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How West is de facto streghening Putin position

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If propaganda is part of geopolitics, I recommend, in my opinion, a very sober but controversial opinion on how the West and Ukraine play out the Ukrainian conflict in propaganda.

I recommend it because the conclusions of this article may surprise many people who assume that the West and the Ukrainians have completely won the propaganda fight as of today against russian trolls 

 Well, it seems that not necessarily because it was effective but based on stupid assumptions.



In sociology and psychology, especially in crowds, the same simple and brutal mechanisms operate as we observe in nature. The stronger one wins with the weaker one, an injured animal is more dangerous than a fully functional one, and a herd attacked by predators unites at the highest level, because it fights for its life. People added their scientific and pseudoscientific deliberations to these simple behavioral principles, with a whole bunch of ornaments in the form of: humanism, culture, art and human rights. In times of peace it works somehow, although nature still holds all these lofty human inventions in the deepest respect. When a war or other killing comes, the primal herd instincts will always and everywhere wake up in a person, and such a process has intensified in Russia.

With the attack on Ukraine, Putin's ratings dropped sharply, even in domestic politics, although it is an exaggeration in all that was shown in the Western media. Yes, the protests were quite large for Russia, but if you apply the scale of 146 million, to a dozen or so thousand, then we will see the right proportions. The sanctions also initially did the job, irritating not only ordinary Russians, but above all the oligarchs gathered around the Kremlin, and there are no others there. Over time, the situation has changed radically, thanks to the daily dose of absurd propaganda prepared for social networks and media. A gigantic number of videos went into the air, from the already cult tractor used by the Ukrainian "Roma" to pull a Russian tank, by comparing the destruction and victims in Ukraine to the greatest crimes in the history of mankind, to the dehumanization of the entire Russian nation, which only rapes, murders and steals. Someone will say that under war conditions there is no mercy and such propaganda messages are the norm. This someone will make a serious mistake, of course the first victim of a war is always the truth, but you have to know how to lie. In the last century, German and Soviet propaganda dominated the world and, despite extreme differences, they had one thing in common. Both the Third Reich and the USSR separated the healthy tissue of the nation from the Bolsheviks on the one hand and the spies of imperialism on the other.

When Germany entered Poland, it created a whole system of incentives that allowed Poles to join the "German civilization", to recall the Volkslist. The Bolsheviks after 1945 went even wider and recognized Poland as a "brotherly nation", of course we are still talking about the sphere of propaganda. And what happened during the conflict in Ukraine? The biggest bandit is Putin, which from a propaganda point of view is not a mistake, but it was translated into the whole nation. You will not read on the Internet today and you will not see in the media the story of a single Russian cast as a civilized man, and even the protesters in Moscow and other large cities begged to be included in the "world of liberal democracy". Except for one Pope, who is famous for his many anti-Christian political appearances, no one sees a Russian as a human, everyone is treated worse than mad dogs, and any attempt to treat Russians differently ends up with international lynching. The classic division into a good cop and a bad cop does not exist, there is bad Putin in the Ukrainian and Western news, and there are no good Russians, even individual heroes. They all go to the same sack with Putin and are the target of a mockery lined with genuine hatred, heated daily.

What is the natural mechanism known from the natural world here? Breeding of the herd by predators. The Russians have nowhere to run, no one in the world wants them, they are chasing them away from every side and giving them away. They only have one thing left, to stick to their own herd and the alpha male, which is still Putin. If every day you hear: "idi na ch..j" because you are a Russian woman urging you to rape your husband or a Russian pedophile murdering babies, then you become a game. The scale and hopelessly stupid horizontally of Western propaganda has already led to the unification of the Russians and the empowerment of Putin, and with each passing day these processes will only get stronger. A humiliated nation always demands rematch and dignity. At the beginning of the conflict with Ukraine, a very large group of Russians were terrified and did not want war, after a series of humiliations, mockery and dehumanization, the Russian bear woke up and went hunting. The "civilized West", which emphasizes its superiority at every step, behaves like a barbarian in the garden and has forgotten the propaganda primer. As a result, instead of one bad Putin, it produced 146 million humiliated and furious Russians who have nothing but Russia and Putin.



Edited by Tomasz

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