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Marcellus (PA) – update through April 2019

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This interactive presentation contains the latest gas (and a little oil) production data, from all 8,915 horizontal wells in Pennsylvania that started producing from 2010 onward, through April.


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With March revisions in, it has become clear that another record was set, at 18.4 Bcf/d. April natural gas production was at a similar level.


New wells recover on average more than 4 Bcf of gas in the first 2 years on production (‘Well quality’ tab). It took each of the ~1,300 horizontal wells, that began production in 2013, more than 5 years to reach that level.


The top 4 natural gas producers in Pennsylvania all set new output records this year (‘Top operators’). We still list EQT and Rice Drilling as 2 separate entities.

The ‘Advanced Insights’ presentation is displayed below:



This “Ultimate Return” overview shows the relationship between gas production rates and cumulative gas production, averaged for all horizontal wells that began production in a certain quarter.

Improvements in initial well productivity have not yet stalled; the 195 wells that started production in Q4 last year had so far the best start, recovering 1.7 Bcf in the first 5 months, on average.

You can also find here that many wells from the 2010 vintage have now declined to below 500 Mcf/d, while recovering about 3.2 Bcf. The wells from the 2017/2018 vintages are on a trajectory to triple that number, on average.


Tomorrow, Tuesday July 2nd at noon (ET), we will present a 20 minute briefing on all the major tight gas basins in the US, in our ShaleProfile channel on enelyst. Registering is free: enelyst registration page.


Later this week we will have a post on the Permian, and next week on the Eagle Ford. The latest Texas data is already available in our online analytics service. For just $52 per month, you can already always access the latest production data with the Analyst version of ShaleProfile Analytics. This is a monthly subscription service that you can cancel at any time.


Production data is subject to revisions. For this presentation, I used data gathered from the following sources:

  • Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
  • FracFocus.org



Visit our blog to read the full post and use the interactive dashboards to gain more insight http://bit.ly/2XkuPpP


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