Tom Kirkman

Thanks to Trump, the Iranian Mullahs Are Going Bankrupt

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  On 11/26/2019 at 9:56 AM, Rob Plant said:

I'm not underestimating Iran, far from it they are a true powerhouse of the M.E 

The people are indoctrinated though which is unfortunate as the Iranians I have had the pleasure of meeting are actually very welcoming and proud of their country.


Half of the people are possibly indoctrinated but many are just playing along for their own safety. The rest want freedom.

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  On 11/26/2019 at 11:51 PM, DayTrader said:

1. True

2. Not to evil magic, no. And what you see as 'loyalty', I see as 'slavery'. 

3. Now we are getting somewhere ...  ;) 

Give it a rest. Enjoy your faith - it seems to make you ''love thy neighbour'' loads. As long as they believe everything you do, otherwise they must all die. Lovely stuff Rob. 

''Thou shalt not covet...''  - so, the original thought police / #thoughtcrime



Just remember DT that atheists have killed more people than any other group, with the possible exception of Muslims. China and Russia were the major perpetrators with their dialectical materialism and outlawing religion. 

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  On 11/29/2019 at 8:38 PM, ronwagn said:

killed more people than any other group, with the possible exception of Muslims


So an immediate possible contradiction within your own sentence? 😅

Yep Christians are angels - that's why they killed anyone that didn't believe what they did for centuries. Give it a rest guys. You always harp on about China and Russia like they were evil due to being atheist, it's laughable. The other day Europe was atheist for a kick off apparently. Maybe you missed the thread about Hitler being praised by the church every year? Is that why you go straight to Russia all the time? Hitler was a veggie too - must mean all veggies are mass murderers. 

Believe what you want obviously, the difference is that atheists don't tell people ''if you don't believe what I do then you will burn for eternity''. Do you see the little moral difference here? If you don't like my opinions, forgive me right? Love thy neighbour? Stop justifying the constant evil within the bible and your religion by saying ''well atheists have done bad things too''. Therefore passages about beating babies' heads against rocks are fine? Honestly it's Orwellian. 

Moving on. Happy Christmas (yet another element of Christianity stolen from other previous religions, no doubt before you killed them). 

And my name is Kristian remember?  ;) Not 'DT'. Chill guys I'm just messing with you K/CHristians.

Peace homies x

Edited by Guest

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 Dear collegues I like this forum but you should at once look from iranian perspective,

Maybe if you dont know why US recent talk about democratization of Iran is laughable for world community outside USA you should read more about modern history of iranian US relations..

You can start with wikipedia and for example read about  CIA well documented involvement in overthrowing one of very few truely democratic leaders in Middle East Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953 and true reasons why CIA and MI6 did that (let me inform you oil contracts) Its known as Operation Ajax and during Obama CIA finally admitted its involvement. .

You can also read about Mohammad Reza Pahlavi authocratic rule with full US support and why Shahs secret police called SAVAK was a brutal totalitarian formation responsible for killing and torturing people.

Maybe also especially about tragic event of shooting iranian civil plane near iranian state border 30 years ago - only 290 fatalities.

You should also read what happened to controversial  US commander that made this decision so you might finally understand why people in Iran really dont like US establishment even without watching any state mullahs propaganda against USA.

So all this discussion is laughable. Iran is victim of US foreign policy after WW2. Maybe not Trump directly but you cant change history.

Because maybe there would be no problems with Iran and Middle East nowadays if you really as proclaime chose democracy over oil going back to 1953 so more than 65 years ago. Also because MR Mohammad Mosaddegh  tried to built a seculiar state and now you have to deal with fanatics in Middle East.'état


If you have time I suggest watching this german satire about US policy in Middle East (english subtitles)

Edited by Tomasz
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A large percentage of Iranians have a positive opinion of the United States. Iran is run by a brutal Islamic dictatorship far worse than the Shah. If an election were held today they would probably bring him back. The present rulers were supporters of overthrowing the legal government themselves. 

"Mosaddegh nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, canceling its oil concession (expired in 1993) and expropriating its assets. Mossadegh saw the AIOC as an arm of the British government controlling much of the oil in Iran, pushing him to seize what the British had built for Iran.[28] The next month, a committee of five majlis deputies was sent to Khuzistan to enforce the nationalization.[30][31] Mosaddegh tried to justify his nationalization policy by claiming Iran was "the rightful owner..." of all the oil in Iran, and also pointing out Iran could use the money, in a 21 June 1951 speech."

Read the article for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

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  On 11/26/2019 at 9:16 AM, DayTrader said:





















Trump has TWO scoops of ice cream.

Focus please.




Well, I want two scoops of ice cream too!!

The Demons are drafting up new charges, abuse of scoop power. They know because he got two scoops!!

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  On 11/26/2019 at 9:16 AM, DayTrader said:


Trump has TWO scoops of ice cream.

Focus please.



Thank GOD for Two Scoop Ice Creamgate.  I thought the Media/Dems finally had him the Salt and Peppergate



Edited by Bob D
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When it came to the North Korea drama, it was a one man show pulling the strings of a puppet. However when it comes to Iran, they are too organized, and each and every single one of them has the same agenda as the other. 

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  On 11/25/2019 at 6:55 PM, Flemming Hoog said:

C’mon Kirk, really?!, do you seriously believe that Kim would make a nuclear strike against the US, (that would be Guam in this case I presume) or Japan or maybe even South Korea. Ok little rocket man is a bit weird but not crazy. By the way, just because the rhetoric changed (softened) doesn’t mean that Trump turned Kim into his lapdog, no way.


Iran is a whole different story, it’s like with Saddam or Gaddafi, someone say “let’s get rid of the dictator” cool fine with me, problem is, that’s the easy part, the hard part is who takes over?… I mean look at Lybia…who takes over after Assad?…and that is the problem…IMHO.


The problem with dictators, especially psychopathic ones is that their minions are afraid to tell them the truth or given them candid advice. 

The worst that can happen if you cross Trump is to get sacked or more likely transferred ( Ex. Tillerson referring to Trump as a Moron). 

Cross Kim and it can be execution by flame thrower and the family in a Concentration camp. 

Ex from Saddams day.

At this point, Saddam asked his ministers for candid advice. Health Minister Dr. Riyadh Ibrahim suggested that Saddam temporarily step down to promote peace negotiations. Initially, Saddam Hussein appeared to take in this opinion as part of his cabinet democracy. A few weeks later, Dr. Ibrahim was sacked when held responsible for a fatal incident in an Iraqi hospital where a patient died from intravenous administration of the wrong concentration of potassium supplement.

Dr. Ibrahim was arrested a few days after he started his new life as a sacked minister. He was known to have publicly declared before that arrest that he was "glad that he got away alive." Pieces of Ibrahim's dismembered body were delivered to his wife the next day.[66]

The dictators end up surrounded by sycophants and don't really get to hear what the real situation is. 

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  On 12/18/2019 at 8:56 AM, Asad H2 said:

When it came to the North Korea drama, it was a one man show pulling the strings of a puppet. However when it comes to Iran, they are too organized, and each and every single one of them has the same agenda as the other. 


Care to explain a bit further?

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  On 12/18/2019 at 9:00 AM, NickW said:

The problem with dictators, especially psychopathic ones is that their minions are afraid to tell them the truth or given them candid advice. 

The worst that can happen if you cross Trump is to get sacked or more likely transferred ( Ex. Tillerson referring to Trump as a Moron). 

Cross Kim and it can be execution by flame thrower and the family in a Concentration camp. 

Ex from Saddams day.

At this point, Saddam asked his ministers for candid advice. Health Minister Dr. Riyadh Ibrahim suggested that Saddam temporarily step down to promote peace negotiations. Initially, Saddam Hussein appeared to take in this opinion as part of his cabinet democracy. A few weeks later, Dr. Ibrahim was sacked when held responsible for a fatal incident in an Iraqi hospital where a patient died from intravenous administration of the wrong concentration of potassium supplement.

Dr. Ibrahim was arrested a few days after he started his new life as a sacked minister. He was known to have publicly declared before that arrest that he was "glad that he got away alive." Pieces of Ibrahim's dismembered body were delivered to his wife the next day.[66]

The dictators end up surrounded by sycophants and don't really get to hear what the real situation is. 


That sounds like the same problem with communism, if you don't follow the dictators(er, excuse me, Premier) party lines you end up in a "vacation" camp. Kind of stymies free thinking, and that keeps scientists from coming up with new innovations. Thus to gain new technology they have to "borrow" it from countries that do encourage free thinking. And they wonder why the US is pushing back against the communist regime in China?

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  On 12/18/2019 at 4:38 PM, SERWIN said:




Careful  ...  risk of people thinking this is serious rather than a joke.  Promoting violence is verboten here.

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  On 12/18/2019 at 5:35 PM, Tom Kirkman said:

Careful  ...  risk of people thinking this is serious rather than a joke.  Promoting violence is verboten here.


Just a funny y'all....

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  On 12/18/2019 at 5:45 PM, SERWIN said:

Just a funny y'all....


To you maybe.

Ron is already adding to his vast arsenal. 

Think Scarface ending. 

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We are facing that very scenario in Virginia next year. They are going to try to pass some very vaguely worded laws about guns and what is "allowed" and not "allowed" and threatening to use the national guard to go around and confiscate them from citizens. The Democrats just don't get it over here, we are not going to give them up willingly. And the National Guard is made up of citizens, a lot of which own a lot of guns themselves. What do they think will happen? I have seen threats to the governor that he will be immediately arrested  if he tries to take away guns with militia force, by the militia he attempts to use. The entire state is up in arms now, multiple counties have already established "sanctuary counties" that will ignore the state lawmakers new rulings. It looks like 1776.2 is on the way y'all.

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  On 12/18/2019 at 5:56 PM, SERWIN said:

We are facing that very scenario in Virginia next year. They are going to try to pass some very vaguely worded laws about guns and what is "allowed" and not "allowed" and threatening to use the national guard to go around and confiscate them from citizens. The Democrats just don't get it over here, we are not going to give them up willingly. And the National Guard is made up of citizens, a lot of which own a lot of guns themselves. What do they think will happen? I have seen threats to the governor that he will be immediately arrested  if he tries to take away guns with militia force, by the militia he attempts to use. The entire state is up in arms now, multiple counties have already established "sanctuary counties" that will ignore the state lawmakers new rulings. It looks like 1776.2 is on the way y'all.


That sounds like a dangerous situation.  Good luck.

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  On 12/18/2019 at 5:56 PM, SERWIN said:

We are facing that very scenario in Virginia next year. They are going to try to pass some very vaguely worded laws about guns and what is "allowed" and not "allowed" and threatening to use the national guard to go around and confiscate them from citizens. The Democrats just don't get it over here, we are not going to give them up willingly. And the National Guard is made up of citizens, a lot of which own a lot of guns themselves. What do they think will happen? I have seen threats to the governor that he will be immediately arrested  if he tries to take away guns with militia force, by the militia he attempts to use. The entire state is up in arms now, multiple counties have already established "sanctuary counties" that will ignore the state lawmakers new rulings. It looks like 1776.2 is on the way y'all.



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Guys you are again polluting the forum with off-topic chats on virtually all threads. Create thread for you titled: Jan, DayTrader and Tom Kirkman virtual beer small talk.

Back on topic, which sounds bizarre at oilprice forum.

Please remind me, because I forgot, why Iran should not have nuclear weapons in the first place. (It would have them for sure in next 5 years, but I am just asking about the motivation of backlash against this fact).

Country is much more important than France or UK (globally totally unimportant countries) because of vast hydrocarbons reserves, strategic location between Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea and Indian Ocean, major power in Middle East.

Contrary to these facts both France and UK are only historically important countries, still sometimes dreaming about their past colonial greatness, having no globally important natural resources, located in the middle of nowhere, somewhere at the end of this peninsula of Eurasia called Europe. France and UK have nuclear weapons.

Nothing would actally change in the world if France and UK would disappear tomorrow, well I would actually miss the Queen.

Whereas if we would wake up tomorrow without Iranian hydrocarbons we would be in desperate situation.

So please explain to me, outrage or "it was always like this" or "you are Iranian bot" are not explanations.


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Unfortunately, Trump’s actions are only strengthening the hard liners and undermining and weakening the moderates in Iran, who we should be supporting.  The extreme measures we are taking are hurting average citizens in Iran and making progress that much more difficult. It is giving the hardliners a scapegoat for the failings of their system, just like we have done with Cuba.  Improvements in our relationship with the Iranian people will only come in measured steps over time, not from some misguided notion that marginal financial pressures on the hard line leaders will cause them to change course.  Carrots work better than sticks.

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Yes everybody including the socialists from England & Europe should really get down on their knees and thank Donald J. Trump for finally bring iran & Isis to their knees!!  No one else CAN & WILL bring these muslim idiots down !!

Next when Trump eliminates the Federal Reserve & the IRS and along goes the US Income tax I know the Rothschilds & Warburgs of England & Germany will really sit up and notice!! The Rockefella's are already having a connipition fit with Trump controlling Powell & the phoney interest rates. The banking cartel these three families represent is on notice its day of ending is just around the corner. 

Cpt. Lauren N. Dowsett

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  On 12/18/2019 at 7:36 PM, Marcin said:

Guys you are again polluting the forum with off-topic chats on virtually all threads. Create thread for you titled: Jan, DayTrader and Tom Kirkman virtual beer small talk.


Sorry Marcin, I had no idea you owned the forum and were the conversation police. We are clearly the only 3 people who go off topic here. No one else does it. Well observed. My deepest apologies for distracting you from talking about China for a few minutes. 

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  On 12/23/2019 at 2:42 PM, DayTrader said:

Sorry Marcin, I had no idea you owned the forum and were the conversation police. We are clearly the only 3 people who go off topic here. No one else does it. Well observed. My deepest apologies for distracting you from talking about China for a few minutes. 


No problem it is Christmas

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The latest I read was that the Dems are proposing that the counties that are "sanctuaries" will not get the state tax dollars that they would normally get from the state. I was thinking though, the counties are collecting a lot of those tax dollars with the sales taxes they collect for the city and state. What if they just decided to KEEP those dollars instead of turning them over to the state? Hmmmmm.....

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