+ 2,196 January 15, 2022 4 hours ago, Andrei Moutchkine said: Canadian oil is bitumen Canadian oil is the WHOLE spectrum. Their biggest reserves is Bitumen though 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boat + 1,327 RG January 15, 2022 Russia sends gas to China and weapons to India. Seems a bit complicated. EH? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eric Gagen + 713 January 15, 2022 50 minutes ago, Boat said: Russia sends gas to China and weapons to India. Seems a bit complicated. EH? Russia is playing their side in the game - just like the US, the people they make money with aren’t always the same as their strategic partners and allies. The US and China are the worlds #1 trade partners and they aren’t exactly friendly on the strategic level. 1 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrew Neopalimy + 14 January 15, 2022 Activists behind Shell climate verdict target 30 multinationals KLM, ABN Amro among those to get letters Milieudefensie seeks science-aligned net-zero plans Warns court an option if companies slow to move AMSTERDAM/LONDON, Jan 13 (Reuters) - The Dutch wing of environmental group Friends of the Earth, which won a landmark court case against Royal Dutch Shell (RDSa.L) last year, demanded 30 corporations publish plans for big cuts in greenhouse gas emissions in a campaign launched on Thursday. Milieudefensie has set its sights on large companies with legal bases in the Netherlands, where a court ruled in May that Shell must reduce its environmental footprint. read more The heads of the companies were being sent letters demanding that they provide plans outlining how they will trim emissions of the heat-trapping gases by 45% from 2019 levels by 2030. A failure to do so may result in legal action, said Peer de Rijk, policy officer at Milieudefensie. Fourteen of the 29 groups to receive a letter replied to a Reuters request for comment and all said they were acting to reduce emissions. Shell did not receive a letter but is also part of the campaign, Milieudefensie said, referring to its court victory against the oil giant. "We are very clear that in the end, if needed, we are willing to go to court. But of course we are hoping these companies will be moving by themselves," De Rijk told Reuters in an interview. "We are willing to engage in talks, but we are in a hurry as well, so we won't accept talks for the sake of talks themselves," he said. "Climate science is very clear. This is exactly what is needed." Shell is appealing against The Hague district court order to cut emissions in line with the 2015 Paris agreement. Among leaders in finance, retailers, oil and energy majors, builders and industrial manufacturers on the list are KLM, the Dutch arm of airline Air France KLM (AIRF.PA), ABN Amro bank (ABNd.AS) and supermarket operator Ahold Delhaize (AD.AS). "You lead an enterprise with control over and influence on a substantial amount of CO2 emissions. An enterprise that can and must contribute to the system change necessary to prevent dangerous climate change," a draft letter seen by Reuters said, asking: "Are you a frontrunner or a straggler?" Some of the businesses are "small in the Netherlands itself, but they have a very large, international, global impact and the Shell verdict very clearly states that it is ...possible to hold them accountable for their global emissions via the Dutch law," he said. MID-APRIL DEADLINE The move by Milieudefensie follows a commitment by countries to accelerate their emissions reductions at the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow in November, with investors managing $130 trillion in assets signing up to net-zero and pressuring companies to ensure their plans are good enough. The broadening out of Milieudefensie's campaign also comes against a backdrop of increased climate-related litigation globally, with more than 1,000 cases brought since 2015, research from the London School of Economics showed. Milieudefensie set a three-month deadline until April 15 for the companies to present a climate plan. They will be used to set an emissions baseline against which progress in cutting climate-heating gasses can be measured, the group said. Other companies receiving a letter were: Pension fund ABP, insurer Aegon, paint maker AkzoNobel, insurer Atradius, builder BAM Groep, dredger Boskalis Westminster, oil company BP, Dow Chemical, nutrition maker DSM, oil company ExxonMobil, dairy group FrieslandCampina, bank ING Groep, airline KLM, chemical manufacturer LyondellBasell, insurer NN Group, pension fund PfZW, Rabobank, energy company RWE, Schiphol airport, oil major Shell, car producer Stellantis, Tata Steel, products group Unilever, Uniper energy, food group Vion, commodities trader Vitol, Vopak storage and Yara chemical. KLM said it has committed to aligning its net-zero pathway with climate science, and planned to use more sustainable aviation fuel. An ABN spokesperson said the bank supported efforts to limit global warming and was working to reduce emissions from its lending. Ahold Delhaize said late on Wednesday it had not yet received the official letter and could not comment. Others to respond to Reuters, pointing to their climate efforts, included FrieslandCampina, Rabobank, ING, Aegon, DSM, Yara, Tata Steel, Schiphol, RWE, Akzo Nobel, NN, Unilever, ABP and PFZW. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Piotr Berman + 82 January 16, 2022 (edited) I wonder why Russia would definitely prefer to send more gas to China, and it is making a determined effort to do so.And so it comes to my mind that China probably does not impose any sanctions on Russia and the West does it.And sanctions work as far as I know in both directions and may hit a boomerang if the situation changes. -- Tomasz Gasprom definitely wants to have many options and markets. "Just Europe" or "Just China" exposes you to huge systemic risks as European Commission and whoever does central planning in China periodically have grand ideas and priorities change. For that matter, any company wishes to have multiple customers if possible. My impression is that this year the biggest difference in Gasprom market was a big increase of deliveries in Russia, and 7% rise in Russian industrial output. Too bad that the statistics I have access to do not show the breakdown into products or at least, industries. But one interesting play is fertilizers. There is a shortage with at least as large increase in prices as for the natural gas. Next, to avoid price increases for the domestic farmers and decrease in agriculture, Russia interrupted exports of the fertilizers. On another end of Eurasia, India has problems with farmers (grumpy, demonstrate) and prospects for decrease in agriculture which may have more dire consequences than in Russia (drop of export vs rise of hunger). So India contracts a huge amount of LNG to make fertilizers for ANY price, and budgets 3 billions for subsidies. Then Modi and Putin have a meeting so cordial that it could pass as a bromance, and Russia will deliver fertilizers to India. India cuts LNG purchases and LNG carriers sail to Europe more frequently, some were diverted from India in the middle of the trip. Commercially, if you can, you prefer to sell processed products with more jobs and more added value. Geo-strategically, as Russia and NATO were exchanging threat, having India neutral and open for strictly bilateral payment arrangement was a big plus. In balance, it works to China advantage too, neutral India, however grumpy, is much better than India in UKUSA+Japan+India. Collectively, Russia+China combo has good relations with everybody in the Indian subcontinent. Edited January 16, 2022 by Piotr Berman typo 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrew Neopalimy + 14 January 16, 2022 2 hours ago, Boat said: Россия поставляет газ в Китай и оружие в Индию. Кажется немного сложным. Э? Russia supplies a lot to partners, incl. and the United States (by the way, the United States is increasing purchases and breaking records))): - RD-181M rocket engines ($11–15 million or $100 million per year))), you can’t do it yourself (United Launch Alliance is a joint venture between Lockheed Martin and Boeing corporations))), In December 2014, the American aerospace company Orbital ATK signed an agreement , providing not only for the supply of 20 RD-181 engines, but also two more options - for 20 engines each. In general, the project is estimated at about $ 1 billion. Orbital ATK installs these engines on its Antares launch vehicles used to deliver cargo to the International Space Station (ISS). Deliveries of RD-181 to the United States began in June 2015, NPO Energomash confirms. - aircraft titanium. Boeing buys from Russia 35% of the titanium it needs to produce. And in general, Russia, according to the US Geological Survey, provides almost 89% of all US imports of titanium ingots. Statistics on imports to the US of other titanium products from Russia are not given, but their total imports to the US are more than four times less than their own production. If the US would not want to limit its exports of titanium, it is necessary to increase its domestic production. For this, it will probably be necessary to additionally import raw materials - titanium sponge. Russia, according to data provided by the US Geological Survey, produces 24% of titanium sponge in the world, ranking third in this indicator - after China (35%) and Japan (28%); - uranium concentrate for nuclear power plants. According to the US Department of Energy, 20% of all electricity produced in the US - the US itself produces no more than 7% of all nuclear fuel, 93% - imports: Russia 17-20%, Kazakhstan - 11-15%, Uzbekistan -5-7%; - oil and oil products, LNG, machinery and equipment, chemical industry products, food products and raw materials for their production, metals, mineral fertilizersИмпорт России[3] в январе,СНГ – 10%2C7%. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrew Neopalimy + 14 January 16, 2022 (edited) 42 минуты назад, Петр Берман сказал: Интересно, почему Россия определенно предпочла бы направить больше газа в Китай, и она увеличила решительные нагрузки для этого. И поэтому мне приходит на ум, что Китай, вероятно, не вступает в любые собрания в отношении России, а Запад вводит их. И, насколько я знаю, в обе стороны и удар может быть бумерангом, если ситуация окажется близкой. -- Томаш «Газпром» определенно хочет иметь множество вариантов и рынков. «Справедливая Европа» или «Справедливый Китай» подвергают вас риску системным риском, поскольку у представителей комиссии и тех, кто занимается централизованным планированием в Китае, установлены определенные предпосылки и приоритеты выбора. В отношении любой компании имеется несколько клиентов, если это возможно. У меня сложилось впечатление, что в этом году наибольшим преимуществом на рынке Газпрома стало значительное увеличение доли в России и рост промышленного производства в России на 7%. Жаль, что статистика, к которой я имею доступ, не показывает разбивку продукта или, по происходящему, по отраслям. Но есть одна интересная игра — удобрения.Существует при дефиците не менее значительного роста цен, чем на присутствующем газе. Далее, чтобы избежать роста цен для отечественных фермеров и сокращения производства, На другом конце Евразии у Индии проблемы с фермерами (сердитый, демонстративный) и перспективы сокращения роста экономики, которые могут привести к более тяжелым последствиям, чем в России (рост роста против роста голода). Таким образом, Индия заключает контракт на огромное количество СПГ для производства по ЛЮБОЙ цене и выделяет 3 миллиарда долларов на углеводороды. Затем встреча Моди и Путина весьма сердечная, что может сойти за броманс, и Россия поставит удобрения в Индию. Индия экспортирует СПГ и танкеры СПГ чаще отправляются в Европу, С коммерческой точки зрения, если вы можете, вы предпочитаете продавать продукты с высокой доходностью рабочей силы и большей добавленной стоимостью. С геостратегической точки зрения, поскольку Россия и НАТО обменивались угрозами, нейтральная Индия, открытая для строго двусторонних переговоров, была большим плюсом. В балансе это работает и на использовании Китая, нейтральной Индии, какой бы сварливой она ни была, намного лучше, чем Индия в UKUSA+ Япония+Индия. В Китае Россия+ поддерживает хорошие отношения со всеми на Индийском субконтиненте. «Россия и Китай — больше, чем (военный) союз!» Путин В.В. Кстати, вы знаете, что мы передаем в КНР данные наших систем, обеспечивающих своевременное применение стратегических ядерных сил (СЯС) - стратегических систем воздушно-космической обороны: предупреждения о ракетном нападении (СПРН), противоракетных противоракетной обороны (СМД), управления космическим пространством (СККП) и противодействия космическим силам СПКС. В состав СПКС входят как системы РЭБ подавления и поражения - РЭП))), так и неразрушающего действия (боевые лазеры "Пересвет", "Сокол-Эшелон-2;3" (Ил-76МД-90А) и другие противоспутниковые" шоры" и "глушилки" и системы радиочастотного или ЭМИ функционального поражения), и средства поражения.... Edited January 16, 2022 by Andrew Neopalimy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrew Neopalimy + 14 January 16, 2022 (edited) . Edited January 16, 2022 by Andrew Neopalimy delete Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrew Neopalimy + 14 January 16, 2022 (edited) 1 час назад, Петр Берман сказал: . . Edited January 16, 2022 by Andrew Neopalimy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrew Neopalimy + 14 January 16, 2022 Gazprom filed a lawsuit against the Polish company PGNiG to revise the contract price The appeal concerns the contract period from November 2017 "Today, January 14, 2022, Gazprom Export LLC and Gazprom PJSC initiated an appeal to the International Arbitration Court regarding a retrospective revision of the price terms of the gas purchase and sale contract with the Polish company PGNiG JSC dated 1996," the statement said. . At the same time, the Russian side also remains open to seeking opportunities to resolve the dispute through commercial negotiations, Gazprom Export noted. The PGNiG report additionally states that Gazprom is demanding an increase in the price of gas supplies to Poland under the Yamal contract, and the Polish company itself considers this demand unreasonable. Earlier, at the end of October 2021, PGNiG applied for a reduction in gas prices under a contract concluded with Gazprom. Gazprom Export recalled that it had previously sent a request to PGNiG to revise the price of natural gas supplied under the long-term Yamal contract from November 1, 2017. In accordance with the terms of the contract, three years later, Gazprom Export acquired a new right to demand the next revision of the price from November 1, 2020, which it also used by sending a corresponding request to the Polish company. "Taking into account the fact that commercial negotiations to revise the price in accordance with the requirements of Gazprom Export did not lead to an agreement, the Russian company, in accordance with the contractual terms, referred these disputes to the arbitration tribunal for resolution," the press service of Gazprom stressed. export". Gazprom will also continue to seek in the Svea District Court of Appeal (Stockholm) the annulment of the arbitral award dated March 30, 2020, which changed the contract price of supplies from November 1, 2014 towards a more market one (the spot price of gas in Europe today fluctuates around $1,000 per 1,000 . cubic meters). History of the proceedings PGNiG initiated arbitration proceedings against PJSC Gazprom and Gazprom Export in 2015 with a demand to revise the price of natural gas supplied from Russia to Poland under a contract dated September 25, 1996. It provided for the supply of about 10 billion cubic meters. m of gas per year, the minimum annual contract amount is 8.7 billion cubic meters. m per year. The agreement ends in 2022, and the authorities of the republic announced several years ago that the country would not renew it. According to the final decision of the court, "Gazprom" must return PGNiG $ 1.5 billion overpayment for gas. Hearings on the appeal of the Russian holding against the final decision of the Arbitration Court are scheduled for February 11 this year. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrew Neopalimy + 14 January 16, 2022 On 15.01.2022 at 01:29, Boat said: Альянс ОПЕК+ сократил добычу на 9,7 млн баррелей в сутки с мая прошлого года из-за падения спроса на нефть , вызванного пандемией коронавируса. По мере стабилизации ситуации сделка корректировалась. А с августа 2021 года альянс ежемесячно увеличивает добычу на 400 тысяч баррелей в сутки , отмечает Томас. Пожалуйста, объясните ненавистникам Байдена. Во всем виноваты иностранцы. Лол Томас сообщает, что у них все еще есть дополнительные мощности на 3+ миллиона баррелей. Итак, давайте все согласимся, что Медведь работает с надоедливым Ближним Востоком, чтобы поднять цены на продукты для бедных во всем мире. Неопалимы мечтают о превентивном ударе, как Ким Чен Ын. Хотя арсенал оскорблений у Джонга лучше. Я надеюсь, что русский народ изгонит буйных и встанет на путь пробуждения. Используйте свой мозг, чтобы помочь своей семье и миру. Кто угодно может быть невежественным Ким Чен Ыном. История полна таких неудачников, которые в большинстве случаев заканчиваются неудачно. Добивайтесь хороших результатов и передайте хорошую карму. Do you not know how to read or do not understand what you read? I write in every message that [as soon as our INTELLIGENCE INFORMS THE US DECISION TO ATTACK RUSSIA AND BEGINS PREPARATIONS FOR WAR / BGU... i.e. a "PERIOD OF THE THREAT" is announced, THEN RUSSIA WILL NEED TO PROVIDE (not "preventive", this is your opinion))), but "PREDICTIONAL strike" / "strike at the appointed time" (it is written in the Doctrine, in the Military))) What it will be - nuclear or non-nuclear (high-precision hypersonic kinetic ...) depends on your behavior - on the degree of threat. By the way, there is almost no difference between nuclear and non-nuclear, in non-nuclear there are no consequences of the factor of a nuclear explosion, primarily radiation. After dropping the "payload" we will recall the carriers with nuclear weapons back for scheduled repairs. So do not hysteria like chickens before death - if you piss on a fight, then accept death with dignity. And it is disgusting to watch how you, out of fear, together with the doomed Europeans, perform the "dance of St. Vitus." PS Reassuring: even with the strongest nuclear strike, 80 percent of you will live, but unhappily - sadly. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boat + 1,327 RG January 16, 2022 1 hour ago, Piotr Berman said: I wonder why Russia would definitely prefer to send more gas to China, and it is making a determined effort to do so.And so it comes to my mind that China probably does not impose any sanctions on Russia and the West does it.And sanctions work as far as I know in both directions and may hit a boomerang if the situation changes. -- Tomasz Gasprom definitely wants to have many options and markets. "Just Europe" or "Just China" exposes you to huge systemic risks as European Commission and whoever does central planning in China periodically have grand ideas and priorities change. For that matter, any company wishes to have multiple customers if possible. My impression is that this year the biggest difference in Gasprom market was a big increase of deliveries in Russia, and 7% rise in Russian industrial output. Too bad that the statistics I have access to do not show the breakdown into products or at least, industries. But one interesting play is fertilizers. There is a shortage with at least as large increase in prices as for the natural gas. Next, to avoid price increases for the domestic farmers and decrease in agriculture, Russia interrupted exports of the fertilizers. On another end of Eurasia, India has problems with farmers (grumpy, demonstrate) and prospects for decrease in agriculture which may have more dire consequences than in Russia (drop of export vs rise of hunger). So India contracts a huge amount of LNG to make fertilizers for ANY price, and budgets 3 billions for subsidies. Then Modi and Putin have a meeting so cordial that it could pass as a bromance, and Russia will deliver fertilizers to India. India cuts LNG purchases and LNG carriers sail to Europe more frequently, some were diverted from India in the middle of the trip. Commercially, if you can, you prefer to sell processed products with more jobs and more added value. Geo-strategically, as Russia and NATO were exchanging threat, having India neutral and open for strictly bilateral payment arrangement was a big plus. In balance, it works to China advantage too, neutral India, however grumpy, is much better than India in UKUSA+Japan+India. Collectively, Russia+China combo has good relations with everybody in the Indian subcontinent. Until China claims the South China Sea. Then India joins many other nations showing off their gun boats. Then the issue between Pakistan and India over their border. You sure you want to call them a combo? I think they trade some but trust each other little. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boat + 1,327 RG January 16, 2022 13 hours ago, Andrew Neopalimy said: Do you not know how to read or do not understand what you read? I write in every message that [as soon as our INTELLIGENCE INFORMS THE US DECISION TO ATTACK RUSSIA AND BEGINS PREPARATIONS FOR WAR / BGU... i.e. a "PERIOD OF THE THREAT" is announced, THEN RUSSIA WILL NEED TO PROVIDE (not "preventive", this is your opinion))), but "PREDICTIONAL strike" / "strike at the appointed time" (it is written in the Doctrine, in the Military))) What it will be - nuclear or non-nuclear (high-precision hypersonic kinetic ...) depends on your behavior - on the degree of threat. By the way, there is almost no difference between nuclear and non-nuclear, in non-nuclear there are no consequences of the factor of a nuclear explosion, primarily radiation. After dropping the "payload" we will recall the carriers with nuclear weapons back for scheduled repairs. So do not hysteria like chickens before death - if you piss on a fight, then accept death with dignity. And it is disgusting to watch how you, out of fear, together with the doomed Europeans, perform the "dance of St. Vitus." PS Reassuring: even with the strongest nuclear strike, 80 percent of you will live, but unhappily - sadly. Do not hysteria like chickens and don’t piss on a fight. These are somewhat ignorant sounding but have a ring of common sense truth. But asking us to learn a dance is a bit strange and feminine. Are these Putin quotes? No wonder the meetings have stalled. You got a video of hysteria chicken dancing? Do you guys fight in groups and piss on each other? You got wild ass traditions. Tell me more of your culture and send videos. I could start a reaction channel on YouTube. 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrew Neopalimy + 14 January 17, 2022 (edited) Moderator! Why do you delete my answers exclusively to shameless and foolish comments that tarnish the honor and dignity of Russia! Although I'm not surprised it's an American standard! Edited January 17, 2022 by Andrew Neopalimy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 17, 2022 On 1/16/2022 at 3:02 AM, Boat said: Until China claims the South China Sea. Then India joins many other nations showing off their gun boats. Then the issue between Pakistan and India over their border. You sure you want to call them a combo? I think they trade some but trust each other little. Under no circumstances is India fighting China on the behalf of the West. Don't get your hopes up. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Selva + 252 SP January 17, 2022 1 hour ago, Andrew Neopalimy said: Moderator! Why do you delete my answers exclusively to shameless and foolish comments that tarnish the honor and dignity of Russia! Although I'm not surprised it's an American standard! I don't know exactly what you mean by American standard, but your posts are not in accordance with our rules, not only because of posting in Russian (I guess you are using VPN because no other members have the same problem), as I warned you earlier. All your posts are mostly provocations and insults to the American people, just as you claim for the posts of other members of this forum. Here you can read our rules, in order to adhere to them and avoid deleting posts. Thank you! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrew Neopalimy + 14 January 17, 2022 On 1/15/2022 at 9:16 PM, Boat said: Do not hysteria like chickens and don’t piss on a fight. These are somewhat ignorant sounding but have a ring of common sense truth. But asking us to learn a dance is a bit strange and feminine. Are these Putin quotes? No wonder the meetings have stalled. You got a video of hysteria chicken dancing? Do you guys fight in groups and piss on each other? You got wild ass traditions. Tell me more of your culture and send videos. I could start a reaction channel on YouTube. In Korea, the United States Air Force lost at 2900 Aircrafts - 8 AUG! was useless. The "North Koreans" - they would have kicked the back)). In short, the U.S. fled. Vietnam. The U.S. Loss of 8,000 Aircrafts (due to military/non-military reasons in the air and on the ground. 17 AUG aircraft carriers were once again useless ). The land was parachuted, received in the teeth from the Aboriginals and escaped. About Black Tuesday" and "Black Thursday" - the eternal shame of the United States - remind? "BLACK TUESDAY" On April 12, 1951, the MiG-15 shot down 14 United States Air Force aircraft in less than 10 minutes: 10 B-29 Superfortress heavy bombers and 4 B-29 fighter aircraft were decommissioned after returning to the airfield. (In total 48 B-29 Superfortress heavy bombers were engaged in the raid, accompanied by 150 F-86 "Saber", F-80 and F-84 fighters. From Russian/Soviet side - 50 MiGs). The Soviet fighters that attacked them returned without casualties to the base and celebrated another victory over the enemy. The United States Air Force declared a week of mourning for the dead pilots (almost every American crew returned with dead and wounded) and over 100 prisoners. For the next three days, no American aircraft were seen flying in the Soviet area. It was after this incident that the world-renowned "MiG Alley" was established on the south bank of the Yalu River. That glorious, for Russia, has demonstrated to the world that Soviet fighter planes, in the most unfavourable conditions, without anti-aircraft guns and a warning system, bound by the order NOT to pursue the enemy behind the front lines, without their own losses, can provide 25 percent of the irretrievable enemy losses, thwart the enemy’s mission by tying up a convoy. "BLACK THURSDAY" On October 30 of the same year, 21 B-29 Superfortress heavy bombers, under the cover of 200 United States Air Force fighters, attempted to break into the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The United States Air Force Air Squadron was opposed by 44 MiG-15 pilots who managed to shoot down 12 "Super Fortresses" and 4 F-84 fighters. The Americans are only 1 Soviet aircraft. After this incident, the bombing of North Korea ceased for almost a month. CERTIFICATE In the sky of Korea, 46 Soviet pilots became asams. Together they destroyed 416 US Air Force aircraft. The best result was shown by Nikolai Sutykin - 21 downed fighters. The chief American "ace" is a liar, Joseph Christopher McConnel Jr. "Trick - 22" in nature! 8 AUG+ 17 AUG = 25 aircraft carriers, in fact useless troughs! The "chinks" had no air defense, anti-missile, or air force... One bamboo stick, and a Kalashi with Russian backing. Today you have only 3(3) aircraft carriers, walking on the sea is expensive. The rest are repaired at the docks or at anchor at the pier. There must be 12 running cars, but there are none. And you all Zumwalt mix. )) By the way, all aircraft carriers today are drowning alone! Russian hypersonic rocket ! ))) And "Petrel Star" - all of AUG You are losers in everything! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrew Neopalimy + 14 January 17, 2022 On 1/16/2022 at 3:16 AM, Boat said: Do not hysteria like chickens and don’t piss on a fight. These are somewhat ignorant sounding but have a ring of common sense truth. But asking us to learn a dance is a bit strange and feminine. Are these Putin quotes? No wonder the meetings have stalled. You got a video of hysteria chicken dancing? Do you guys fight in groups and piss on each other? You got wild ass traditions. Tell me more of your culture and send videos. I could start a reaction channel on YouTube. The Al-Shirat is an eternal disgrace to the United States The US does not have a nuclear CD except for the AGM-86 on the B-52N (which in nuclear performance even for a full-fire is not that the 42 live bombers being reduced will not suffice, but also on 20 lines). The usual execution of the CD[WB] is only the usual, fragmentation-blast. The cameras spent $1.9 million each on Shuirat 62 MBC - that’s 1.5% of the total stock of the United States Navy!. They were planning to launch 64, two of the PUs didn’t come out, one went down at once - two fell down. 59 started off - that’s four to six times the rate of a strike on an airbase to incapacitate. 36 "lost" and drowned at sea. Twenty-three rockets hit the ground, some Syrians hit the ground, some REBs hit. Only 8 (8) have reached the Abb Shirat zone! To target (Al-Shirat): Only 3 (three): One fell outside the base, one into the hangar, and the third destroyed the dining room. ))) RESULT 0.001 Did not damage the GDP (runway) and not a single roulette (taxiway), ammunition and fuel depot, aircraft, helicopter... - well it is some disgrace USA. Only 6 old discarded Syrian MiG-23 (left in the hangar "for parts) were destroyed/damaged. At the beginning of the war, there were about 120 MiG-23 (41 pp. MiG-23BN, 39 pp. MiG-23ML/MP/UM, 41 pp. MiG-23U). The most valuable aircraft in the Air Force are 21 Su-24, 36 Su-22 and 30 MiG-29. No aircraft on the Shirat were damaged. Of the more than 150 SAR helicopters, none were damaged in an American attack! Like the United States and 3,000 missiles won’t be enough to destroy 2 (a pair) airfields. The efficiency of the massive strike proved to be near-zero, with the airbase operating after 10 hours in the normal mode. "Breaking the runway is very difficult," blah blah, blah, blah, "we did not intend to damage the runway or the steering wheel." Clown. Was it "difficult" to destroy, and damage what prevented? )) PS In comparison, several Russian cruise missiles during the 19 November 2015 D3 attack alone destroyed over 600 militants fortified military facilities: ... The United States in the year before this epic disgrace 7000+ its BGM-109 was brought to block 4. The circus number "United States Navy Strike on AvBB Shirat) was accurate at the moment of overproduction, when these "modernized" to block Tomagavka, the "updated" Zideni shit shit. So the money for the "upgrade" is 7,000 CRVB... They began to "update" again - to reconfigure all 7000 KR with the replacement of radio navigation equipment, up to level block 5. Good luck ! This is the EBB/RAP (Defeat) combat mode you haven’t experienced. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrew Neopalimy + 14 January 17, 2022 (edited) 1 hour ago, Selva said: I don't know exactly what you mean by American standard, but your posts are not in accordance with our rules, not only because of posting in Russian (I guess you are using VPN because no other members have the same problem), as I warned you earlier. All your posts are mostly provocations and insults to the American people, just as you claim for the posts of other members of this forum. Here you can read our rules, in order to adhere to them and avoid deleting posts. Thank you! Please "familiarize yourself with your rules" of other forum participants, in particular my American opponents. I hope they too are obliged to "adhere" to the rules of the forum? And try to make yourself to respect objectivity in judgments when making decisions ...Ato, forgive me, it seems that I have found myself in the «black ghetto» - obscure vocabulary not count! Edited January 17, 2022 by Andrew Neopalimy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrew Neopalimy + 14 January 17, 2022 Libya reported that its oil production had returned to 1.2 million barrers per day at 22:00 a.m. LibyaChina increased coal production to record 4 billion t 20:00A. Berbock before negotiating with S. Lavrov: North Stream-2 is not fully compliant with EU law 17:54...Gazprom did not reserve for February the additional capacity of the Ukrainian HV and the capacity of the Polish IHL section Yamal - Europe 17:02Gazprom in the first half of January 2022 reduced exports of gas to the far abroad by more than 40% 16:23...Gazprom Nedra Company began exploration in new Gazprom mining areas in Western and Eastern Siberia 13:29 ... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tomasz + 1,608 January 17, 2022 Gazprom's production in the first two weeks of January increased by 2.1% compared to the same period last year, to 23.1 billion cubic meters of gas, according to the company's Telegram channel. "From January 1 to January 15, 2022, Gazprom, according to preliminary data, produced 23.1 billion cubic meters of gas. This is 2.1% (0.5 billion cubic meters) more than last year," the statement says. in the message. During the reporting period, deliveries from the gas transmission system to the domestic market increased by 3.7%, or by 600 million cubic meters, Gazprom notes. MOSCOW, January 17 - RIA Novosti / Prime. In the period from January 1 to January 15, Gazprom reduced gas exports to non-CIS countries by 41.1%, to 5.4 billion cubic meters, and to China (which is considered separately) by one and a half times, the company said. РЕКЛ The company produced 514.8 billion cubic meters of gas last year, which is 62.2 billion cubic meters (13.7%) more than in 2020. The result, as noted by the head of the company Alexey Miller, was the best over the past 13 years. EXPORT TO FAR ABROAD It is also reported that in the period from January 1 to January 15, Gazprom reduced gas exports to non-CIS countries by 41.1% compared to the same period last year - to 5.4 billion cubic meters, but at the same time increased supplies to a number of countries, including China and Bulgaria. "From January 1 to January 15, 2022, Gazprom, according to preliminary data ... exports to non-CIS countries amounted to 5.4 billion cubic meters, which is 41.1% (3.7 billion cubic meters) less than for the same period in 2021 years," the company reports in its official Telegram channel. At the same time, it is noted that Gazprom increased supplies to Bulgaria (by 48.6%), Turkey (by 0.3%), Bosnia and Herzegovina (by 7.3%). The company supplies gas in accordance with the applications of consumers in accordance with contractual obligations, Gazprom draws attention. According to the results of 2021, Gazprom increased exports to non-CIS countries by 5.8 billion cubic meters to 185.1 billion cubic meters. This was the fourth result in the history of the company. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tomasz + 1,608 January 17, 2022 January 17. FINMARKET.RU - Gazprom's exports to China via the Power of Siberia gas pipeline have reached a new level in accordance with the schedule for increasing supplies, follows from the company's operational report. "Gas exports to China via the Power of Siberia gas pipeline are growing. The volume of deliveries in the first half of January is one and a half times higher than the same indicator last year," writes Gazprom.As reported, in January 2021, the concern supplied China with an average of 29 million cubic meters. m of gas. Deliveries of Russian gas to China from the Chayandinskoye field in Yakutia through the Power of Siberia began at the end of 2019, the first five years are allotted for increasing volumes to 38 billion cubic meters. m per year. In 2020, 4.1 billion cubic meters were pumped through the gas pipeline. m of gas, for 10 months of 2021 - 8 billion cubic meters. In December last year, the operator of the Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field, OOO Gazprom dobycha Noyabrsk, reported that by 2021 at the field “the increased levels of gas production amount to 35 million cubic meters of gas per day. And from January 1, 2022, the required levels of gas production in Yakutia rise to 48-50 million cubic meters per day. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 18, 2022 On 1/16/2022 at 1:33 AM, Wombat One said: Indeed. And without Australian iron ore, global industry would come to a standstill. So Russia and China need to pay attention to what they let their citizens say about the West. Russia is self-sufficient in iron ore. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrei Moutchkine + 828 January 18, 2022 5 hours ago, Wombat One said: Sure, but it ain't quite as simple as that Eric. Europe's gas demand is highly seasonal, and LNG and pipeline gas likes a constant rate of production. So Europe has to store fairly large quantities in the summer. But without some kind of regulation of the market, there will always be manipulation, volatility, and lack of forward planning. My deal with Putin was "go ahead and build some pipelines because Europe's green policies will require vast quantities of gas, both piped from close by, and shipped by LNG". He understood, but unfortunately Europe had absolutely no plan to ensure their energy security, ONLY looked at price? Just plain stupid. They refused to buy ANY LNG from the the USA unless absolutely necessary and have only now signed an agreement whereby EU member states can store gas in each others fields. Almost as stupid as the fact they have virtually no large-scale batteries yet. Why? Penny-pinching! That was my whole point. They are penny-wise and pound foolish. And it has cost them dearly? CNG that comes over the pipeline is a lot easier to store without losses than cryogenic LNG (you can't really, short of constant re-liquefication, so you better gasify and store it as CNG). This is how much gas is stored today to even out the seasonal slumps) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eric Gagen + 713 January 18, 2022 (edited) 10 hours ago, Wombat One said: Sure, but it ain't quite as simple as that Eric. Europe's gas demand is highly seasonal, and LNG and pipeline gas likes a constant rate of production. So Europe has to store fairly large quantities in the summer. But without some kind of regulation of the market, there will always be manipulation, volatility, and lack of forward planning. My deal with Putin was "go ahead and build some pipelines because Europe's green policies will require vast quantities of gas, both piped from close by, and shipped by LNG". He understood, but unfortunately Europe had absolutely no plan to ensure their energy security, ONLY looked at price? Just plain stupid. They refused to buy ANY LNG from the the USA unless absolutely necessary and have only now signed an agreement whereby EU member states can store gas in each others fields. Almost as stupid as the fact they have virtually no large-scale batteries yet. Why? Penny-pinching! That was my whole point. They are penny-wise and pound foolish. And it has cost them dearly? European governments and societies in general don't have a lot of resources - financial or natural compared to countries like the US, Australia or Russia. What they do have is dedicated towards maintaining standards of education, income and healthcare. When it comes to energy policy the cheapest supplier in terms of immediate cash consequences almost always wins. They simply can't afford to experiment. Grid scale batteries ARE an experiment. It's only within the last 1-2 years that their advantages have been big enough to make them worth installing outside of tinkering around with the mechanics of having them installed in a grid. Australia is wealthy enough to experiment with solutions like that but Europe as a general rule is not. Also, to be fair, the Europeans generally have better access to pumped storage which is even cheaper and more effective than batteries where the geography and weather is right. As @Andrei Moutchkine noted, storing gas for seasonal demand works the same for LNG supply or pipeline supply. Generally speaking Europe has sufficient supply space - they just didn't buy enough gas to fill it up with. Edited January 18, 2022 by Eric Gagen Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites