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Pennsylvania - update through June 2019

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This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive dashboards. Furthermore, they allow you to uncover other insights as well.

This interactive presentation contains the latest gas (and a little oil) production data, from all 9,023 horizontal wells in Pennsylvania that started producing from 2010 onward, through June.


Oil production in North Dakota set a new record in June, at 1.425 million bo/d. In the first half of this year, 565 horizontal wells were brought online, 10% more than in the same period last year. Completion activity in June was high, with 135 wells put on production.

The production profiles of all these wells can be found in the “Well quality” overview, where they are averaged and displayed by year. The wells that started production this year are so far tracking a similar performance as those from last year.

Hess just overtook Marathon as the 2nd largest producer, well behind Continental Resources (see “Top operators”).

The ‘Advanced Insights’ presentation is displayed below:


This “Ultimate Return” overview shows the relationship between gas production rates and cumulative gas production, averaged for all horizontal wells that began production in the same year.

The 827 wells that began production last year are clearly outperforming the 747 wells that started a year earlier, on average. If you switch to a higher granularity (change “Show wells by” to “Quarter of first flow”), you’ll find that especially the wells that started in Q4 2018 had an excellent start. They recovered on average 2.3 Bcf in the first 7 months, on average.

We have now also included water production for Pennsylvania. This is available in the last tab (“Water ratio”), while a map-based dashboard is available in our advanced analytics service.

I also wanted to share this dashboard from the same service, in which we can see the location and age of all 828 DUCs in Pennsylvania. The chart on the right side shows how the well count has evolved over the past years, and the colors indicate in which year these DUCs were spud.


We are ever getting quicker in keeping our data up-to-date. Last Friday, Texas released new production data, through June, and yesterday it was already available in our subscription services. Other states are far easier and quicker to process.

Later this week we will have a new update on the Permian, followed by a post on the Eagle Ford early next week.

Production data is subject to revisions. For this presentation, I used data gathered from the following sources:

- Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection

- FracFocus.org

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Facebook: ShaleProfile

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