They pay YOU to TAKE Natural Gas

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The Permian Shrugs Off Below-Zero Natural Gas Prices in Texas

By Tsvetana Paraskova - May 01, 2024, 5:00 PM CDT

  • Natural gas prices at the Waha hub slumped to a negative value of -$2.00 per MMBtu in April.
  • Major pipeline operators in the Permian basin haven't yet seen any effect of the negative gas prices at the Waha hub in West Texas on activity.
  • In the oil rig basins, producers aren't rushing to boost oil production, but aren't scaling back production, either.

Permian producers are not shutting in oil wells with associated natural gas despite the fact that the Texas regional gas price has been stuck at below-zero levels since early March.

Highest price this year: $1.25 and for last MONTH has been NEGATIVE... they are PAYING people to take their natural Gas... PAYING to take it. 

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2 hours ago, said:

Bump: Natural Gas is Below FREE in the Southern USA...

Interesting info.

Now, please show me a residential gas bill that has a NEGATIVE amount for the cost of energy delivered.  Anywhere in the USA.

Anybody in Texas willing to do that?

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2 minutes ago, turbguy said:

Interesting info.

Now, please show me a residential gas bill that has a NEGATIVE amount for the cost of energy delivered.  Anywhere in the USA.

Anybody in Texas willing to do that?

So, you need a TEU of straw and old Goodwill clothes delivered.  Got an address?

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1 minute ago, said:

So, you need a TEU of straw and old Goodwill clothes delivered.  Got an address?

I'm just asking for evidence, such as an image of a recent residential bill. That would suffice.

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16 minutes ago, turbguy said:

I'm just asking for evidence, such as an image of a recent residential bill. That would suffice.

The question would be why bother? There is no value to hyperbolic endless possibilities of Green Energy. The US has a 200 yr supply of LNG. Had we spent assets towards Gas generation in lieu of windmills one could only imagine where the US could be now.

This entire Green Debalce will soon be described as " Pissin In The Wind" and of course there will be many plays on that ole cliche 

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Title of this thread

They pay YOU to TAKE Natural Gas

Can you provide just 1 example of where this has ever happened!

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14 hours ago, Eyes Wide Open said:


This entire Green Debalce will soon be described as " Pissin In The Wind"

Any day now!

Your "soon" never comes.

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Negative prices are not a good sign for the industry. 

"We produce a worthless product."


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3 minutes ago, TailingsPond said:

Negative prices are not a good sign for the industry. 

"We produce a worthless product."


landfills also get paid to takeaway unwanted items.......but they do not let anyone haul off the valuables....those items are the saved by the Landfill operators

County strikes deal with Brea on landfill use – Orange County Register

a store dumps a load of new low value overstocks  at the end of the year, that they have no room for them in their store  in the dumpster.....they pay to have it hauled away and the landfill spots new merchandise and grabs the same time they do not let the public to pick through the piles of goodies

Midstream companies are typically the ones who own massive Nat Gas storage facilities, I am sure they love to fill up their pipelines with nat gas they are getting paid to take it away and filling their storage facilities  with the free Nat Gas and then selling it at a later date for good money


There is no such thing as free Nat Gas to the end consumer.............Or is the Gas company now sending its customers checks after they deliver Nat Gas to your home or business?????  Where do I sign up for the Free Nat Gas???????

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does anyone give you , the consumer , Free Nat Gas??? please post a link 


maybe to promote Nat Gas they could give it to us for Free??????? ha ha ha that day will happen when pigs will fly


in the UK consumers and Texas can receive free electricity, FREE GREEN ELECTRICITY

**Weekends Free Plan is available to Texas residential customers. Plan bills a monthly Base Charge, an Energy Charge, and Utility Transmission and Distribution .

How to get free electricity in the UK

Jun 10, 2023 — If you're savvy enough to track the daily prices, then you'll benefit greatly here. I've personally turned into an Octopus Energy salesman with ...
There are no limits in Power-ups. Any electricity you use is free. But of course, it's your responsibility to use electricity safely and carefully at home – for ...
Feb 7, 2022 — British households will be offered financial incentives to limit their electricity use during periods of peak demand in a two-month pilot ...
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15 hours ago, Eyes Wide Open said:

The question would be why bother? There is no value to hyperbolic endless possibilities of Green Energy. The US has a 200 yr supply of LNG. Had we spent assets towards Gas generation in lieu of windmills one could only imagine where the US could be now.

This entire Green Debalce will soon be described as " Pissin In The Wind" and of course there will be many plays on that ole cliche 

I assume you cannot provide any evidence.

Seems like nobody else here is providing any evidence, either.

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3 hours ago, turbguy said:

I assume you cannot provide any evidence.

Seems like nobody else here is providing any evidence, either.

You could get off your lazy ass and look it up yourself. <<Shoccckk and HORROR>>

People have posted it multiple times.  USA has so much NG they stopped counting after 2015 time period.  The Haynesville alone has 200 years of USA NG consumption(100Bcf/d) and had 100 years of NG consumption before counting the advances in shale fracking.  Here is the 1990's Haynesville assessment:  With advances in recovery due to Fracking it is several times higher now.  In case you can't do the simple google search, it is NOT tied to the Permian basins or other Texas fields which is providing near all of the NG currently forcing NG prices into the NEGATIVE over the last couple months in Texas. 

Marcellus/Utica NG fields have at least 10X more than the Haynesville.  USGS quit tabulating it nearly a decade ago.  New York Banned exploration, new pipe networks etc so how far north it goes... Unknown, but Ohio, Pennsylvania, W. Virginia, Kentucky, and more  than likely Tennessee as well. 

NG is flooding out of Bakken ND with no end in sight and the stated "reserves" are conventional and low, but if you add Fracking, the reserves are at this point effectively infinite as no one knows due to the economic concerns for tabulating "reserves" are transport, though they are currently capturing ~90+++% of  the NG now and actively creating giant NG storage fields due to ever increasing recovery ratio's.  NG currently sends ~1Trillioncf/year only limited by pipeline capacity.  How much is there?  No one knows.  Other than it is a by product of oil and no one is looking for NG.  It extends fully under Montana into VERY rugged territory where not even roads for the most part exist and only a rare few wells have been drilled in the South Eastern portion of the state.  NG was found, but no oil and the entire blocks were written off. 

Once the Marcellus/Utica NG fields/ were realized, the gargantuan NG fields under pretty much the entire state of Michigan ceased operations(Edit: not quite true). How much is there?  No one knows other than it exists and have been slowly using it for several decades.  

In short, the ENTIRETY of the Eastern USA has NG under it is the short answer.  Volcanic West... not so much though Utah is increasing NG exploration and hitting NG pretty much everywhere. 

North Slope of Alaska, like North slope of Russia has vastly more.  So much more it is inconceivable. 

USA literally has THOUSANDS of years of NG even if ALL industry and transportation switched to NG and there was nothing other than NG.

There is a reason Ron wants NG vehicles etc.  It is a rational product for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.   

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18 minutes ago, said:

There is a reason Ron wants NG vehicles etc.  It is a rational product for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.   

Ron is far from rational.

Nobody is really questioning natural gas reserves.  The thread is about negative natural gas prices.

What company wants to keep producing such a low value product?  You say the value is less than zero.  They can't throw it away by flaring as much anymore and they are cracking down on leaks / venting.

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12 minutes ago, TailingsPond said:

Ron is far from rational.

Nobody is really questioning natural gas reserves.  The thread is about negative natural gas prices.

What company wants to keep producing such a low value product?  You say the value is less than zero.  They can't throw it away by flaring as much anymore and they are cracking down on leaks / venting.

Do you know nothing of the oil industry? 

Oh right, we have read a couple of your posts... you do know nothing.

Oil comes up with a thing called NGL's.  Natural Gas Liquids, which encompass things like Ethane, Gasoline, Propane... all of which are worth quite a bit of money.  NGL's are the basis for plastic industry ~by and large. 

Pumping all that NG back down costs $$$ so paying someone else to take it away via pipe costs less money if you are not allowed to flare it. 

Even if someone makes a battery chemistry which is superior to Lithium, eliminating gasoline/diesel from transportation, we will still be pumping NG for all those NGL's for plastics. 

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48 minutes ago, said:

Do you know nothing of the oil industry? 

Oh right, we have read a couple of your posts... you do know nothing.

Oil comes up with a thing called NGL's.  Natural Gas Liquids, which encompass things like Ethane, Gasoline, Propane... all of which are worth quite a bit of money.  NGL's are the basis for plastic industry ~by and large. 

Pumping all that NG back down costs $$$ so paying someone else to take it away via pipe costs less money if you are not allowed to flare it. 

Even if someone makes a battery chemistry which is superior to Lithium, eliminating gasoline/diesel from transportation, we will still be pumping NG for all those NGL's for plastics. 

The fraction of petroleum used for plastics of overblown. The vast majority of fossil fuels are burnt for energy, not used as chemical feed-stocks. You can also make plastic from other sources that require no oil. 

You can keep pretending that the devaluation of natural gas doesn't matter all you want.  You noted yourself that the excess NG reduces profitability of the industry ("paying someone to take it away").

You are uncouth and never provide any real information supporting your claims.

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1 hour ago, said:

It extends fully under Montana into VERY rugged territory where not even roads for the most part exist and only a rare few wells have been drilled in the South Eastern portion of the state.  NG was found, but no oil and the entire blocks were written off. 


Does that activity sound profitable to you? 

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2 hours ago, TailingsPond said:

You are uncouth and never provide any real information supporting your claims.

Here we go again..Triggered syndrome.



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2 hours ago, TailingsPond said:

Does that activity sound profitable to you? 

But of course... supply chain's,low end cost utilization endless supply..Norway comes to mind..

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22 minutes ago, Eyes Wide Open said:

But of course... supply chain's,low end cost utilization endless supply..Norway comes to mind..

Read the quoted text.

They spent money on exploration and drilling in rough terrain then harvested nothing.

"It extends fully under Montana into VERY rugged territory where not even roads for the most part exist and only a rare few wells have been drilled in the South Eastern portion of the state.  NG was found, but no oil and the entire blocks were written off."

As for your triggered meme contribution, I use far fewer insults or excessive capitalizations than many others here.  If you compare my posts to foots you should notice the difference in decorum.

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I'm still waiting to see evidence of that cheque someone has received from their NG supplier, who has supplied them with this free NG.

Again the title of this thread started by the class 🤡 was this:-

They pay YOU to TAKE Natural Gas

I wonder if Footinmouth is using his payments from his NG company to build his many tunnels? Hmmm?

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8 hours ago, Rob Plant said:

I'm still waiting to see evidence of that cheque someone has received from their NG supplier, who has supplied them with this free NG.

Again the title of this thread started by the class 🤡 was this:-

They pay YOU to TAKE Natural Gas

I wonder if Footinmouth is using his payments from his NG company to build his many tunnels? Hmmm?

"I wonder if Footinmouth is using his payments from his NG company to build his many tunnels? Hmmm?" ??????  


his plan is a tunnel rats dream come true.......






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17 hours ago, said:

You could get off your lazy ass and look it up yourself. <<Shoccckk and HORROR>>


I look at my gas bill, and see a charge for the amount of NG I used.  An Energy charge.

...AND, I am still paying a couple bucks a month to payoff some Wall Street firm that took advantage of the the NG supply issue from  the Texas Freeze a couple years ago.

Even though my gas supply isn't from Texas.

...and I will be paying that "payoff" for years.


My ass.

Feel free to share a residential gas bill that indicates a zero or negative amount for energy.

Until I see such evidence, Natural Gas is not free.



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1 hour ago, turbguy said:

Until I see such evidence, Natural Gas is not free.

Turbguy ground yourself, do you actually believe the commodity exchange/broker/refiner/distributor would personally pay you personally?

Asking for a friend of course..she seems to believe you have quite a bit of self esteem.

Look closer at the title.

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