a minute fraction of one per cent - there you go, no calculation needed.. 500,000 cars in one year. One manufacturer Assume they continue at that rate and assume a car lasts 15 years which is not unreasonable these days Edited January 9, 2021 by NickW Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 9, 2021 3 hours ago, footeab@yahoo.com said: The number of countries not wholly dependent on their very existence(modern life AKA access to gobs and gobs of hydrocarbon energy) on outside powers is VERY small. It is not arrogance to continue to use what you have and develop it. It is the height of hubris, arrogance etc to blame the reason you are pouring a VERY large % of your GDP into developing these resources on something else(CO2) when anyone with half a brain cell can figure out that to get global warming requires excess heat to build up over the tropics pushing said excess heat north/south. The fact said excess heat is not building over the tropics as demonstrated in the mid 90's, and daily high temps around the globe have not risen, but rather daily lows due to city island heat effect, demonstrates conclusively that fear mongering regarding CO2 is driven entirely by politics at the highest level. There is no kickback at the highest level because everyone with a brain in said resource poor countries understands WHY, uh hem WHY, using CO2 as a scaremongering tactic is happening. Everyone also can figure out why those countries which are hydrocarbon rich have politicians who also have brain cells and can see the utter joke of the "science". Now if one gets a side benefit of a cleaner environment due to no belching mercury, sulphur, uranium, etc raining down on the countryside from burning coal, more fish in rivers due to them being cooler, all and good. But, never forget the overriding real reason for Wind Turbines/Solar; Independence. No one likes being dependent on another nation even if said nation is fairly benign, far away, and supposedly your ally. Said nation can always go insane as they are imbibing on ultimate power. P NASA disagree I believe 2016 and 2020 are the joint hottest years on record which blows the 'its been cooling since 98 chestnut'. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Clemmensen + 1,011 January 9, 2021 On 1/2/2021 at 7:49 AM, Hiten Shah said: How much Oil demand does 5000000 Electric cars displaced? To a first approximation, the world produces 100 million vehicles per year, and only a small percentage are currently electric, so 0.5 million will displace about 0.5 % of those vehicles, and (crudely) 0.5% of the oil used by new vehicles this year. But those 500,000 Teslas don't tell the whole story. There are other EV companies, EVs will have longer lifetimes on the road, and EV production is rapidly increasing. The 500,000 were made in the old repurposed Fremont factory (with batteries from the Nevada factory). Tesla's huge new factories in Shanghi, Germany, and Texas will be coming online starting this year. Also to a first approximation, there are 1.5 billion land vehicles on the road today, and the world produces 100 million bbl/day of oil, most of which is used by those vehicles. At a steady production rate of 500,000 EV/yr, the EVs will eventually displace 0.5% of those vehicles. But the EV production rate will probably exceed 30 million/yr by 2030, may increase to 100% by 2040 so by 2050 or perhaps sooner, land vehicles will cease using any appreciable amount of oil. Please note that those EVs will still use energy and non-renewable resources such as cobalt, but the specific question was about oil, not about total environmental impact. The major remaining use is bunker oil for ships. Ships are moving away from oil, instead using NG and perhaps eventually moving to a synthetic renewable fuel or to hydrogen. Bunker oil is basically a byproduct of gasoline and diesel production, so the economics will change as EV displace ICE. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Clemmensen + 1,011 January 9, 2021 On 1/3/2021 at 11:56 PM, footeab@yahoo.com said: One thing which will be all electric in less than 10 years will be delivery vans. A guaranteed range driven maximum as this range is completely dependent on how quickly guys can fill a van, get out to a destination, and deliver packages and then pick up packages. Likewise it is a guarantee you will not be using them at night so downtime of ~12 hours if not more is guaranteed in which to charge. If you want low hanging fruit, start there in your dreams of electrification. Same can be said of Garbage trucks. Guaranteed maximum range, high start stop operation. Fill those millions of vehicle needs and then work at everything else. But no, the utopians are demanding the application of the hardest aspect of transportation first.... idiots. If I could buy shares in a nickel mine I liked, I would do so in a flash. I will have to settle for Copper mines instead. I agree. Delivery vans, garbage trucks, USPS delivery, and some fixed short-haul trucking are low-hanging fruit. Also, some but not all private cars, e.g., those used almost exclusively for commuting and in-town trips by homeowners with private parking or garages. That is probably a small percentage of all cars, but it's a small percentage of a really big number. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Clemmensen + 1,011 January 9, 2021 On 1/5/2021 at 4:17 AM, Guy Daley said: Not a single commenter on this entire thread questioned the premise that 500,000 cars were delivered to CUSTOMERS that were going to drive the car. If the car gets delivered to a auto sales lot and it sits there waiting for a buyer, then absolutely NO oil is being displaced. Neither was the number of 500,000 questioned either. In this day and age where the MSM lies through their teeth about a variety of things to push certain agendas then why would the 500,000 number be taken as the honest truth? Covid stats are pumped through the roof with false positive testing to justify lockdowns. Deaths are attributed to covid regardless of how they died. The swing state election results were fraudulently acquired and then aggressively pushed as the truth from the MSM but the media isn't going to lie about all things "climate change" related? Pull the other one. The notion that EVs are still selling llike hot cakes during this time where the demonrats are destoying the economy via the covid scam is ludicrous. The idea that people SHOULD accept as truth anything that is printed is also LUDICROUS. I've seen the photos of people lined up for MILES for free food handouts. I do believe that info IS true because what else are people lining up for in these times besides Trump rallies? Sporting events? Concerts? Movie lines? Cruise ship departures? Airline departures? Tesla has a weird production and sales model. They really did deliver all of those cars to customers. First, they do not have dealers with "auto sales lots". Instead, they take orders directly from customers. Cars are (mostly) produced after an order has been placed. Next, during each quarter, Tesla builds card for long-distance shipment early in the quarter so those cars can be delivered before the end of the quarter: These include cars with European charging sockets. Toward the end of the quarter, cars for closer customers are built and shipped. The very last cars off the production line in the quarter are often driven off the production line directly to customers in Northern California. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickW + 2,714 NW January 9, 2021 1 hour ago, Dan Clemmensen said: To a first approximation, the world produces 100 million vehicles per year, and only a small percentage are currently electric, so 0.5 million will displace about 0.5 % of those vehicles, and (crudely) 0.5% of the oil used by new vehicles this year. But those 500,000 Teslas don't tell the whole story. There are other EV companies, EVs will have longer lifetimes on the road, and EV production is rapidly increasing. The 500,000 were made in the old repurposed Fremont factory (with batteries from the Nevada factory). Tesla's huge new factories in Shanghi, Germany, and Texas will be coming online starting this year. Also to a first approximation, there are 1.5 billion land vehicles on the road today, and the world produces 100 million bbl/day of oil, most of which is used by those vehicles. At a steady production rate of 500,000 EV/yr, the EVs will eventually displace 0.5% of those vehicles. But the EV production rate will probably exceed 30 million/yr by 2030, may increase to 100% by 2040 so by 2050 or perhaps sooner, land vehicles will cease using any appreciable amount of oil. Please note that those EVs will still use energy and non-renewable resources such as cobalt, but the specific question was about oil, not about total environmental impact. The major remaining use is bunker oil for ships. Ships are moving away from oil, instead using NG and perhaps eventually moving to a synthetic renewable fuel or to hydrogen. Bunker oil is basically a byproduct of gasoline and diesel production, so the economics will change as EV displace ICE. The focus tends to be on Tesla but other manufacturers are churning out the numbers. Nissan / Renault have sold in excess of 750,000 EV's BAIC (Chinese ) have passed the half a million mark VW and BMW are now into 6 figures Jaguar have one EV vehicle currently which is probably the lead SUV model in the sector. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Clemmensen + 1,011 January 9, 2021 On 1/3/2021 at 11:56 PM, footeab@yahoo.com said: If I could buy shares in a nickel mine I liked, I would do so in a flash. I will have to settle for Copper mines instead. Right now, EVs are designed for electrical efficiency, not cost minimization. This means they used very expensive motors and batteries. But s batteries get better, there will probably be a better cheaper alternative than Li-ion, and that means that a cheaper for less-efficient motor may make sense for the low-end cars., while high-end cars will still have high-performance motors. You can build an induction motor with no permanent magnets (no nickel, no cobalt). It will be heavier, less efficient, and a lot less expensive. You will need maybe 1.5 times as much battery to achieve the same performance, but if those batteries cost half as much as current batteries, the trade-off may make sense. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hiten Shah + 22 January 9, 2021 If Battery prices reduce to a level where EV costs same as ICE Vehicle then Fleet, Taxis, Bus will replace ICE with EV. This will cause significant dent in Oil consumption. Moreover I think Companies who provide Pick and drop services to Employees and clients will soon replace ICE with EV as cost benefit. Also those companies will have Charging facilities in future. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
footeab@yahoo.com + 2,198 January 9, 2021 6 hours ago, NickW said: NASA disagree I believe 2016 and 2020 are the joint hottest years on record which blows the 'its been cooling since 98 chestnut'. Well nutter, maybe next time you will read what someone wrote instead of making up what you wish... Vast difference between: A composite of daily highs and lows and daily high verses daily low Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites