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Zombie fires in Canada are destroying the US with smoke caused by global warming caused by burning oil and coal.  Reparations now!!! Hold the oil and coal companies accountable for C02 which is causing global warming.  Give money to AOC, my queen.  Buy VLO, TNK, STNG, RIVN, CEG, NEE, D, and ARM stocks now!!!!   Make Money!  Money Money Money!  Make me rich!  Get rich.

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It looks like the EV business has run into a brick wall with declining sales in both North America and in Europe.

The EV charging business is now a posting huge losses and going into a disappearing act.

"“Due to losses at EV Box, as well as the lack of success thus far from our measures to identify a potential buyer for this company, the Group is actively examining all options that could lead to disengage, in accordance with local regulations,” Engie said in its Q1 earnings release today."

"U.S. sales of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) fell in the first quarter, losing market share, while Europe’s new car sales fell in March for the first time this year, dragged down by a decline in EV registrations and the timing of the Easter holidays. "


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On 5/17/2024 at 8:28 PM, bloodman33 said:

Zombie fires in Canada are destroying the US with smoke caused by global warming caused by burning oil and coal.  Reparations now!!! Hold the oil and coal companies accountable for C02 which is causing global warming.  Give money to AOC, my queen.  Buy VLO, TNK, STNG, RIVN, CEG, NEE, D, and ARM stocks now!!!!   Make Money!  Money Money Money!  Make me rich!  Get rich.

That post is somewhat extreme, no?  I can understand any frustration you may hold.  I hold heartbreak (I bet you do as well).

I do agree that the focus on making money, to the exclusion of all else, is largely responsible for many circumstances we find ourselves in.  Practices that profit from extraction (and downstream efforts for a final product), while ignoring the the "externalities" call for intervention (aka, regulation), to reduce those "externalities".  Legal actions by opposing sides of any proposed new regulation are forever ongoing.  Both sides win and lose.

The energy industries in the USA are amongst the most regulated entities I know of.  I do NOT know how similar entities in other counties are regulated. I suspect that many major offshore players have significant influence over "decisions made".   In other words, some governments are more beholding to "interests of the few", over beholding to the people.

Gee, does that happen in the USA??

Anyhow, I am reasonably satisfied that dents are being made in the consumption of fossil fuels (even though consumption may still be rising).  Those dents are getting bigger year by year.  It's gonna take a little more than a generation for significant reduction.

Edited by turbguy

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Blah blah blah, blah.....In reality the audience is about 10 for the whole board.  I post to poke.  The world does not care about the board especially young people. LOL. C02 will turn the world to shit.  It is too late. Buy VLO, TNK, STNG, RIVN, CEG, D, NEE, SFL, MTDR, make money make money.  Yeh baby!  James Watt he's my man and he is a dead I guess. When he gets to hell I will be there to play with him.

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23 minutes ago, bloodman33 said:

I post to poke. 

Thank for the "illustrative" response.

Unless you have something, directly related to any energy industry, to add here... probably should leave.

You are wasting your time here.

And wasting YOUR time should be the second most important "thing" in YOUR life.

If you wish to continue, it won't bother me.



Edited by turbguy
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4 minutes ago, turbguy said:

Thank for the "illustrative" response.

Unless you have something, directly related to any energy industry, to add here... probably should leave.

You are wasting your time here.

And wasting YOUR time should be the second most important "thing" in YOUR life.

If you wish to continue, it won't bother me.

Correcting old, conservative, luddites (redundant) is enjoyable.  Fossil humans are my toys.

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32 minutes ago, bloodman33 said:

The world does not care about the board especially young people.

Very true.  The only people of interest here were the terrorists conspiring to overthrow the government and they fled.

Soon many of these people will die and with them their outdated views. 

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19 hours ago, turbguy said:

The energy industries in the USA are amongst the most regulated entities I know of. 


They are highly regulated because they break laws and pollute the earth all the time.

We have speed limits for cars; does that actually stop speeding?  No.  Regulation without enforcement is useless.  A little ticket won't stop wealthy people or companies from doing what they want without regard for others. 

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Actually the energy industry is not regulated enough other than Nuclear Power.  Now the Pharma industry is regulated a lot, unfortunately the FDA is short staffed and so these days the real clinical trial is after the drug is approved.  If people are not dropping like flies after a few years then you know it is safe.  Efficacy on the other hand can be a joke. What is even worse are the drugs made in India that are sent to the US.  Supposedly the FDA regulates them LOL. 

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It looks like Coal is stronger than any renewable energy source in the American mix. That is powerful stuff.

"...coal still holds about 16% share of electricity generation, more than wind’s share of around 11%, hydropower’s 6%, or solar power’s 4% share of the electric generation mix."


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The Climate Panic is fueled by an assortment of myths and fables designed to con the gullible, some of whom appear on these pages.

No politician ever became poor by banking on the gullibility of the voters. Perhaps now is the time to turn that trick around.

"We have been told that Electric Vehicles are the way of the future, but the rate of growth is slowing.

With the addition of wind and solar, the upward slope of the world per capita electricity generation has been able to remain pretty much constant from 1985 to 2022.

It is a myth that the US and EU can greatly ramp up the use of EVs or greatly increase the use of Artificial Intelligence without relying on fossil fuels."

"We have been told that Electric Vehicles (EVs) are the way of the future, but the rate of growth is slowing.

In the US, the rate of growth was only 3.3% in the first quarter of 2024, compared to 47% one year ago. Tesla has made headlines, saying that it is laying off 10% of its staff. It also recently reported that it is delaying deliveries of its cybertruck. A big issue is the high prices of EVs; another is the lack of charging infrastructure. If EV sales are to truly expand, they will need both lower prices and much better charging infrastructure.

Many people have assumed that home solar panel sales would rise forever, but now US home solar panel sales are shrinking.

A forecast made by the trade group Solar Energy Industries Association and consulting firm Wood Mackenzie indicates that US solar panel installations by homeowners are expected to fall by 13% in 2024. There are many issues involved: higher interest rates, less generous subsidies to homeowners, not enough grid capacity for new generation, and too much overproduction of electricity by solar panels in the spring and fall, when heating and air conditioning demand is low. The overproduction issue is particularly acute in California."

"Both EV production and AI are heavy users of electricity supply. We have seen that the US and the EU no longer have growing per-capita electricity supplies. Ramping up electricity generation would require a long lead time (10 years or more), a major increase in fossil fuel consumption, and an increase in electricity transmission lines.

The State of Georgia, in the United States, is already running into this issue, with planned data centers (related to AI) and EV manufacturing plants. The state plans to add new gas-fired electricity generation. It will also import more electricity from Mississippi Power, where the retirement of a coal-fired plant is being delayed to provide the necessary additional electricity."

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Wild fire warning in canada........

How odd..... that they have not learnt from previous severity... and prepare their action to minimize the possible damage this time.....

Just warning and evacuating...... and let wild fire devour the forest, homes, and endangering oil facilities near by.......

Odd...... 'n'

If i could help, i would suggest:

1. Checking possible direction of wind

2. Checking potential size of area affected

3. Creating parcels of land with gap wide enough to stop fire from crossing

4. Wetting the ground/ grass/ bush, with the latest dripping irrigation technique. Small amount of dropping water to keep the land wet. This possibly slow down the spread of sporadic hot spots.

5. Setting up fire resistant cover to reduce exposure to extreme weather. ( US and Australia might have tested out the sheet to protect forest,  compound of a resort hotel and  its facilities or such)...

6. Making use of after treated waste water. Instead of channeling it to the riverine system or the sea, it can be used to irrigate the area, create rain cloud with humidity and pollutant required, etc. 

7. Setting up a layer of heat protector  e.g. UV absorber that can be converted into energy to pump water in vicinity or such. Deep water pool is good. Thick asbestos is good.

8. Changing density or closeness of trees and type of trees. The closer the trees are planted, the thinner the trunk they would be and the closer the leaves and branches onto each other. This is a condusive condition to lose water at trunk and branches or dry out quickly and hasten speed of fire spreading.

Allow them space to grow larger in trunk and having a proper distance from other plants to create possible change.

Hope the authority of canada  would read it in time......

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42 minutes ago, Ecocharger said:

The Climate Panic is fueled by an assortment of myths and fables designed to con the gullible, some of whom appear on these pages.

No politician ever became poor by banking on the gullibility of the voters. Perhaps now is the time to turn that trick around.

"We have been told that Electric Vehicles are the way of the future, but the rate of growth is slowing.

With the addition of wind and solar, the upward slope of the world per capita electricity generation has been able to remain pretty much constant from 1985 to 2022.

It is a myth that the US and EU can greatly ramp up the use of EVs or greatly increase the use of Artificial Intelligence without relying on fossil fuels."

"We have been told that Electric Vehicles (EVs) are the way of the future, but the rate of growth is slowing.

In the US, the rate of growth was only 3.3% in the first quarter of 2024, compared to 47% one year ago. Tesla has made headlines, saying that it is laying off 10% of its staff. It also recently reported that it is delaying deliveries of its cybertruck. A big issue is the high prices of EVs; another is the lack of charging infrastructure. If EV sales are to truly expand, they will need both lower prices and much better charging infrastructure.

Many people have assumed that home solar panel sales would rise forever, but now US home solar panel sales are shrinking.

A forecast made by the trade group Solar Energy Industries Association and consulting firm Wood Mackenzie indicates that US solar panel installations by homeowners are expected to fall by 13% in 2024. There are many issues involved: higher interest rates, less generous subsidies to homeowners, not enough grid capacity for new generation, and too much overproduction of electricity by solar panels in the spring and fall, when heating and air conditioning demand is low. The overproduction issue is particularly acute in California."

"Both EV production and AI are heavy users of electricity supply. We have seen that the US and the EU no longer have growing per-capita electricity supplies. Ramping up electricity generation would require a long lead time (10 years or more), a major increase in fossil fuel consumption, and an increase in electricity transmission lines.

The State of Georgia, in the United States, is already running into this issue, with planned data centers (related to AI) and EV manufacturing plants. The state plans to add new gas-fired electricity generation. It will also import more electricity from Mississippi Power, where the retirement of a coal-fired plant is being delayed to provide the necessary additional electricity."

and reality..enjoy the solar boom it is picking up speed.....2024 will break records for both home and large scale


now ask yourself how many new coal fired power plants are being built in the US???? retired????? gas fired?? retired?????

How much coal is being consumed in the US in 2024???? another  15 percent drop  and nat gas....flatlining


The US Department of Energy (EIA) projects that 36.4 gigawatts (GW) of utility-scale solar will be added to the grid in 2024, which would be a record high. This would almost double the 18.4 GW increase in 2022, which was also a record for annual utility-scale solar installation in the US. The EIA also expects small-scale solar capacity to grow from 44 GW in June 2023 to 55 GW by the end of 2024, while utility-scale solar capacity is expected to grow from 78 GW in June 2023 to 131 GW by the end of 2024. 
Solar and battery storage to make up 81% of new U.S. ... - EIA
Feb 15, 2024 — We expect a record addition of utility-scale solar in 2024 if the scheduled 36.4 GW are added to the grid. This growth would almost double last year's 18.4 GW increase, which was itself a record for annual utility-scale solar installation in the United States.
Short-Term Energy Outlook - U.S. Energy Information ...
Small-scale solar accounts for about one-third of U.S. ... - EIA
We expect small-scale solar capacity across all three sectors will grow from 44 gigawatts (GW) in June 2023 to 55 GW by the end of 2024. We expect small-scale solar systems to generate 83 billion kilowatthours of electricity in 2024. By comparison, we expect utility-scale solar capacity to grow from 78 GW in June 2023 to 131 GW by the end of 2024. When it comes to power capacity additions, those from small-scale solar are only surpassed by those from utility-scale solar and battery storage.
The EIA also projects that the percentage of US electric capacity additions from solar will grow from 46% in 2022 to 54% in 2023, 63% in 2024, and 71% in 2025. 
Edited by notsonice

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the graph below is sponsored by solar panels......Enjoy the reality

Despite the brief increase, total U.S. coal consumption has since continued to decline, dropping to 601 MMst in 2022 and 524 MMst in 2023, as consumption declined in the electric power sector. We expect that electric power consumption will decline to 352 MMst in 2024 and 322 MMst in 2025.Jan 29, 2024


total annual consumption of U.S. coal by end-sector

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7 hours ago, Ecocharger said:

It looks like Coal is stronger than any renewable energy source in the American mix. That is powerful stuff.

"...coal still holds about 16% share of electricity generation, more than wind’s share of around 11%, hydropower’s 6%, or solar power’s 4% share of the electric generation mix."


Coal is the new name for the dodo.

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1 hour ago, Rob Plant said:

Coal is the new name for the dodo.

Coal still ranks No. 1 as an energy source...not bad. Coal is more reliable than renewable sources.

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34 minutes ago, Ecocharger said:

Coal still ranks No. 1 as an energy source...not bad. Coal is more reliable than renewable sources.

it certainly is a polluter!

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1 hour ago, Rob Plant said:

it certainly is a polluter!

It is a non-polluter, and the only pollution anyone should worry about is the intellectual pollution known as Climate Panic.

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Well. it's time to fire up that gas barbeque, fill up the gasoline tank, and enjoy the holidays ahead.

Enjoy those fossil fuels!!

"A total of 76% of Americans plan to take at least one road trip between Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends, the GasBuddy survey showed. That’s 18% higher than last year. The average American traveler has two road trips planned, with many venturing far – 49% expect to drive 5 or more hours to reach their destination, according to the survey."

"AAA expects 43.8 million Americans to head 50 miles or more from home by all means of transportation over the Memorial Day holiday travel period between Thursday, May 23, and Monday, May 27, 2024. This would be the highest in nearly two decades, AAA said."

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1 hour ago, Ecocharger said:

It is a non-polluter, and the only pollution anyone should worry about is the intellectual pollution known as Climate Panic.

It is a non-polluter????? yet no one agrees with one

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1 hour ago, Ecocharger said:

Well. it's time to fire up that gas barbeque, fill up the gasoline tank, and enjoy the holidays ahead.

Enjoy those fossil fuels!!

"A total of 76% of Americans plan to take at least one road trip between Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends, the GasBuddy survey showed. That’s 18% higher than last year. The average American traveler has two road trips planned, with many venturing far – 49% expect to drive 5 or more hours to reach their destination, according to the survey."

"AAA expects 43.8 million Americans to head 50 miles or more from home by all means of transportation over the Memorial Day holiday travel period between Thursday, May 23, and Monday, May 27, 2024. This would be the highest in nearly two decades, AAA said."


are you still waiting for a dead cat bounce off the 2018 peak....

or maybe you are waiting for a bounce off the 2021 post pandemic bounce?????

2023 just did not cut it?????

pesky EVs, PHEVs and hybrids are ruining your polluting loving days of the past?????

Enjoy Living in the past with bad air quality??????

Waiting for a new coal fired power plant in the US?????

Only an idiot would pine for an increase in gas consumption or the opening of a coal fired power plant.


Reality...Clunkers are doomed...

Bumpy road ahead for US gasoline demand and energy transition | Reuters

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5 hours ago, Ecocharger said:

It is a non-polluter, and the only pollution anyone should worry about is the intellectual pollution known as Climate Panic.

Coal is a non-polluter?

The effluent from the processes used to adhere to EPA air quality requirements are themselves pollution. That's not counting ash.

There is no free lunch with coal.  You always have something left over from burning the stuff to deal with.  A LOT of it!

But, hey, it's cheap and available.


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8 hours ago, Ecocharger said:

It is a non-polluter, and the only pollution anyone should worry about is the intellectual pollution known as Climate Panic.

Here is the self reported pollution releases from a coal mine.  The facilities are required to report emissions.

Scroll down a bit and click on the Releases tab.  Literally tonnes of pollution released to air, water, and land (relax CO2 is not even listed). 

The mines fully acknowledge they are polluters, why can't you? 

2,121 tonnes of PM 2.5 (the most toxic air particulate), loads of heavy metals, etc.

Edited by TailingsPond
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