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Petroleum Industry Domain Names

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The petroleum industry appears to be one of the biggest industries that has basically ignored some of the most important industry generic domain names out there.  Examples are the prime domains and which have both been for sale on the market for some time. So far there have been no takers despite the petroleum industry being a very important trillion dollar industry. Other important industry domain names like, and are all owned by the same news media company. Only is owned by an lube oil company which comes the closest to a petroleum related business while and are both owned by the same petroleum geology specimen company. Interestingly, OAPEC (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries) which is a very big, rich and powerful organization whose members account for over 50% of all the world's petroleum reserves uses the repetitive and confusing domain name instead of Unless, I am mistaken in my observations, it does not look like the petroleum industry values important industry domain names like other industries do even though they have websites online. Leading companies in other industries have scrambled to get a hold of important .com domain names which are in short supply..

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Which do you prefer out of these two which are currently on the market? (general) (specific)

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Just looked and found that

are all available and for sale.

Is there any other large industry where over 25 years of internet such key domain names are still being ignored?

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The oil and gas industry is not concerned with what domain names they create, buy or control, they use websites as an online presence and form, register and own domain names and websites to reflect their company name and brand .

There is also , the bigger producing exporting countries group


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Like in other industries, if certain companies want to distinguish themselves from other similar companies online then they will turn to better generic domain names. Maybe in harder times rather than in better times this may be more effective. Only one company can ever own and so far none have made a move into this domain. makes sense but would not make sense.  However, OAPEC (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries) whose members account for over 50% of all crude oil reserves worldwide and which have many trillions of petrodollars at their disposal has instead of which is confusing.  

Edited by canadas canadas

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  On 10/27/2019 at 5:02 PM, ceo_energemsier said:

The oil and gas industry is not concerned with what domain names they create, buy or control, they use websites as an online presence and form, register and own domain names and websites to reflect their company name and brand .

There is also , the bigger producing exporting countries group



The energy industry comes in at the bottom of the pack when it comes to parting ways with its hard-earned dollars in order to self-promote. See:   The industries which are spending the least as of February this year are the energy and mining/construction industries where only 0.5% and 0.6% of company revenue is being invested into marketing. Most sectors will see a percentage increase in marketing budget, with the exception of the energy industry which will see a 14% drop in marketing budget. Also see:

Edited by canadas canadas

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Does Kleenex own  Does Tide own 

Probably not because they developed their own brand and that has far more value than a description of the product.

I doubt anyone thinks that has anything to do with seashells.


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I'm still trying to sell ... haha 

  • Haha 1

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  On 11/21/2019 at 2:36 PM, canadas canadas said:

Sounds like a crude domain name.  LOL



  On 11/21/2019 at 2:28 PM, Rob Kramer said:

I'm still trying to sell ... haha 


Rule 34...









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Edited by remake it

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Given that public opinion is at an all time low regarding the petroleum industry, it really couldn't hurt to have an important industry domain name to stand up and out over the crowd and all of the online noise.  There is also the possibility that an anti-petroleum group could get it instead to draw even more attention to its anti-petroleum stand.  This would really be a coup on their part given how important the internet has become regarding how different issues are presented and addressed to everyone online.  Online social media is the new advertisement propaganda. Battles are being fought everyday online over public opinion.

Edited by canadas canadas

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Given that the industry is currently down in the doldrums, a good domain name can help one stand out of the crowd since the power of the internet cannot be underestimated. Like in other industries, if certain companies want to distinguish themselves from other similar companies online then they will turn to better generic domain names. Maybe in harder times rather than in better times this may be more effective. Only one company can ever own and so far none have made a move into this domain. 

Edited by canadas canadas

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It appears that some of the most important domain names in the petroleum crude oil indistry may have just been recently sold.

It appears that World News ( which owned both domain names for many years may have just sold them this year in 2020.

It appears that Oil Trading ( may have privately bought both of these domain names from World News for their websites.

The sales of both of these domain names from a non-industry owner to an industry owner signifies an interesting new online development shift.

Edited by canadas canadas

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