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Permian – update through May 2018

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This interactive presentation contains the latest oil & gas production data through May from all 16,326 horizontal wells in the Permian (Texas & New Mexico) that started producing since 2008/2009. In this update we were able to include more recent wells, which explains the higher (~10%) production level.



Output has surged higher in the first 5 months of 2018, following the rapid rise in 2017. As the graph shows, about 75% of total oil production in May came from wells that started producing since the beginning of last year. Associated gas production has followed a similar growth path, and is now well above 7 Bcf/d (switch product to ‘gas’).

By selecting only New Mexico (using the ‘Basin’ selection), you can see that oil production in this area of the Permian really accelerated since September last year, and is now close to half a million barrels of oil per day. Almost double the number of wells started production in the first 5 months compared with last year (331 vs 176).



In the “Well quality” tab the production profiles for all these wells are visualized. The bottom graph presents the cumulative production for each vintage. You can see that the wells that started in early 2016 are now closing in on the 200 thousand barrels of oil mark, on average, after about 2.5 years of production. It appears that more recent wells will do slightly better than that.



In  the ‘Well status’ overview, you’ll find the status of all these wells. If you select the status ‘First flow’, you can see that in the past year more than 300 wells started production each month, a level far higher than in the past.



All leading operators are at, or near, record production levels (‘Top operators’).

The ‘Advanced Insights’ presentation is displayed below:

This “Ultimate recovery” overview shows the average production rate for these wells, plotted against their cumulative recovery. Wells are grouped by the quarter in which production started.


Recent wells are peaking at an average rate of ~700 bo/d in their first full calendar month, and are tracking a recovery slightly above the wells that started in Q2 2016.

Early next week I will have a post on the Eagle Ford, followed by one on the Niobrara.


Don’t want to wait to see the latest production data for each state? Check out our ShaleProfile Analytics service, in which we keep the data always up-to-date. For example, it already contains over 80% of June production in Texas, as well as Q2 for Ohio. If you’re interested, you can start with a free trial.

Production data is subject to revisions.

Note that a significant portion of production in the Permian comes from vertical wells and/or wells that started production before 2008, which are excluded from these presentations.

For these presentations, I used data gathered from the following sources:

  • Texas RRC. Oil production is estimated for individual wells, based on a number of sources, such as lease & pending production data, well completion & inactivity reports, regular well tests and oil proration data.
  • OCD in New Mexico. Individual well production data is provided.
  • FracFocus.org

Visit our blog to read the full post and use the interactive dashboards to gain more insight http://bit.ly/2wth6fY



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